*cackles* Could **Not** get this out of my head until I wrote it. Enjoy!
Title: Never Woke Up
Author: Jinni (jinni.tth@gmail.com)
Rated: Pg13
Disclaimer: All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al. All things CSI belong to CBS, et al.
Notes: This is me mocking the hell out of all the Willow WIWU’s that I’ve written. Just a little ficlet of silliness and mockery.
Wordcount: 228
Summary: Nick is called to process a scene where a young newlywed was found dead.
“Vic was found by her friends this morning. Says the last they saw of her, she was wandering off with a guy she met in a bar. They came in this morning, found her on the bed, throat slit, and a marriage certificate crumpled up in her hand.”
Nick snorted. He knew he shouldn’t be amused, but damn if he could help it. If that wasn’t the culmination of bad Vegas clichés, he didn’t know what was. Drinking, getting hitched…
‘Course, the end wasn’t usually ‘get throat slashed’, but hey, this was Vegas and anything was up for grabs. “Guess the groom had second thoughts?”
Brass nodded an agreement.
He rounded the corner, moving past a group of people that had huddled together off to one side of the hall. The vic’s friends, he was guessing. A brown haired man with an eye-patch. A blonde that looked so frail a good wind might blow her over. And another woman, younger-looking, with auburn hair. They all had red eyes and looked like they’d lost something very important to them. He supposed they had.
Brass flipped open his notebook as Nick stepped into the room. Blood on the cream-colored hotel sheets and a red head in the center of it all, throat a bloody mess.
“Her name is Willow Rosenberg. She’s from Sunnydale, California and is here on vacation -“