A dream within a dream

Oct 19, 2009 20:58

Starting tonight the weather will dip down. The wind will stop its howling but the strange, scraping of tree branches will still be heard on the windows after nightfall. Funny...there aren't any trees high enough to reach the top floors. People might now and then hear the voice of someone from home whispering to them, as they close their eyes. Of course, no one's there when you open your eyes...

Come tomorrow morning, the fog will have dissipated some, but left in it's place is the first frost of the season. It will remain for the week, worsening at night, but warming up (barely) by dawn's first weak rays. The sky will remain a dull, bland grey, thunder rumbling in the distance now and then. By Wednesday it will be drizzly, raining off and on.

And now.

Due to some of the residents exercising their abilities, the spirits have temporarily glutted themselves on powers and strange energies. Due to this, they've unleashed some of it on the citizens, causing dreams (and especially nightmares) to become a reality.

Characters are encouraged to act they way they would in their dreams: having conversations with others, interacting with their environment, even defying the laws of nature in the way that dreams make completely possible. The catch with this magic, however, is that your character will not be alone in his or her dream: other residents of the apartments are also dreaming, and may wander through your dreams, as you might wander through theirs, at will.

The character making the post is the one actually having the dream (i.e., determining the setting); characters tagging into posts are interacting with the initial character's dream environment. As dreams tend to be strange, the setting is not limited to the apartments, but can transport one to outside, and even (temporarily) home. Remember, dreams do not always have to make sense; one might even argue that they only make sense when they do not make sense.

As dreams (and nightmares) can take on any form, every type of dreaming is encouraged. Dreams can be happy or sad, confusing or clear-cut, heartwarming visions of home or terrifying nightmares of hell. Posts can be made at any time during the week; it is not necessary to post your dream right away. Additionally, dream threads can be carried through to completion after the dreams have ended, for the sake of those who cannot tag quickly.

Participation is not mandatory, though we're encouraging it! Posts that are made as a part of this event should include [Dream] in the subject line, and a link back to this post by way of explanation. As for waking up from the dreams, whether you remember yours or only have vague memories, or know someone's better than they do is strictly up to you. Some of our dreams are easily remembered after all, while others tend to be just out of reach.

This event will last for one week starting tonight, ending at dawn on October 27th.

[[OOC: That's right. Dreams and Nightmares event. Starting tonight, until the night of October 26th any character can have a dream that others can interact with. Treat it like a log post if you want, go crazy. Anything can happen and secrets can be spilled. Though. Those injured might find themselves sporting a few injuries upon awakening the next morning in an eerie parallel.

If you have any questions, post them here, please!]]

event: [2009-10] dream within a dream, ! mod post

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