There's a long post in the pipeline, but I'm too lazy to finish it, So here is a bunch of random unrelated things.
Pottermore. I got my email yesterday (finally! I did the whole magic quill thing on day one) so I went to check it out. It's actually pretty cool. There's a lot of reading, basically background information and insight into the writing
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Comments 2
I decided to wait on Pottermore because I thought I might get overwhelmed or something, but now everyone's all, "I got my acceptance letter!" and now I'm jealous. lol
I have always wanted the book for A Christmas Story. Good haul!
I didn't even know what Pottermore was until they started the early entry thing, and even then I wasn't sure I really cared. But I signed up anyway just in case. It's definitely a welcome addition to my list of Official Time Wasters.
I didn't even know there was a book for A Christmas Story. I knew that the movie was based on a bunch of short stories from In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash, but apparently there were others in Wanda Hickey’s Night of Golden Memories. This combines them both into one book. I am very excited about it.
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