Apparently it's ok to believe there was a big bang, and that life might have evolved on other planets (even intelligent life). But not ok to believe humans evolved by natural selection?
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Is Richard Dawkins right, when he says that religious moderates, by their very existence, aid and abet the acts of religious extremists? I know many otherwise-reasonable people who seem to be quite religious-- but people who behave well at the dinner table may behave differently when the last lifeboat's being launched. While this latter observation has little to do with confessional status per se, I think it's worth remembering.
I haven't yet decided what I think about that proposition. I contemplate it fairly regularly, since I also know "otherwise reasonable" people (I find that a slightly funny choice of words, in a true way).
What really bugs me is people who say "Oh, I'm not really 'religious' but I'm 'very spiritual.'" Ok, well call me a moron but what the hell does it mean to be "spiritual"? Does it mean you believe in spirits? Some ultimate meaning/purpose to life? Or does it just mean you think life and nature is beauitful? Or maybe it means you think we are more than the sum of our parts. But what about the question of a higher power? How about Intelligent design? All of these are probably too specific for such people. I think that what they ultimately mean is "I can believe in whatever magic I want, and you can't challenge it."
I think it's this one.
I preached a sermon some years ago at the Unitarian Church, about, "Spiritual implications of sudden death and unexpected critical illness," and last year gave a talk at a conference on Spirituality in Healthcare, called, "A Playwright's Witness: Simulation Training as Preparation for Spiritual Crisis."
I know how I (rapid atheist that I am) use the word, but I agree with you that most people are just popping smoke and reversing track when they say, "Oh, I'm spiritual." Like Humpty Dumpty said to Alice, "I pay words extra, so I can make them mean what I want."
i don't imagine copies would be available?
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