Title: Faithful to Thee, In My Fashion Characters/Pairings: J'onn J'onnz, Tony Stark, hints of Steve/Tony Rating: PG Summary: J'onn finds himself in a strange world. Inspired in part by
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Ah, poor J'onn. Poor Tony. Poor both of them. And so true that resurrection occurs more in DCU than in Marvel. But there's always hope. Hope that J'onn can get back home; hope that Steve will be one of those exceptions.
I'm glad that glint of hope came through! The challenge was mostly to write J'onn happy and I meant to write crackfic with Tony and J'onn romping around and it just wouldn't go there...the woobie, it was too powerful...
I was always heartbroken that after his people died he would shape into his daughter at times to talk to her...
Oh man, really? :( I didn't know that was canon, and yet it makes so much sense. He misses people so intensely and never forgets...
Tony surprised me by wanting at least half of the focus of the story, maybe a bit more. :) He's such a delightful mix of ruthlessly functional and painfully dysfunctional...
*hugs* Happy early birthday! I hope you have the best of all possible days.
Friday, when Stark came to a party with Selina--dark and elegant, with a cynical smile to match the director's--and left with that handsome young acrobat...well, everyone agreed that was a new low for him.
*snickers* New low X3 And Selina, yum!
Ahem. After my little giggling attack, I have to say woooobie! man, what's up with these boys! way to turn crack into a woobie fest. I really liked your Tony, and given that J'onn looks like a Skrull and has Skrull powers I'm not surprised he wasn't exactly trusting. But it's the moving past that that's important, right?
There moment where he breaks when he sees J'onn!Steve D: Poor Tony! and he laughs, nooo! the self deprecating laugh, it gets me every time!
J'onn's way of remembering home broke my heart :( the JLI, the JLA, Babs! Selinaaa! ;.; I love him for being hopeful still. We know he'll make it home! And Steve, well. Steve always comes back. Who can keep Captain America down, right? Keep hoping, Tony!
What, what? I failed to answer this, whyyyy? Maybe because I was ashamed to have to admit that I totally missed the double-meaning in those lines. And yet I find it delightful! :)
J'onn looks way too Skrully to get a free pass in Marvel, alas. But if he can outlast King Faraday he can outlast Tony Stark. :)
the self deprecating laugh, it gets me every time!
Augh, self-awareness, it burns me. I cannot resist it! And J'onn being everyone he loves...darn, he should have shown up as Bea as well, of course. A Brazilian beauty, she would have captured everyone's hearts! :) I'm sure he does later, lol. Offscreen, the same place he shows up as Bruce and Clark. *grin*
Comments 26
Wow, outstanding, Jen!
I began smiling like a silly person when I read of Tony's 'dates' on the endless parade. What, not Clark or Bruce? ;)
Ah, but you included 'the handsome young acrobat'. *luvs* :)
So sad, too, as J'onn has lost yet another world and Tony is in such terrible pain, too.
No Gotham or Metropolis. *sad*
Really excellent fic!
I know! I would imagine J'onn would miss them so terribly.
Glad you liked the acrobatic cameo! I'm sure everyone at that party was quite envious indeed. :)
*wibbles even though isn't Tony/Steve slasher*
He provides Tony comfort, and in return J'onn recreates his friends in this world and in his heart.
*wibbles again for J'onn*
Absolutely heartbreaking, yet tinged with hope.
I know I totally would be if I were up on Marvel!
And yeah, poor J'onn, the shapeshifter far from home. I know he'll make it back someday though, somehow...if DC gets a different editor, perhaps...
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Oh man, really? :( I didn't know that was canon, and yet it makes so much sense. He misses people so intensely and never forgets...
Tony surprised me by wanting at least half of the focus of the story, maybe a bit more. :) He's such a delightful mix of ruthlessly functional and painfully dysfunctional...
*hugs* Happy early birthday! I hope you have the best of all possible days.
*snickers* New low X3 And Selina, yum!
Ahem. After my little giggling attack, I have to say woooobie! man, what's up with these boys! way to turn crack into a woobie fest. I really liked your Tony, and given that J'onn looks like a Skrull and has Skrull powers I'm not surprised he wasn't exactly trusting. But it's the moving past that that's important, right?
There moment where he breaks when he sees J'onn!Steve D: Poor Tony! and he laughs, nooo! the self deprecating laugh, it gets me every time!
J'onn's way of remembering home broke my heart :( the JLI, the JLA, Babs! Selinaaa! ;.; I love him for being hopeful still. We know he'll make it home! And Steve, well. Steve always comes back. Who can keep Captain America down, right? Keep hoping, Tony!
Awesome crack, Jen! toot tooot!
J'onn looks way too Skrully to get a free pass in Marvel, alas. But if he can outlast King Faraday he can outlast Tony Stark. :)
the self deprecating laugh, it gets me every time!
Augh, self-awareness, it burns me. I cannot resist it! And J'onn being everyone he loves...darn, he should have shown up as Bea as well, of course. A Brazilian beauty, she would have captured everyone's hearts! :) I'm sure he does later, lol. Offscreen, the same place he shows up as Bruce and Clark. *grin*
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