DOCTOR WHO FIC: Planar Flight [Martha, Eight, John Smith, Jenny, Joan Redfern | 1/2 | PG]

Jul 26, 2008 22:15

I realise I should be writing Time Cascade, but my brain wouldn't cooperate and decided to write this instead. It's a plotty Martha & Eight story, and is set during the time Martha is masquerading as a servant in 1913! Part Two of this should be up on Monday, and Time Cascade should be up Wednesday!

Oh, be warned before you click, this part is over 6,000 words long - sorry!

Title: Planar Flight
Author: jinxed_wood
Rating: PG
Characters: Martha Jones, the Eighth Doctor, 'John Smith', Jenny, Joan Redfern.
Spoilers: Human Nature/Family of Blood, minor references to Eight's audio plays.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the Beeb, all I have is my Microsoft Word…
Summary: The Farringham school is haunted by ghosts and Martha suspects foul play, especially when another Doctor arrives on the scene.


It was still early, barely an hour after dawn, but Martha was already tired as she crouched over the fireplace in the Doctor’s drawing room. "Five weeks and two days are over,” she muttered to herself as she scraped the ash out of the Doctor’s fireplace. “Only seven weeks and six days to go.” It was her own personal mantra, designed to keep her sane.

“Talking to yourself, Martha?” the Doctor asked quietly, and Martha looked up. He sat in his armchair, his newspaper neatly folded on his lap as he sipped his morning tea.

“Sorry, Sir,” Martha muttered. “Sometimes, I forget you’re there. You’re so quiet.” Which was disturbingly true, Martha thought, as the Doctor smiled politely and went back to reading his paper. She’d once timed the Doctor in the TARDIS to see how long he could go without speaking. He’d lasted exactly eight minutes and fourteen seconds before he’d started crooning quietly to the TARDIS's console. John Smith, however, could go whole hours without opening his mouth.

John Smith was not the Doctor.

Sighing, Martha straightened, ignoring the tweak in her back as she eyed the fob watch on the fireplace. The Doctor had been sure his plan would go off without a hitch, but the first thing to go wrong was the date.

The Doctor had originally planned to land in 2013, and Martha had expected to spend three months teaching biology at the local comprehensive in Swansea. Instead, Martha found herself scrubbing floors at Farringham’s School for Boys. The situation wasn’t helped by the fact that the human version of the Doctor was a bit of a prig, who kept sneaking a look at her ankles whenever he thought she wasn’t looking. She was finding the whole experience rather unnerving.

“Well, Martha,” the Doctor, with a snap of the newspaper, “I suppose I should be making a move on. Don’t worry about luncheon or tea. I’m supervising at the refectory today.”

“Yes, Sir,” Martha said, relieved. That meant she’d be able to see the TARDIS today. It was silly, she knew, but she always felt better for visiting her, and she always thought the TARDIS felt better too, despite the fact she was powered down. She picked up the ash bucket, and sketched a bob, before making for the door.

“Oh, and Martha, before I forget!”

Martha sighed, he was always dropping last minute errands on her. She’d been hoping to make it to the door before he thought of another one. “Yes, sir?”

“I seem to be out of pears,” he said, frowning thoughtfully at his fruit bowl. “It’s funny, really, because I could have sworn there were a few in the bowl yesterday.”

Martha smothered a smiled. “It’s the boys, sir,” she lied. “I tell them to help themselves if they’re waiting for you to arrive. They always seem so nervous.”

“Hmmm…well, would you pick up a fresh punnet at the village? They’ll only be in season for a few more weeks and I’m rather fond of them.”

“Yes, Sir,” Martha said, bobbing again to hide the grin that suddenly lurked on her face. Never let it be said that she didn’t try. It wasn’t her fault that her attempts to keep his sticky fingers off the pears were in vain!

She shut the door behind her, and laughed softly to herself as she heaved the bucket down the steps, Once she’d disposed of the ashes and retrieved fresh sheets from the laundry, it should be possible to slip away for a couple of hours.

A troupe of students took the stairs two at a time and Martha backed up against the wall. Servants were there to work, not to be seen. It was the first lesson she learned here - five weeks and two days ago. Martha waited until the students gained the landing and descended the rest of the steps.

“Am I gone?”

The voice was a whisper, hollow and low, and Martha frowned as she looked around the corridor. It was empty, but a laugh rang out from the landing above. Martha shook her head; it was probably some sort of weird echo.

“It is gone?”

A transparent form slipped out of the wall and Martha swallowed nervously as it gazed around, looking lost. It resembled the other students in the school, dressed in the school’s uniform and not looking a day over fifteen. His eyes were shadows, however, and his cheeks gaunt. Clutching the ash bucket in her hands, Martha took a step forward and peered at it. She still couldn’t make out his eyes. “Hello?” she asked cautiously. “I’m Martha.”

The entity - Martha refused to call it a ghost - didn’t seem to hear her. “Is it gone?” he asked. “Are we there?”

“Is what gone?” Martha asked softly.

But the entity still didn’t show any signs of hearing her. “Are we there?” he repeated, and Martha sighed.

“Where is there?” she asked. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

The entity blurred, then refocused, and suddenly it was right in front, looking straight into her eyes.

Except it didn’t have eyes with which to look at her, not anymore.

“My God, what happened to you?” Martha asked, horrified.

“He who owns me,” the entity said. “Is he gone? Are we there?”

“I’m sorry,” Martha said. “I don’t understand-”

“Martha, are you talking to yourself again?”

Martha let out a tiny yip of fright, and then took a deep breath as she saw the Doctor descend the steps. “I just saw…” She stopped, mid sentence, as she realised the entity had disappeared and that the man descending the steps wasn’t the Doctor, no matter what he looked like. He was John Smith, and he wasn’t the type to entertain strange notions from a servant girl. “Sorry, Sir,” she murmured. “One of the students just gave me a fright - late for class, I expect.”

“Ah,” he said, hesitating. “The students are respectful to you, aren’t they, Martha? I know how boys that age can be…?”

Martha smiled, despite herself. He may not be the Doctor, but he wasn’t totally clueless. “Nothing I can’t handle, Sir,” she said. “As you said, they’re just boys.”

“Right, yes,” he muttered distractedly, “Quite. Well, I must be off before I’m late for class myself…”

Martha watched him hurry down the corridor, before looking back at the wall the entity had stepped through. Glancing around, she made sure that nobody was watching before she examined the paintwork. No secret panels, no strange discolorations, nothing that could explain what she’d seen.

“Maybe it was a ghost,” she murmured to herself. “Or something like the Carrionites, just pretending.” Martha bit her lip. It was strange stumbling across something like this without the Doctor nattering into her ear, telling her all those strange and wonderful stories of his, of how he’d met ten different types of ghost, but that they weren’t really ghosts, and-”

Martha smirked. She was beginning to sound like him; definitely a bad sign. Maybe the TARDIS’s library could help her shed some light on the problem. Humming under her breath, she made her way to the backyard.


Martha took a quick peek over her shoulder before she hopped off her bike. The narrow road was deserted, but Martha didn’t like to take chances, especially as she’d already been caught talking to herself earlier.

Martha nudged the shed door open and wheeled the bike inside, propping it against the wall as she feasted her eyes on the familiar shape of the TARDIS. “Hello,” she said. “Missed me? Not as much as you miss the Doctor, I’ll bet.”

She pulled the key out from under her coat and inserted it into the lock. For a moment, the key seemed to freeze in the lock, and Martha heard the faint deep thrum of the TARDIS’s engines. She wriggled the key in the lock. “Oh no, you don’t,” she said. “You’re not going anywhere without me and the Doctor.”

The sound grew louder, and the doors glowed for an instant, and Martha’s eyes widened with alarm. The Doctor had told her about the emergency recall code, but it wouldn’t just take off like that, would it? Not with nobody in it.

Suddenly, the key turned, and Martha staggered forward, into the TARDIS. “Phew, you had me going there for a moment-” She froze and looked around her, her eyes taking in the gothic architecture, and the dripping candelabras. A sagging cosy armchair stood to one side of the console, looking ridiculously out of place. Martha eyed the tea cup perched on a footstool beside it. Steam still curled up from its contents.

“Do you want a cup?” a chipper voice asked. “The pot is still fairly fresh.”

“You’re not going to suddenly materialise out of the walls, are you?” Martha asked, momentarily unsure.

“Does that have any bearing on the actual question?”

“Yes, actually, I think it might,” Martha said, a little more firmly. “How the hell did you get in here?”

“Me? Why, I live here,” the voice said. It was coming from underneath the console.

“What are you doing down there?” she asked harshly. “Get out from under there at once!”

A weary sigh wafted through the TARDIS. “You’re rather demanding, aren’t you?” the voice asked rhetorically. “Usually people wait until after they introduce themselves before they start throwing their weight around…although I’ve had worse, I’ll admit. I once had a Vortisaur roaming the halls.”

“What’s a Vorti- Martha shook her head. “You’re changing the subject! Who are you?”

“You first.”


“Well, it’s only fair, don’t you think? After all, I was here first.” A head popped over the edge of the console, revealing a mop of dark, curling hair, and a pair of bright, blue eyes. Martha relaxed slightly. He didn’t look like the sort to suddenly start draining the life out of a Time Lord, so he probably wasn’t a member of the Family of Blood. She eyed the TARDIS’s control room again. What had he done to it? There was nothing for it, she needed answers, so she answered his question .

“I’m Martha Jones,” she said.

A smiled spread across his face. “Pleased to meet you, Martha Jones,” he said. “I’m the Doctor.”

“The Doctor?” Martha asked sharply. This day was swiftly becoming too difficult to swallow - but this was also the TARDIS, and she didn't let just anyone inside her, so...

The stranger frowned as she suddenly crossed the room. “Are you well, Miss Jones, you seem a little-” He didn’t resist as she dragged him to his feet. “Um, Miss Jones, are you distraught? Perhaps a nice cup of-”

“Don’t, just...don’t!” she muttered as she tugged at his shirt. “I’ve had a really long day, full of sloppy ash buckets and snotty public school students, never mind the ghosts that are suddenly springing out from the walls and-”


“Shhh, I’m listening!” She pressed her ear to his chest.

“To what?” he enquired politely, after a whole two seconds.

“Your hearts.”

“How do you - oh, we know each other!”

“I’ve never met you before in my life!”

“Yes, well obviously I haven’t met you either, but I presume I will do, eventually. Pleased to meet you, by the way; always a pleasure to meet future friends!”

Martha glared up at him, and he smiled back beatifically. Realisation struck. “Oh God, you really are the Doctor, aren’t you?” she asked. “What is this, some sort of disguise?” She tapped his cheek. “But no, that can’t be it. You’re much too short-”

“Too short?” he echoed. “I’m not too short, am I? I always thought this was such a nice height -fair to middling; perfect for blending in.”

Martha’s lips twitched. “Blending in,” she said, as she pointedly looked at his embroidered waistcoat and velvet coat. “Yes, I can really see that.”

The Doctor sighed. “It’s called regeneration. It’s when my body…no, that won’t do…well, you see, when I’m injured…ah, no, wrong analogy…” He sighed. “I do apologise, Miss Jones, but it probably wouldn’t make any sense to you. Not unless you have at least a medical degree.”

Martha folded her arms. “It’s in my sock drawer, back home,” she said shortly.

His face brightened. “Really?” he said. “Oh, I do like Doctors, I tried to get one to travel with me, once. Grace was her name. Such pretty eyes, and she kissed rather well...”

Martha snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Doctor?”

“Oh, yes, a bit off topic, I suppose…so, where is he?”

“Where’s who?”

“The Doctor - your Doctor; he’s obviously in the neighbourhood, or the TARDIS wouldn’t have picked the same space/time coordinates to land on - happened to me once before, you know, except that time there were five of us. Five TARDISes, taking up the same moment in space and time. A bit confusing, as you can imagine-”

“Yes,” Martha cut in.

The Doctor blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Yes, I’d love that cup of tea. I’d make it myself, but my Doctor has seemed to have moved things around since your time.”

“Ah, I’ve changed the desktop theme, have I?” he said, with a small smile. “How very progressive of me.”


Martha watched, bemused, as the Doctor took a sip out of his china cup. This was really very strange. He was the Doctor, and yet…not.

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be human; it seems so… well... human,” he said, with a wry smile. “Although, I’d hoped I’d pick something a little more adventurous to do with my time.”

“Well, we are supposed to be keeping a low profile,” Martha said.

“Ah yes, true, I suppose so, it just seems a very strange way of going about things. Oh well, I’m sure I will have my reasons…” He sighed. “Luckily, the temporal signature of my TARDIS is sufficiently dissimilar to yours, so this family of… Blood, did you say?”

Martha nodded. “That’s what the Doctor called them.”

“Yes, well, the temporal trail your TARDIS left is quite different, so it should confuse their vortex manipulator. We should be okay for a short while. Well, until I help you out with your little ghost problem, anyway - another biscuit?”

“I’ve been avoiding calling them that, you know,” Martha said, as she helped herself to another Marietta from the proffered plate.

“Sorry,” he said. “We can call them N-Bodies, if you'd prefer?”

“What’s an N-Body?”

“’s a ghost,” he admitted. "But it's a very special type of ghost," he added. "Not the normal sort at all, which means the real question still hasn’t been asked yet.” He flopped back into his chair, a faraway expression on his face, and Martha studied him as she took another sip of her tea. He was so different from her Doctor, with his long curls, and Victorian dress; quite attractive, though, in a Byronic, windswept sort of way. She wished she knew how far back in the Doctor’s life this version lived. Did Gallifrey still exist for him?

“What’s the question?” she asked.

His eyes focused on her, sharp and blue. “I’m wondering on which side the breach occurred, on this plane or theirs? It’s all most fascinating. Tell me, Miss Jones, I don’t suppose I could accompany you back to this school? I’d like to have a look at those walls of yours.”

“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, it might raise a few eyebrows,” Martha said dryly. “It’s 1913, remember? Servant girls don’t usually bring gentlemen callers back to work with them - well, not the respectable ones, anyway.”

“Ah, good point,” he murmured. “Well, I suppose we could resort to some sort of subterfuge…I could pretend to be the local milkman, I suppose, or the postman. Mr Smith the postman, it has a certain ring to it-”

“Or I could just sneak you in after light’s out,” Martha interrupted.

He pulled a face. "It has a certain elegant simplicity to it, I suppose," he admitted reluctantly.

Martha’s lips twitched. “Are you pouting?”

“Don’t be silly, I never pout,” he said. Martha gave him a look. “Well, maybe on occasion,” he said. “When the situation warrants it.”

“Tell you what, we’ll make it midnight, at the scullery door.” she said, as she stood.

“Ah, the witching hour; not one day or the next, but the ephemeral moment in between,” he said, his eyes lighting up.

“I though that might appeal to you,” Martha said dryly. He smiled up at her and, for a moment, Martha got a glimpse of her Doctor.

“You know me rather well, don’t you, Miss Jones?”

“It’s Martha,” she said, smiling. “And I’m not sure if anybody knows you that well, Doctor.”

“Martha,” he echoed. “It means lady, you know.” He smiled secretively. "Until tonight, Martha.”

“Yeah, right,” Martha said, feeling bemused again as he picked up a book from his side table and opened it up. The pages sped through his fingers, and she wondered if he could really read that quickly. “Well, tonight, then,” she said. Uncertainly, she walked towards the door, wondering if this was such a good idea.

“I wouldn’t worry about it, Martha,” he called after her, as she reached the door. “I don’t know myself that well, either. Most of the time.”


The school kitchens were buzzing when Martha got back, and Martha looked about, puzzled. Something had happened while she’d been gone.

“Martha, Martha, where have you been?” Jenny cried out, leaping up from her seat at the kitchen table.

“I needed to go into the village on an errand,” Martha said, lifting up her basket for her to see. “Pears for Mister Smith.”

“Oooh, you spoil him, you do,” Jenny said, momentarily distracted. “You wouldn’t catch me picking up treats for any of the teachers here.”

“I told you-”

“Yes, yes, I know, you used to work for his family,” Jenny said dismissively. “Still, people will get ideas, Martha. You know how they are. You might lose your job if they feel you’re getting above your station.”

Martha felt a faint stirring of anger, and quickly squashed it. Seven weeks and six days to go, she told herself, and then she could go back to her real life; just her and the Doctor. “You know there’s nothing to it, Jenny,” she said carefully. “And, besides, it’s just an errand, and I wanted to go to the village anyway.”

“Oh yes, what for?” Jenny scoffed, but she was smiling, and Martha smiled back.

“What’s happening?” she asked.

“Oh, wait ‘til I tell you!” Jenny said excitedly. “There’s been a ghost seen in the main hallway!”

Martha felt her stomach sink. “A ghost?”

“Aye,” Jenny said. “Little Sally from the scullery saw it, she did. Gave her quite a turn, she said.”

“What did he look like?” Martha asked.

“What did she look like, you mean,” Jenny said “It was a lass, not a lad. Old Jenkins reckons it was the ghost of that maid who hung herself from the rafters a few years back. They say she got herself pregnant by one of the Masters - which is a lesson you’d be wise to remember.”

"Jenny," Martha said, exasperated.

"I'm just saying," Jenny said. "You’d better watch that Mister Smith of yours. It's always the quiet ones you have to be careful of. One moment, it’s all apple and pears, the next, it’s the birds and the bees, if you get my drift."

Martha rolled her eyes. “How about we forget about Mister Smith,” she suggested, as she tucked her arm through Jenny’s. “And you can show me where the ghost was spotted.”

Jenny shuddered. “Oooh, Martha, I’m not sure I can do that. What if it comes back?”

“I’ll protect you,” Martha teased.

“Oh, you’re a one, Martha,” Jenny giggled. “Come on, then, before the boys get out for luncheon.” Martha let Jenny drag her through the kitchens and up the steps, and they both paused before stepping out into the main hall. The servant staff weren’t actually banned from the main school areas, but they were discouraged from loitering.

“Nobody around,” Martha said lowly, as they stepped into the hall. “So, where did Sally say it happened?”

“Over there, by the fireplace,” Jenny said. “She said it just stepped though the wall, and then knelt on the ground and started crying.”

“Did it say anything?” Martha asked, as she examined the wall. There was nothing to be seen, just like that morning.

“Well if it did, Sally didn’t mention it,” Jenny said, with a slight frown. “Martha, are you all right?”

“Me? I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Martha said distractedly, as she bent down to examine the floor. Was it her imagination, or was there a strange, chalky substance on the floor. She pulled a finger through it, and sniffed it. It smelled salty, like the sea.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because you sniffing at dirt on the floor,” Jenny said dryly. “But you’re right, there’s nothing strange about that at all.”

Martha grinned. “You know me, Jenny. I’m always a bit strange.”

“You are, at that,” Jenny said, before laughing. “You’re a mystery to me, Martha. You’ve got manners on you, and a way of speaking that’s so different. And you don’t act like no servant I’ve ever met before. You’re different.”

Startled, Martha looked at Jenny. She hadn’t realised her friend was so perceptive. “I’m not that different, Jenny,” she said softly, straightening. “My Mum always used to say that I’m too curious for my own good. It’s always got me into trouble.”

“And now, Martha?” Jenny asked softly. “Are you looking for trouble now?”

Martha didn’t answer her. She didn’t want to lie. “We’d better get a move on before we get trampled by the stampede for the refectory,” she said briskly, as she wiped her fingers on her handkerchief and tucked it into her coat pocket. “And I should get a head start on this week’s laundry.”

Jenny sniffed. “You’re not half as clever as you think you are, sometimes, Martha Jones,” she warned. “You just be careful.”

“I will, Jenny,” Martha said. She hoped she was telling the truth.


The tap on the door was barely audible over the chimes of the kitchen clock, and Martha probably wouldn't have heard it if she hadn't been listening out for it. She tipped the door latch up and opened the door a crack. The Doctor’s face popped into view, and Martha felt herself jump.

“All clear?” he asked, in a stagy whisper that was a lot louder than his knock.

“For now,” she whispered back. “But it won’t be clear for long, if you don’t take it down a notch.”

His eyebrows rose. “Mea culpa,” he said, lowering his voice. “Is this better?” Martha had to strain to hear him.

“Just get inside,” she said impatiently, as she opened the door wider, cupping her candle against the breeze. “There’s been another sighting.”

“Really, how exciting.” The Doctor slipped in and peered into the dark corners. “Has everyone retired for the evening?” he asked.

“Everyone in the servant’s quarters went to bed hours ago,” Martha told him. “But a few of the teacher staff are probably still awake. They usually stick to their quarters at this hour, though.”

“I’ll be as quiet as a mouse, I promise,” the Doctor said, catching her in the full beam of his smile.

Martha rolled her eyes, but found herself smiling back, nonetheless. “I found this," she told him, as she took her handkerchief out, and opened it. “It was in the hall where the second gho-” She stopped herself. “Where the second N-Body was seen. It was on the floor where it had knelt and wept.”

The Doctor sniffed at the handkerchief. “Smells like salt.”

“That’s what I thought,” Martha said

“Tears, perhaps?” he asked, before suddenly licking the residue. Yes, he was definitely the Doctor. Martha had lost count of the times she’d caught her version doing the exact same thing. "Hmm, how peculiar," he said. "There is a trace of planar disturbance in the filtrate.”

Martha folded her arms. “And you can taste that, can you?” she asked.

“Why yes, I do believe I can,” he said distractedly. “Which is not normal, I can tell you.”

“Oh, I believe you,” Martha said.

“Yes,” the Doctor carried on, oblivious. “You see, the N-Space barrier is quite difficult to break through, from this plane, which is what this residue indicates. A lot of reserve energy is needed to maintain a breach a strong as this, more than one should find around these parts. Which means that not only is it being maintained by someone nearby, but it's also using a power source that’s way beyond the capabilities of early twentieth century technology.”

“Oh, really?”

“As I said, quite strange,” he murmured. "You'd better show me where you found it."

“This way.” He followed her silently as she led him through the school.

“This is where I found the residue,” Martha said, as she crouched down beside it and shone the candle on it. The Doctor knelt down beside her, and whipped out a magnifying glass from his pocket. Martha smiled to see him make such a Doctorly gesture.

“Interesting,” he said. “And she came through the wall, you say?”

“The one behind you.”

The Doctor frowned as he looked over his shoulder. “This doesn’t make sense. The residue looks almost natural and - aha! That’s it,” he suddenly cried out, grabbing her by the arms. “A natural transdimensional transducer!”

“Shh! Keep it down!” Martha hissed.

His hand flew to his mouth. “Oops.” He jumped to his feet, pulling Martha up with him. “But don’t you see, Martha? This means that the person doing this probably doesn’t even realise what they're doing. I should have realised it when you mentioned that the emanations were spotted in two different locations. There’s no proper focus, you see, just power and natural inclination….but there is still the matter of the power source.” He turned to the wall, and examined it though the magnifying glass. “No, no indications here.”

“Indications of what?” Martha asked.

“Indications of an energy signature,” the Doctor said. “If we figured out what sort of energy source it is, we may even be able to figure out where it’s hidden.” He swivelled, and Martha resisted the urge to jump as she was treated to the sudden view of a magnified blue eye.

“And what then?”

“Ah, well, that’s always the question, isn’t it?” He grinned mischievously as he let the magnifying glass fall. “You’d better lead the way, Martha! We don’t want to be caught creeping around the halls at night. Who knows what they might think we’re up to?”

“Stealing the headmaster’s silver, probably,” Martha said ruefully . “They’re not very imaginative around here.”

“A lack of imagination? In an English boarding school? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!”

“Do I sense a smidgeon of sarcasm?” she asked, as she led him out of hall and towards the back stairs.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

The candle flickered, and Martha frowned as she felt a breeze on her cheek. She stopped in her tracks and felt the breath of the Doctor on the back of her neck.

“The landing above,” he whispered. “An adult male, by the weight of his footfall, and obviously born in a barn, as he’s forgotten to shut the window after him.”

“Window?” Martha asked.

“The draught is coming from above and, as I doubt there are any doors above the ground floor-”

“It’s a window,” she finished for him, as he dragged her under her stairs.

“Sssh” he said, placing a finger on his lips, and Martha found herself struggling not to laugh. The steps above them creaked as the Doctor silently pulled a paper bag out of his pocket and offered her a jellybaby. Martha put it in her mouth, and chewed on it industrially as he whispered into her ear. "He's coming towards us, a rather shifty looking fellow if ever I saw one. I suggest we stay here until he goes away."

Martha nearly choked on the jellybaby as she recognised the figure walking down the corridor. It was the Doctor! A hand patted her on her back and Martha turned to look at the Doctor beside her, a worried expression on his face. This was getting rather confusing.

“Are you alright?” he mouthed.

Martha nodded. “Went down the wrong way,” she mouthed back.

The Doctor pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow, and Martha had a funny feeling that he’d guessed more than he’d let on. Meanwhile, the other Doctor continued on his trip down the corridor - where was he going?

“You know him?” the Doctor asked, once he was out of earshot.

“Yes, as a matter of fact; he’s you,” Martha said, and enjoyed the shocked expression on his face.

“Me? That’s me? But- but I’m so scrawny…and I’m wearing plaid slippers. Who wears plaid slippers?”

“John Smith does,” Martha said wryly.

The Doctor looked horrified. “But there are standards,” he said.

"Well, obviously your human self doesn't have your sartorial tastes," Martha said, grinning.

The Doctor looked at her speculatively. "Why, Miss Jones, I do believe you are teasing me."

“Why, Doctor, I do believe you are correct,” Martha said.

“Why do I get the feeling that this happens a lot in the future?”

“Perhaps because you’re not as oblivious as you pretend to be?”

“Hmm,” he said, but his lips curved upwards as he grabbed her hand. “Come on, let’s find out what I’m up to.”

“But shouldn’t we look at the spot the other N-Body turned up first?” Martha asked.

“Oh, I think this is much more interesting, don’t you?” he said, as they followed the Doctor down the hallway. “Look at the way he’s walking, the fact that he’s wearing his … slippers on the wrong feet. Don’t you see? He’s sleep walking! I never sleepwalk, it must mean something.”

“Doctor, aren’t you forgetting something?” Martha hissed. “He’s not really you, he’s John Smith. He sleeps, he snores, he likes pears-”

“Pears? But I hate pears-”

“That’s my point,” Martha said. “For all we know, this could be perfectly normal for him.”

“Ah, but I’m afraid you’re wrong, Martha” the Doctor said, suddenly solemn. “You see, this problem may be more problematic than I first thought. I think we've just found our natural transdimensional transducer… but he's not at the reins, as it were.”

“You're saying that someone has put the whammy on the Doctor?” Martha asked. “Would that work? He’s human at the moment. Why would anybody bother - unless the Family of Blood have tracked us down! We have to stop him - he may be walking into a trap!"

"Not so fast," the Doctor said. “I don’t think it’s as simple as that. Your Doctor did a pretty good job of masking your trail. I don’t think that the Family tracked you here. This is something else, a wild collision of coincidence and opportunity…or maybe not! You said that you and your Doctor had meant to land in 2013, but somehow ended up at 1913, correct?”

“Yeah, that's right.”

“Interesting, I was aiming for the Elizabethan court when I ended up here,” the Doctor said. “That why I was rooting around in the temporal circuitry when you arrived earlier. I thought I’d gotten a few of my wires crossed - Martha, I do believe that somebody deliberately brought us to this time period, probably someone who needed to utilise the synapses of a time sensitive; except their plans were somewhat thwarted, when I rewrote my DNA with a human’s. I’ll bet they weren’t expecting that - I wasn't expecting that.”

“But if he’s useless to them, then why do they have him walking through the corridors at night?” Martha asked

“Oh, I never said he was useless,” the Doctor said. “Just not as useful as he would have been if he'd still had Gallifreyan DNA. He may be human, but I’m sure there are still a few dregs of the Doctor’s brain pattern lurking in there, somewhere. The Chameleon Arch never had all its kinks ironed out. I have no doubt that your Mister Smith has had quite a few extraordinary dreams of late. Still, those dregs wouldn't be nearly enough to breach the planar barrier, not properly. No, all we have to worry about are a few ephemeral sightings, and your Doctor taking a midnight jaunt or two. Nothing too exciting, I'm afraid. They’d need a more sophisticated mind to cause real havoc.”

Martha looked at him. “Like a Time Lord’s mind?” she asked pointedly.

“I thought I’d already said that,” he said.

“A mind like yours,” Martha said, even more pointedly.

“Ah, I see where you're going with this.”

“We need to get you out of here,” Martha said firmly. “Before whatever it is finds you.”

“Too late!” Martha twisted in the direction of the voice, and gulped as she saw the Doctor - her Doctor - looking back at them. She watched as his body turned awkwardly, and lurched in their direction. “I thought I’d sensed another mind that could be of use, but it seems I didn’t have to move this body far to find you.”

Martha felt the Doctor by her side squeeze her hand before he let go. “Congratulations,” he said. “Might I ask what you wish to do with me?”

“We wish to be free, and you are going to help us,” it said, taking another step forward. Martha could now see his eyes; they were dark shadows, just like the N-Bodies. Martha felt something inside her wrench. She was supposed to have protected him, kept him safe from harm while he was vulnerable. She had failed.

"That depends," the Doctor by her side said. "I'm not very fond of having my mind possessed. I've had a few problems in the past; a few nasty repercussions."

"But we need you," the entity said. "We need it to be--"

"I say! What is going on here?"

A wash of lamplight filled the corridor, and Martha suppressed a groan as she recognised the voice. It was the school nurse, Mrs Redfern. “Nurse Redfern!” she said, struggling to keep the annoyance out of her voice.

“Martha what are you doing out of bed?” Mrs Redfern said. “And who is this strange man - and Mister Smith!”

“What?” Martha felt relief as the shadow bled away from her Doctor’s eyes. “Where am I? Why am I here?”

“Please, allow me to explain, I am the Doctor,” said the other Doctor, stepping up.

“Well, if you are, you’re not a local one,” Nurse Redfern said firmly.

“But of course not,” the Doctor said. “I’m Doctor Smi-Jones,” the Doctor said. “I’m a friend of Martha's, A distant cousin, in fact."

Miss Redfern stared at him in disbelief. "A cousin?"

“We don't talk about it - the scandal, you know," Martha said, kicking the Doctor in the ankle. “But my cousin...Oscar... was walking me home from the inn, when we found Mister Smith sleepwalking outside.”

“What?” mumbled Martha's Doctor again.

“As you can see, he’s still a bit disorientated,” Martha said. “We were trying to guide him gently back to his rooms when you found us.”

"I see," Mrs Redfern said flatly. "Well, I shall take care of matters from here, I think. Why don't you escort your cousin to the door, Martha. We'll talk about this in the morning." Martha watched grimly as Mrs Redfern led the disorientated Doctor back to his rooms. She knew the school nurse wasn't very fond of her, and she suspected she knew the reason why. The last thing she needed to do was give the woman more ammunition.

"Well, that went better than I envisaged," the Doctor said. "She seemed to believe us."

"Don't be stupid," Martha snapped. "She thinks you're my fancy man."

The Doctor blinked. "Have I done something to offend you, Martha?"

Martha sighed. “It’s not you, Doctor,” she admitted. “It’s just this situation. It’s awkward.”

“Yes, I can see that,” the Doctor said quietly. “Well, I’d better be off.”

“But we still haven’t figured out what’s happening,” Martha said. “Not really.”

“And we’re not about to, either, from the look of things. Not tonight,” the Doctor said. “I’ll call again tomorrow, in a more official capacity.”

Martha looked at him. “I doubt your psychic paper is going to open any doors here, Doctor. Mrs Redfern is suspicious now, especially when it comes to matters involving ‘Mister Smith’.”

“Psychic paper?” the Doctor repeated. “What a splendid idea. I can’t think why I didn’t think of it sooner - but no, I was thinking of a much simpler ruse. I shall play the part of your suitor. ”

“What! No!”

“Why not? You said yourself that Mrs Redfern suspects I’m your fancy man, we might as well use it to our advantage,” he said. “And it might mellow Mrs Redfern’s attitude towards you slightly, if I were more…official.”

Martha looked at him suspiciously, not fooled for a minute by his innocent blue eyes. He knew exactly why there was tension between her and Mrs Redfern, it was a pity that her Doctor wasn’t half as astute. “Tomorrow morning, then, around eleven," she relented. "I'll say you're an old friend from home - but there’ll be tongues wagging!”

"I grew up on Gallifrey, Martha," the Doctor said, with a small smile. “Gossip and backstabbing is a way of life there. I think I can survive Farringham's teaching staff.”

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Martha said dryly.

~~~PART TWO~~~

fanfiction, eight, martha, doctor who, dw_fic

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