Too excited!! no time to check mistakes~sorry for my bad translation~
KAT-TUN Akanishi Jin&Kobayashi Takeshi's new unit LANDS debut in this Autumn
Oricon Popular group KAT-TUN's Akanishi Jin and Music producer Kobayashi Takeshi-san form a new unit called LANDS. On 7th, we got the information that it will CD debut in this Autumn. In the movie Bandage (shown on Jan 16th/directed by Kobayashi Takeshi), Akanishi Jin acts the singer of the rock band. This time, he's away from the band and forms a new unit with Kobayashi-san, and will release the theme song Bandage (same as the title of the movie). On 5th, they appeared as secret guests and performed the song on TGC stage in front of 23,000 audiences for the first time. As the composer and the lyricist, Kobayashi-san said "the reaction of the audience was very good. I think it's already successful." Looks very satisfied.
Describing the youth in the light and shadow of their young age in the booming of Rock band in 90s, based on kanchika-san's novel Good Dream, Kobayashi director, with the ambition to produce the best music movie, and the script writer Iwai-san put it onto the big screen. Acting and leading in a movie for the first time, Akanishi said "the music is quite different from my style. At first I was not sure how to sing it, so I let Kobayashi-san decide the way. I feel honored to work with Kobayshi-san and to be inspired by his great creativity!"
On 5th, in Kobayashi-san's special part PINK EXPLOSION, after SalyuxKobayashi, radberry Orchestra, the secret guest Akanishi showed up. Kobayashi-san says "I actually share things in common with Akanishi. I felt a bit out of the place there, but when we had eye-contact, I couldn't help smiling." About Akanishi's singing, he said "at first, he sang softly, then becomes powerful, which gives it a dynamic feeling. I'm very satisfied.
This time, as the producer of the theme song Bandage, Kobayashi-san said "as a music producer, being immersed in the music world, I think 90s music is the most essentially dynamic music. My aim is to create shinning work pieces." About other songs in the movie, also produced by Kobayashi-san, details are still unknown.
main points of a few other news, translated by
stainme #Akanishi has got a pretty face and his British ROCK-like sweet voice, feels like the new romatic genre like the "Duran Duran"
----Kobayashi-san's comment on Jin #It's like a mix of various charms in one, the presence stood out quite well
-----Kobayashi-san's comment on Jin
# Although the details of other songs within the movie is yet unknown, Toho comments "If there's a chance, there might be LIVEs or interesting things going on before opening of the film", with intended campaign activities in the future #Akanishi was nominated intuitively for the leading actor. "Being sensitive, as well as loutish. A sense of evasion, yet quite sincere." Kobayashi producer gives the comment "mixture". It is a word in the ROCK dictionary which indicates a diversity and variety of combination of genres in music.
#The main character being delicate as well as passionate, having on a sweet mask though held great presence, it fits the different kind of Johnny's idol Akanishi perfectly. "He gave me the image of Duran Duran, a English band of the late 80s. Having a pretty appearance and a sweet voice, which we hugged right after the performance." To which Kobayashi explains.
Bandage official website! Jin-related info
Kobayashi and Iwai considered a variety of elements, kneading the work, and at the time of completion, between the two, the same name of the actor accidentally appeared in their head. --- KAT-TUN's Akanishi Jin. Seeing Akanishi Jin's activities as a part of KAT-TUN, the two considered of Akanishi Jin as a solo artist - they considered the potential of a new actor.
WOW~solo debut!!
Now all the tv news say it's SOLO DEBUT!!
OMG Kireii~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG NATSU SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KAT-TUN赤西仁(25)がMr.Childrenのプロデューサー小林武史(50)とユニットを組んだ。小林が監督を務め、赤西が主演する映 画「BANDAGE バンデイジ」(来年1月16日公開)の主題歌を2人で担当し、今秋に発売する。すでに今月初めの都内のイベントにサプライズゲストと して登場し、観客を驚かせた。
同映画は小林監督がミスチルをブレークさせた90年代前半の音楽シーンを題材とした青春音楽映画だ。「当時はバブルが弾けた後でも、音楽シーンが 元気な時代だった。振り返るとバンドブームでいろんなジャンルが、ほぼ出尽くしたころ。そのエネルギーの秘密を、この映画で探れたら」と、メガホンを取っ た。
主役には直感的に赤西を指名した。「センシティブ(敏感)な人間のようでいて、やぼなくらい肉感的でもある。はぐらかし方がうまいのに、誠実な男 でもある」。小林監督のコンセプトは「ミクスチャー」。80年代中期ごろに数多いジャンルの音楽が融合したロックを表す単語で、多様性や混合性を指す。繊 細さと情熱を併せ持つ主人公には、甘いマスクでいながら大柄で強い存在感も放つ、異色のジャニーズアイドル赤西がぴったりだった。「イメージしたのは、 80年代後半の英国バンド、デュランデュランかな。美形で甘い歌声ながら、演奏後には僕と熱く抱擁しちゃうところとかがね」と説明した。
[2009年9月8日6時48分 紙面から] 映画「BANDAGE(バンデイジ)」(来年1月16日公開)に主演するKAT―TUNの赤西仁(25)が、劇中のバンド「LANDS(ランズ)」としてシングルを発売することになった。
今作で映画監督デビューする音楽プロデューサーの小林武史氏(50)が制作したロック曲で、2人はこのほど都内で行われた東京ガールズコレクションで同曲 を披露した。赤西は「全く自分の音楽性と異なった曲なので、最初はどのように歌ったらよいか戸惑いましたが、小林さんに身を任せて取り組みました」。小林 監督は「大人も若い子も十分楽しんでもらえる映画になった」と自信を見せた。赤西仁、“ソロデビュー”
KAT-TUNの赤西仁(25)が、初主演映画「BANDAGE バンデイジ」(来年1月16日公開)の劇中で結成したバンド「LANDS」のボーカルとして、“ソロデビュー”することが7日、分かった。
楽曲は、映画と同タイトルの主題歌(今秋発売)。同作で映画監督を務めた音楽プロデューサー、小林武史(50)がキーボードを担当。ダンスサウンドの KAT-TUNとは違い、80年代に活躍した英バンド、デュラン・デュランを彷彿させる甘いロックサウンドで、赤西のルックスと歌声にピタリとハマる。
online vids (credit luvjin)
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