Title: Standing outside a broken phone booth with change in my hand...
myfriendfredricRating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester. Dean Winchester. Mentions of Castiel
Warnings: Post Apocalyptic--Set in 2014!verse.
Word Count: 15,430
Summary: When Sam returns from hell at the beginning of Season 6, he finds everything around him different. Dean and Bobby are gone, the world is in a constant shade of gray clouds, there are no sounds in the air, and Jimmy Novak; free from Castiel; is wandering the back roads of Kansas. Together they set off on a journey to find Dean that leads them to Camp Chitiqua where the rest of the "survivors" of whatever event has taken place, have been waiting for Sam to save them. As the pieces slowly come together of what happened while Sam was in hell, with the help of "The man in charge", Sam and Jimmy find ways to set wrongs right, and learn what it's like to love again.
Authors Note: Written for
jimmybigbang. Fic title taken from the song with the same name by Primitive Radio Gods.
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