Title: When It was Gone
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 168
Pairings/Characters: The Doctor (take your pick, post-Rose)
Warnings: It hurts.
Summary: The life in him burned. It lay stagnant.
A/N: Written for
who_contest's "Burn" drabble contest :)
When It was Gone
The life in him burned.
Could it be called a life anymore?
It was a thing. An existence. He simply was.
It lay stagnant in him for the longest time. Neither feeling nor truly caring.
Planet after planet. Moments passed. Time was nothing.
But then he met her.
It started with a trickle of something intricate that was felt between and in his hearts.
It stung but it didn’t hurt. No, that hurt would come much later.
The drip became a steady stream of something that felt like liquid but was not. It coursed in his veins with him looking on incredulously.
With time, it became a waterfall.
It threatened the already crumbling barrier he tried so hard to maintain.
And then it was gone
but not really.
It burned with a different ferocity and frequency. It was her and the emptiness she left behind.
Knowing that even though it was happening again and again somewhere else
it would never happen to him again.