Speaking of toys... starcat_jewelFebruary 25 2012, 19:26:47 UTC
Have you seen this yet? It's about an astronaut who built a replica of the ISS out of Legos... while on the ISS. Little floating bits were a concern -- he had to work inside a "glovebox", a sealed enclosed space with glove inserts on the sides, normally used for doing experiments involving hazardous materials.
Re: Speaking of toys... jimhinesFebruary 25 2012, 19:32:25 UTC
Posted about it on Twitter and Facebook yesterday :-)
I had wondered about the little pieces, though. The article I saw didn't mention that. As bad as stepping on a LEGO here on Earth can be, I wouldn't want to imagine those pieces floating into various space station components...
Thank you for reviewing The Princess Curse. I normally don't read YA, but your recommendation and link to the sample chapters got me to get the book. I loved it! It was a cute fun read and I hope enough people buy and enjoy it for a sequel to be published.
I thought this was so cute! One of my favorite MG novels last year. For The Twelve Dancing Princesses, my favorite version has to be ENTWINED by Heather Dixon :)
Comments 10
I had wondered about the little pieces, though. The article I saw didn't mention that. As bad as stepping on a LEGO here on Earth can be, I wouldn't want to imagine those pieces floating into various space station components...
I haven't heard anything about a sequel yet. I should ask Mer about that the next time I see her.
You are all right to be jealous, fellow nerds.
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