XOVER FICLET: A Flight of Fancy [DW/HL | Gen | Christina, Amanda]

Apr 12, 2009 02:10

Okay, dammit, I couldn’t help myself! SPOILERS!!!

Title: A Flight of Fancy
Author: jinxed_wood
Wordcount: 380
Rating: Gen
Spoilers: Planet of the Dead (Easter Special)
Summary: Christina and Amanda…meet.


She wasn’t sure how it happened. She was always so careful with her equipment, and she only used the best, but that didn’t change the fact the wire had given way, and she was now hurtling past the skyscraper’s upper floors.

If she had taken the bus, this would never have happened...but where would have been the challenge in that?

Christina found herself grinning. "Allons-y," she said, and then she died.

And awoke.

A tall slender woman, with closely cropped white blonde hair, and immaculate taste in clothes, was standing over her, a smirk and an arched eyebrow on her face. "Well," she said, "That was new. May I ask, how many floors was it, exactly - thirty, forty?"

"Forty five," Christina whispered. "I'm alive."

"So it seems."

"But I should have died."

"And you did...it just didn't take."


I do hope you're usually more articulate," the stranger said dryly.

Christina looked at her through narrowed eyes as she rolled to her feet. She could hear the distant wail of police cars, and her burgeoning headache wasn't helping her concentration. This was a bit strange, even by her standards, and if she had any motto - other than the obvious, of course - it was this:

If in doubt, run.

She unlocked the remains of her harness, and let it fall to the pavement. She still had the case on her back, which meant she still had her prize: the Sceptre of Constantinople. "Sorry, must dash," she said, with a quick smile, and she darted across the street.

The woman’s laugh followed her. "The name is Amanda Darieux," She called out. "When you decide we need to talk, come and find me - you look like a resourceful girl; it shouldn't be too difficult for you."

Christina looked over her shoulder, but the woman had disappeared, and so had the headache. She looked up at the building she’d just fallen off. Forty five floors; that was just…


Nothing new there, then.

She turned the corner, and melted into the crowd.

It only when she got home, that she discovered she no longer had the sceptre. “Amanda Darieux,” she said coolly, as she pulled out the sixteenth century rapier from the long case. There was a note attached.

“Bring the sword,” it said. “You’re going to need it.”


fanfiction, doctor who, amanda, highlander, dw_fic

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