Fic: A Vampire's Policy [Vampire Diaries | PG13 | Elena/Damon | 9/?]

Apr 27, 2010 22:08

Title A Vampire's Policy
Author: jinxed_wood
Characters/Pairings: Damon /Elena, ensemble.
Rating: PG13
Category: Drama
Spoilers: Up to 1x19
Warnings: It has vampires?
Show/Bookverse: Show
Summary:Stefan reignites his hunger for human blood, Elena tries to hold on, and Damon ensures he gets his own way...

Author's Notes: This story basically went AU from the end of 1X18, but I shall be incorporating elements of subsequent episodes, like John's machinations, Bonnie distrust and anger, Stefan's struggle with his new thirst for human blood, and general plot points that I feel wouldn't be changed by Elena's Vampirism - needless to say, Elena won't be a part of the Miss Mystic falls competition, although it will feature in this story! Anyways, on with the show!




The tension in the air after Bonnie had left was almost palpable, and Elena moved out of Damon's arms, embarrassment flaring her face.

“We'll need a silversmith to work a ring around the stone,” Damon eventually said, his tone light. “I'll take care of it tonight. By tomorrow, you'll be able to move around in daylight again.”

She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Sure, she felt cooped up and caged but, on the other hand, those outside were safer. She obviously couldn't rely on herself for control, and she doubted Damon would be happy playing chaperone forever, and things between them were getting complicated enough.

Some of this was obviously playing across her face, because he sighed. “Trust me, Elena, you don't want to spend eternity in the dark,” he said, in a voice that was almost too gentle for him. His cell phone rang, and his mouth twisted, and Elena sensed he was a split second from smashing it against the wall.

“You'd better answer it,” she said. He made a face at her, but answered.

“Damon, there's been another attack.” Across the room, Elena could distinctly make out the voice of Caroline's mother, the Sheriff.

“Where?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at Elena.

“By the highschool,” she said. “The girl is still alive, but she doesn't remember anything.”

“Same old, same old,” he said. “I'll meet you there.” He hung up, and didn't even pause before he rang his next number. It went straight into voicemail. “Stefan,” he said. “Call me.”

“You have to find him,” Elena said urgently, when he hung up. “He's not himself at the moment.”

“You think?” Damon asked, sharply, as he reached for his closet and pulled out a fresh shirt.

Elena glared at him, until she got distracted by the set of his shoulders as he took his shirt off, and looked away. She tried to think of something else, anything else. She was seeing Stefan, for crying out loud, she shouldn't be drooling over his brother like this.

At least, she was seeing Stefan a few days ago. She didn't know what to call it now... and she was hungry... Why couldn't she stop thinking about blood - and Damon - and blood and Damon, and how could she be so grossed out and turned on at the same time?

And many times does the guy need to change his shirt in one day?

Damon caught her eyes through the reflection in his mirror. “I can hear you thinking from all the way over here, you know,” he said.

“Not literally, I hope,” she groaned. Something flitted through his eyes, and Elena felt herself tense. “Oh god, you did mean it literally.”

“I probably could get into your head, if I tried,” he admitted, with a shrug. “It's one of the perks of being a'll be a few years before you're strong enough to keep me out.”

“And do I need to keep you out,” Elena asked tartly.

“The answer is no, Elena, I'm not reading your mind,” he said, turning around. He held up a tie in each hand. “Which one should I wear?” he asked. Elena pointed at the grey. A blur of hands had it neatly tied.

“How long will you be gone,” she eventually asked.

“Two hours, tops,” he said briefly.

Elena bit her lip. Truth be told, she wasn't sure if she'd last that long. Every time she let her mind stray, it went back to the night she was turned, and the taste of fresh blood in her mouth, still warm from the vein...

“Elena!” Damon's fingers snapped in front of her face.

She shuddered. “I don't think I'll be able to do this,” she admitted, eventually. “Maybe you should lock me in.”

“Not a freakin' chance,” he said. “You'd be too vulnerable. I wouldn't put it past that uncle of yours to sneak in here when he knows I'm out and try to burn the place down. He seems like the type to feel at home with a pitchfork. Just don't leave the house, and if you get hungry...well, you know where the fridge is.” She felt the sudden, hard pressure of his lips on hers, and moaned as desire flared high.

“I'll be as quick as I can, Elena,” he promised, pulling away. “I promise.” And then he was gone.

The sun was setting outside, and Damon was gone, and she was alone...

“Television,” she told herself firmly, as she got to her feet. She made her way down the stairs slowly, in an effort to catch hold of herself, and homed in on the TV set in the corner. In all her time at the lodge, she had never seen it turned on, but it crackled to life when she clicked the switch. She picked up the remote lying on top of it.

“Brylcream, the best hair-”

“But, Harry, you can't leave me-”

“Set phasers to stun-”

It was official, she was going to go crazy.

Elena eyed the closed drapes, concealing only the night now, and bit her lip as she considered the laden bookshelves upstairs. She didn't think she could sit still long enough to read and-

A thought flashed through her mind, her diary!

She flew upstairs, pulled it from her backpack, and opened it. Her eyes rested on her last entry, her fingers tracing the words. She was suddenly aware that these were her last words written as a human being.

They were saturated with Stefan's presence and love.

She bit her lip, and flipped back through pages. Here was the day she first met Stefan, and there was the day she found out he was vampire. A few pages later, was Vicki's death, and the first true entry that featured Damon. She had hated him so much then, where had all that hatred gone?

A few pages later, she was reading about their mad, bad trip to Atlanta, and she found herself smiling. He had put on quite a performance, and she had gone along with it, despite knowing it was exactly that.

Her eyes fell on the pages that described her and Stefan's decision to stop Damon opening the tomb, and felt something inside her stop. She remembered the rage and betrayal in Damon's eyes, she remembered the taste of his blood in her mouth...

That was the day everything changed.

She flipped a few pages forward, and read about the day she discovered Damon had turned her mother. That day, it felt like the betrayal had been on the other foot although, in truth, that had not been what happened. It had been a crass accident, at least on Damon's behalf.

Her Uncle John was another matter.

She slapped the diary closed as she felt her anger threaten to take hold. She needed to stay in control of herself. Her phone, newly charged, rang from it's position on the bedside table, and Elena, grateful for the distraction, picked it up - it was Jeremy! She kicked herself for not thinking of this before. She may not be able to see Jeremy face to face, but she could handle a phone call!

“Jer?” she said, answering.

“No, it's Anna,” came a familiar, terse voice. “Is Damon with you? I tried to call his cell, but I got nothing.”

“Damon's not here - why are you on Jer's phone? Put him on.”

Elena could sense the hesitation on the other side of the phone. “I don't think I should do that,” she said. “Tell Damon to call me when he gets-”

“Anna,” Elena growled. “If you don't tell me what has happened to my brother right now, I'm going to phone the Mayor and the Sheriff and tell them both what you and your mother are.”

Another pause. “Wow, you really are channelling your inner bitch today, aren't you? Damon must be rubbing off on you.”

“Just tell me!”

“He's been attacked by a Vampire,” she said slowly. “It doesn't look too serious, I'm taking care of it-”

“Where are you?”

This time the silence dragged on for a good few seconds, before she answered. “Elena,” she said, in a careful voice. “You need to stay where-”

“Where ARE YOU!”

“Elena, you need to think!”

She heard Jer moan in the background, and the familiar sound of a jukebox. “Never mind, I know where you are,” she pronounced.

And Damon's warnings were ghosts in the wind, as she ran from the house, and sped in the direction of The Grill.

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