[Music] Eternal fancover

Mar 05, 2011 18:22

Title: Eternal
Song and lyrics by Akanishi Jin

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fancover, music

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Comments 11

katherinekate March 5 2011, 18:45:18 UTC
Don't think me rude - but I usually hate listening to fancovers ...
I loved yours though!! Honestly, you have a really sweet voice so two thumbs up.


jicachan March 5 2011, 19:11:48 UTC
Awww... you're too sweet. Thanks for listening, hihi. ^^

I know the crucial thing is the first lines... usually, if I don't think it sounds good, I stop listening to the fancovers.

This song is like Leon Lai's, back then when I was singing a lot of karaoke with 四大天王, his song always gave us trouble, since they're so low...

I should try this song on the piano, but I don't know when I will get the time. T_T


mydiorama March 6 2011, 12:14:05 UTC
Oh, I really liked it! :D I really liked the chorus, very beautiful! :)
Now I want to do one too! hahah. But as you say it's very time consuming, we'll see if I have the time! :)


jicachan March 6 2011, 14:09:15 UTC
Thank you very much. ♥

There were parts I liked too, like the chorus, but I'm not posting it to the comms this time, because I sound horrible when the keys go up.... >.<

Go and do your fancover now so we can listen to your voice!!!! ^^


dontstopmore March 6 2011, 13:04:20 UTC
ooh not bad at all! =D
pardon me but..LOL we sound really alike!! XD
btw how come there are like 2 voices? you overlapped?
did you post yours on the coms? hahha i dont dare XD


jicachan March 6 2011, 13:57:30 UTC
Hihi, maybe we should have a collab sometime?

Yes, I wanted it to sound like there are more people singing, like a chorus (like KAT-TUN's song), so I just recorded it twice and put it together.

No, haven't posted it to the communities this time, don't think it sounds that good... ^^;


dontstopmore March 6 2011, 14:07:28 UTC
hee we could i suppose! =D haha


jicachan March 6 2011, 14:10:22 UTC
Let's see next time when there's a song we both like. ^^


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