Title: 30 Thoughts - The Doctor 10/10
jiji_bean Characters: Nine/Rose; Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: The Doctor has a massive brain and years of experience - who really knows what goes on in the mind of his. Here are my drabbles of what might have been.
A/N: This is the last of the drabbles (for this set). Hope you enjoyed it :)
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Headphones
It had been three months since the Battle of Canary Wharf, the day the world died. At least, that’s how it felt. The Doctor had begun traveling with a new companion, Martha Jones. He’s afraid he has been rather rude, but he couldn’t help but let her know she wouldn’t be replacing her. It was nothing against Martha; it’s just that she had that look in her eye after he kissed her. Humans, they get so worked up over a simple touch. He knew that she took it to mean that he had some sort of interest in her, when it was purely for genetic transfer reasons. It really was. And so he had to let her know that she was in no shape replacing her. Replacing her would lead to mean that she would have no other purpose on his ship and that was never going to happen.
He had taken some moments here and there, in between adventures, as always, to sit in Rose’s old room, away from Martha. Her perfume still lingered in the air. Was that possible, he thought, after all this time? Maybe it was just his olfactory memories. The first time he had gone in there since...well...he had accidentally sat on her headphones. Luckily, they were extra durable, from the planet Mosif, a planet particularly in love with music. Flashbacks would inundate him of Rose sitting near where he was fiddling with the Tardis, the headphones covering her ears, streaming her favorite music. With her eyes closed, she would sometimes sing softly along with the lyrics, the sound of her voice soothing the Doctor. Sometimes, well, most of the time, he’d forget what he was doing and just lay under the console, screwdriver in hand, just listening to her soft melody. “Cause everything must belong somewhere...just like the gold around her finger and the silver in his hair...yeah, everything must belong somewhere...I know that now, that’s why I’m staying here...” she would sing, her sweet voice flooding his senses, the words reaching his hearts. He found himself singing that song sometimes, turning her headphones in his hands.
The Doctor was once known throughout the worlds for his control. It was steadfast...it was endless. Nowadays, however, it was rather nonexistent. What that human has done to me, he’d often think. The human in question was his companion Rose Tyler. When first meeting her, he couldn’t control his anger, as he was unused to traveling with humans, having for a long time traveled by himself. Since then he’d learned to control his anger, but what he now found hard to control were his hands. It started off with hand holding, which was harmless enough. Then, it was hugs, also quite harmless. And now...it seemed that nothing could happen without him finding some reason to touch her. Her cheek, shoulders, back, and hair had all been victims of his touch. The latest victim had been her stomach. Honestly, all he had wanted to do was move her away from the Tardis doors. Of course, he could have held her by the shoulders to pull her away; they had already fallen as casualties in his internal war. But what did the Doctor do? He reached around her stomach and pulled her away from the exit. No words could describe how that touch hindered his extensive cardiovascular system.
The Doctor had never met someone like Rose Tyler. Of course, he’d had many companions, young and old, male and female, human and not. He’d cared for all of them in different ways. He loved some even. Others he even felt he loved. But Rose had been different since the beginning. She held onto his hand, ran with him until the end of the world and saved the universe, including him.
That’s what made leaving her a second time so hard.
He wished he could say the words she wanted to hear. Not simply because she wanted to hear them, but because he meant them...because he felt them to his core. But he couldn’t. If he crossed that line, which he had always been so near to crossing, it would have meant the end of the universe. In saying those words, he would be admitting what he felt each time he touched her, and thought of her - that he would pick her over the universe any day. And the bad part? He would. He would do it. But he knew that no one else would protect the worlds he loved so much and so he could not cross that line - no matter how much he wanted to.
And so on that second day at Bad Wolf Bay, he said goodbye to his heart, for the last time.
Well, that signals the last of these drabbles. I have other sets that I plan to post. I will probably try something different though - I might just post them all at once. But there is another set that I can't post all at once...it would be way too long. I guess we'll see.