Thoughts: Christmas 2011 (1/5)

Dec 19, 2011 20:47

Title: Thoughts: Christmas 2011 (1/5)
Pairing: Doctor/Rose, maybe other supporting characters
Rating: Teen
Timeline: Christmas
Summary: I'd like to think that the Doctor and Rose experienced (and still are!) many Christmases together. Here's what I think what happened...
A/N: Many thanks to develish1bluedragonhawk and my bf who helped me with prompts when I was desperate for them!

snowed in

"Alright! Well then, here we are...the Nexus of Phoom," the Doctor dashed across the console room, grabbing his coat along the way, "I tell you Rose, it's gonna be brilliant..."

Rose, however, was preoccupied with the image that was displayed across the console's screen, "Uh, Doctor, I think..."

As was his habit, the Doctor didn't hear a word since he hadn't quite stopped talking, "Why aren't you moving Rose? Come along then..." and with a quick movement, he made to open the Tardis doors.

"Doctor," her voice a bit louder and her face with worry, "I really don't think you should..."

But she saw that it was too late - as the pile of snow that had stood so tightly packed against the Tardis doors was now very much inside the Tardis, dripping past the grating and piled neatly along and, well, on the Doctor's trainers.

"What is this!?" he exclaimed, so honestly surprised at the sight of snow.

Rose couldn't help but chuckle as she walked over to him and helped him dislodge himself from the snow, "Like I was sayin', yea'? That you shouldn't open the doors because of the snow."

"How did you know there was snow?" His eyebrows perked with curiosity.

She laughed and made to close the doors as well as she could, "Funny how the console screen can be useful at times like these."

The Doctor looked down at his wet trainers and pouted.

"Seriously now, Doctor, you should go and change. Seems like we have a proper 'snow in' now," despite the worry of the Doctor becoming ill due to the cold, there was a pleased note in her voice.

"Well, it won't ruin our plans really, I just have to change into something drier, then we'll be on our way," he noted happily.

"Oh," Rose's grin dimmed as she headed back to the console seat.

Noticing the sudden change in reaction, the Doctor kicked at the snow so it fell between the crevices of the grating. The drips and plops of snow could be heard hitting underneath him.

"If we were snowed in, by chance, what would that mean?"

Rose swung her legs over the armrest and smiled brilliantly, "Oh, we could have some hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies and laugh and I could make us some cookies probably."

"Christmas?" again the Doctor looked confused as time was rather relative in the Tardis.

"Well, it's Christmas somewhere, somewhen, why not today, yea'?"

The Doctor couldn't help but smile. The idea of drinking hot chocolate, eating freshly-baked cookies while watching movies with Rose was too tempting to resist.

"Weeellllll, perhaps I was too rash in saying that our situation was so completely fixable as such," he drabbled.

Rose sat up straighter, "Yea'?"

"Oh, yes," the Doctor smiled as Rose's laugh echoed through the Tardis.

hot chocolate

Rose dropped the last hard chunk of chocolate into the slightly boiling pot of milk. She stirred and watched as the lumps slowly became smaller and smaller until the milk turned a delicious shade of brown.

The oven dinged and she quickly (but safely) placed the wooden spoon on the side of the stove so it sat upon a small plate she had found in the cupboard. She shoved her hands into a couple of oven mitts and opened the oven door. The scent of chocolate chip cookies wafted in the air around her. The smell made her involuntarily salivate. The Doctor was going to love this!

They had been to visit her mum about a week before and she had realized that it was close to Christmas. She knew, of course, that the Doctor wouldn't be bothered with such a thing, but that didn't mean that she couldn't celebrate in her own way.

She placed the sheet of cookies on the counter to cool off and continued stirring the hot chocolate. A smile broke out on her lips as she realized that they had a can of whipped cream that would go lovely on the two steaming mugs of hot chocolate she planned to serve them. She quickly took out the can, as well as the two containers of sprinkles (red & green) she had bought before leaving Earth. It would look great sprinkled on the whipped cream, she thought.

Then they would grab the plate of cookies and watch at least one Christmas movie of her choosing in the Tardis's TV room. Rose wasn't entirely sure how she was going to convince her brooding Doctor to join her, but no matter how much he hid in that leather jacket of his, she knew that he would succumb to her eventually.

Rose had just turned off the stove and reached up for two of their largest mugs when she could practically hear the Doctor fuming as he came through the door.

"Rose, how many times have I told you not to leave your things around the console! What is so hard to understand about that? Humans, such stupid apes you are that you think every piece of free space is yours!" he growled as he looked down at her.

Instantaneously, all of Rose's cheer left, not only her face, but her whole body as well. Any other day and she'd probably have a quick quip of how picky he was being, but it wasn't any other day for her and she felt hurt.

So, instead of yelling back or rolling her eyes, she simply placed the mugs quietly down on the counter, sidestepped the Doctor and walked out of the room.


The Doctor stood dumbfounded in the kitchen. He heard Rose's bedroom door close softly down the hallway.

Was it because he'd yelled? Called her 'stupid ape'? He figured that perhaps he had gone a bit overboard - it's not like he minded her things along the console usually - he just liked things to be neat along his controls.

Then he finally took a look around at what Rose had been doing. The quickly cooling hot chocolate on the stove, the freshly baked cookies on the counter and then finally the can of whipped cream and containers of colored sprinkles. Red & green.

Of course. Christmas. He'd noted it the last time they visited her mum. He'd made a mental note to return so they could celebrate, but apparently he'd taken longer than usual to remember. It was no matter, he could take them there now...

Guilt dripped on his insides at the sudden realization. She had wanted to celebrate on the Tardis with him...probably thinking he didn't want to go back to Earth for her. And he'd just yelled at her for some inconsequential thing.

He rubbed his hand down his face and stood dumbly as he looked at what Rose had prepared.

Then, quietly, he got to work.


Awhile later, the Doctor stood outside Rose's door and knocked softly, "Rose? Can the door?"

Quiet, and then, "As if you ever asked before..."

Taking that as a reluctant "yes," he turned the knob and pushed it open. Rose was sitting on her bed, reading a magazine. He rocked on his feet as he thought about how to proceed.

"Could you...could you come with me?"

The question was oddly gentle coming from him and perhaps that's why Rose looked up quizzically.

"It's just...there's something...can you just come with me...uh...please," he made a face, as if those words had never met his lips before.

Rose continued looking confused, "Uh, sure, I guess."

And so the Doctor walked on ahead of her, but slowed his steps until he could hear her behind him.

He led her to the TV room and turned quickly to watch the understanding on her face.

The Christmas lights he'd spent the last hour dangling from any corner he could shined on her smooth skin. Her face was awash in shock as she took in the sight before her. The lights and holly hung around the room. On the coffee table, in front of the slightly worn green couch, sat two large mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream piled atop each with sprinkles adorning them as well. The cookies she had baked were in a small mountain on a plate and Christmas DVDs were piled near the TV.

"Doctor, what is...all this?" her voice held the kind of wonder he'd often hear whenever they landed on a new planet. It made his hearts melt.

"Merry Christmas, Rose Tyler," he whispered, a large and goofy grin on his face.

Rose's shock grew to an array of happiness as she ran to hug him, a brilliant smile now shining on her lips.


christmas, thoughts, fanfic, doctor who

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