Crazy fangirls vs. CNBLUE in London

Oct 02, 2012 00:23

"So you mean you're less crazy because you're not first in line?"

(My cousin about me when I told her we've been in the queue for two hours already, but that those ones who came first were there at 10 a.m. in the morning).

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trip, cnblue, food, concert

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Comments 14

xxasukixx October 2 2012, 12:29:33 UTC
Hey there!
You have a really nice writing style, I enjoyed reading your report. ^o^
Ahhh, you know what? The boys visited that music shop!! I read it in another blog. The girl even got autogarphs!! Luckyyyy!! They went there on Friday. ;)
The concert was really awesome and I'm glad you got to enjoy it a little bit more after using your earplugs. As for me, I didn't had any pain but some tinnitus the next day. XDDD However, I didn't mind at all.
Well, I hope we'll meet again! It was much fun to enjoy the show together with you guys. ♥


jicachan October 2 2012, 13:04:01 UTC
No way! I knew it was a good spot to stalk them. But I'm sure I hadn't even arrived in London when they went there... T_T;

It would've been cool to have jumped into them in London, on the street, hehe. I wonder if they were recognized a lot when they were in London?

CNBLUE don't have concerts at Tokyo Dome, do they? I would like to see them in Japan. =)

Happy that you enjoyed my report! ♥


xxasukixx October 2 2012, 13:58:49 UTC
Don't be too sad. Maybe next time. ;)
At least we know now that they were really interested in music stores, chinatown and sight seeing. That's good thing to know if we're ever going to be in the same city as them again.
I guess, they could enjoy the trip as normal tourists and weren't recognized that often. Maybe they met some fans in chinatown because there are many Asians and Asian culture lovers. ^^

Nooo, they don't had any concert at Tokyo Dome yet. They won't even visit Tokyo this time. Quite surprising, right??
Did you already plan when to go to Japan? :)


jicachan October 2 2012, 14:12:13 UTC
No, not being sad, you can't really count on meeting them even though you're in the same city. But it's kind of funny when thinking of WHAT IFS? XD

I've only talked about going to Japan with my sisters, in about 2-3 years, but it's difficult to plan any concerts because I'm the only one who likes KAT-TUN. But just imagine, Tokyo Dome, wow~

CNBLUE aren't going to Tokyo? Only to the other cities?


mydiorama October 3 2012, 07:42:57 UTC
Really seems like a lot of fun!
Though, all phones and iPads would have driven me crazy! haha. :)
Imagine if KAT-TUN could come to London! I'd go immediately!
I also had a great concert experience in London once. I saw my favouriteband Silverchair :)


jicachan October 3 2012, 10:24:05 UTC
The phones and iPads WERE driving me crazy, but since we couldn't get rid of them, I took out mine too, hehe... ^^;

KAT-TUN coming to London is a dream... I'd go immeditely too!

I've never heard of Silverchair. Where are they from?


xxryoxx October 3 2012, 13:04:21 UTC
nice report :) i didn't know that it was so hard for you to enjoy the concert at first. but you are right the crazy fangirls were a bit annoying. :(
your korean food looks delicious. we just ate chinese food in chinatown :D

i wonder what the egg is too. i didn't find an answer yet....


jicachan October 3 2012, 15:14:20 UTC
Yeah... well, there were so many emotions after the concert, so now I've sorted them out. Overall, it was great and I think that even if my view wouldn't have been better, I wouldn't have regretted going to the concert. I think I'll want to go next time too, if they're coming back. ^^v

Fangirls and concerts belong together, so unfortunately you just have to bear with them.

The Korean food was good, I was hungry... XD But I had to add a lot of the chili sauce for it to taste.

The egg? You mean the building? Haha, I think it looks like a bullet. ^^;
Maybe it's just an office-building..?


believetobefree October 3 2012, 19:56:08 UTC
oh it sounds like such a great trip! :) I've been reading a couple of reports and I'm really beating myself up about not going ;__; I hope (and really do think) that they will come back again (and hopefully they will bring their labelmates with them^^). I've heard a lot of good feedback about the show and I heard it was sold-out (?) so there's obviously an interest! :)

I have some videos bookmarked to watch, but I do believe YWs English is pretty decent (and he writes most of their English songs as well!) I haven't really heard him/them talk but when they sing in English it's really good by Asian standards! I think you are a KAT-TUN fan too, so compared to KT for example it is a million times better :')

Thanks for sharing your story^^


jicachan October 3 2012, 20:12:16 UTC
Yes, it really was a great trip, I'm glad I went. I mean, London is much closer to Sweden than Korea, so it was an opportunity I couldn't miss out. =)

Hopefully they will come back to Europe. ^^ All the seating tickets were sold out, but not the standing. But I thought it was a lot of fans there.

Yonghwa's English is really good, both singing and speaking. Compared to Kame who can't really speak English.... ^^;; (I love Kame still nonetheless). But I think Jonghyun could still work more on his pronounciation.

Thanks for reading and commenting! ^^


camera ext_1881836 May 30 2013, 18:16:04 UTC
Hi, can I ask you a question? Regarding the photo time, did they have a bag check or security check at the entrance to forbid cameras at all?


Re: camera jicachan May 30 2013, 19:13:29 UTC
No, not what I can remember, there was no security check for cameras, you didn't have to show your bag. However, it was a bit ambiguous: I think I saw some girls who were told they had to put down their cameras in their bag. Then inside the concert, they had this message before the performance that is wasn't allowed to take any pictures or film and everybody was like "you're kidding right?". During the concert, some security guards walked around and told people to stop filmning/take photos, but they didn't tell everyone... so I'm not sure. I wasn't "caught" anyway, hehe... ^^;


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