Title: To Tempt a Thief
jinxed_wood Pairing/Characters: Ten/Christina
Prompt: Talking dirty
Rating: PG
Author Note: For the
25 prompts table at
To Tempt a Thief
The Doctor wondered why he even bothered saying no, anymore; they always seemed to get their own way in the end.
"What about the Blue Heart?" he asked plaintively.
Christina tutted as she straddled his hips. "Doctor, I could break into the Smithsonian in my sleep; you’ll have to do better than that.”
“The Darya-ye Noor, then? It’s very… pink?”
“182 carats, Iranian crown jewels," she sighed, pulling at his tie. "Tempting, but I was thinking of something a little more …exotic.”
The Doctor felt his mouth go dry. “How exotic are we talking about, exactly?”
Christina smirked down at him. “Oh, very exotic, Doctor,” she purred.