It's official, I don't have a clue what I'm doing (but I'll give it a bash, anyway)
Title: A Delicate Destiny
jinxed_woodWordcount: 800
Fandoms:Doctor Who/Star Trek
Rating: Gen
Spoilers: pretty much all the new Star Trek movie
Summary: Sometimes, destiny needs a little nudge.
Disclaimer: They're all mine, I tell you, all MINE!
Nero is gone, from the orirginal timeline - and so is Spock, because he is in the new universe! He avoids the grandfather paradox by virtue of the fact that he can't mess up his own timeline because he isn't in it anymore- but there is an infinite amount of divergent timelines, many of them now being affected by Nero's trip into the past. It would have a cumulative affect, and you could have a scenario where the majority of the parralel universes out there would have Nero in it, rather than Picard.
It's the Time War all over again.
As for the story: *wheee* and ♥ for this. Loved it. Great idea!
(btw. was it Ten?)
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