Fundraising for Rape Crisis Centers

Apr 11, 2012 09:30

April is sexual assault awareness month.

This is something that’s very important to me. I’ve written a fair amount about rape over the years, but a lot of it comes down to:
  • Rape is a horribly common crime
  • As a society, we tend to punish victims while excusing or defending many perpetrators of rape
  • While the individual rapist is always responsible for his (or her) crimes, there are cultural/societal reasons rape continues at such a frequent rate
  • Survivors of rape deserve support, no matter what

For several years, I’ve run a fundraiser and given out signed books to encourage people to donate to rape crisis centers. In the past, I’ve given out autographed books to people who donate, but this year I wanted to go even bigger. So I’ve talked to some author friends, and the net result is that you could win a lot more books this year, depending on how much money we raise.

I’ll post a running total here throughout the month. The more money we raise, the more prizes I’ll throw into the pot. Right now, we’re covered through $3000 $4000. If we raise more money, then I’ll just have to round up more authors and prizes.


The prizes so far and the amount we have to raise to add them to the giveaway are as follows.

Goals Met So Far:

Additional Prizes:

Thanks so much to all of the authors who offered books!

The rules:

You can donate to your local rape crisis center, or if you prefer, to an organization like RAINN. Most places will take donations online.

Note: As of 4/17/2012, all donations to RAINN will be matched, effectively doubling your donation.

To enter, send an e-mail to
  • Let me know how much you donated so I can update the total. You can donate any amount, from $1 to $10,000 or more.
  • If you donate at least $50, please include some sort of documentation (e-mail or electronic receipt, something like that).
  • Make sure to include your mailing address!

Now, Michigan law prohibits unlicensed raffles, meaning I can’t require donations to enter. Therefore, if you can’t donate anything at all, you can still e-mail me to enter the giveaway. But for those who can, please try to give at least a few bucks.

Winners will be selected at random on May 1. If there are particular books you’d like, please mention them in your e-mail, in order of priority. But I can’t guarantee anything. I’m planning to pick winners and prizes like so:
  • Randomly draw winner #1. If they asked for a specific book, that’s what they win. Otherwise, they get the first one on the list (Libriomancer).
  • Randomly draw winner #2. If they asked for a specific book and it’s available, that’s what they win. Otherwise, they get whatever’s next on the list.
  • And so on and so forth, until all the prizes have homes.

I hope that’s clear. If anyone has questions, please let me know.

Finally, I’d very much appreciate it if people could spread the word about the fundraiser and giveaway.

Mirrored from Jim C. Hines.


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