So, back in New Zealand my japanese/english dictionary got stolen and those things aren't expensive. I was not looking forward to forking over more cash for another one (300 - 500 smackers
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So, I'm at the end of my stay here in NZ. It's been an awesome adventure. 5 months of slingin' cocktails, a huge 3 month roadtrip from north to south, popped over the ditch and partied Aussie style and met a lot of great people
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I'm in the south island right now and it's gorgeous here. The amazing part is that the scenery and landscape changes so quickly that you can see totally different places in the space of one day
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So, here i am in Wellington, at an internet cafe that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Those small towns really charge out the ass... I've been to the top of the North Island and am now at the bottom. here's a quick recap
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So, here i am, in sunny Brisbane and the Gold Coast... only there's nothing but rain for a week predicted. It really is quite a bummer. I got some great sun down in Sydney, New Castle and the roadtrip up to Brisbane. I hear it should clear up by the weekend... hopefully
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So NZ is a great place. Only thing that's a bit troublesome is internet access. It's sloooooow. But that's what you get for being so far from anything else. I have a couple of videos but the uploads are causing a bit a trouble. Theys be quite big. No worries. They will be up soon or later
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It's a pretty cool festival and I went around with some Japanese friends that i made at the local radio station where i did a radio show while i was here
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The movie i'm talking about is a indy project my friend is doing about vigilantes in Japan who take on a organized crime ring. I'm actually just some back story. It used to be a trio but i get killed protecting one of the other's girlfriends. Good
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