Lol, thanks for the picspam XD. So, was the cake eating thing from their Cartoon KAT-TUN show, or something else? It looks cute-- I have an urge to watch whatever it is now XD. Especially if my other KAT-TUN OTP (Junno x Ueda) feed each other cake too <3.
And I would definitely be interested in seeing the "Making Of" pic spam, if you put one together. Some of my favorite moments of the KAT-TUN boys come out of the Making Ofs XD.
The file in my computer is titled "Ojamanpou", but I have no idea what that is. It's a really short clip though, with Kamenashi ending up as the most muscular one (yeah, makes no sense XD) and Taguchi stuffing the entire cake into his mouth. And hee, it basically pairs them up the way I want them to (Taguchi/Ueda ftw) ♥♥♥
Already started working on it. Might come slow because I'm a slow worker especially on the computer, but hopefully it'd come along.
Comments 7
And I would definitely be interested in seeing the "Making Of" pic spam, if you put one together. Some of my favorite moments of the KAT-TUN boys come out of the Making Ofs XD.
Already started working on it. Might come slow because I'm a slow worker especially on the computer, but hopefully it'd come along.
Heard about it A LOT but never seen it!
THe Junda I can live without! I REALLY DISLIKE Junda so I still glad there is Nakanishi though..
I love it when Jin acts girly it reminds me of his bakanishi days which are gone : sobs::
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