
Vividcon 2007 Friday

Aug 10, 2007 23:00

Today I slept in (clear until 7:26 -- 5:26 home time), had breakfast with niqaeli, surfed around a little, had second breakfast with ladysorka, and goofed off until the con began at noon.

The first thing I did was a combination vidshow/panel called "Genealogy of Vidding" moderated by Rache. This was interesting. I'm frequently fascinated by the path from there to here and how vidding has evolved. Conventions in use now weren't in use before the technology made them possible, and conventions from before are sometimes disparaged now. Literalism was in vogue in the beginning, metaphor is in style now. The literalism was necessary though, because the quality of both audio source and video source did not allow for a whole lot of subtlety. I'm glad that metaphor has not always been the trademark of good vidding because (when it comes to songvids) some levels of metaphor frequently go whooshing by me without leaving so much as a skidmark.
Oh Boy: Quantum Leap -- fantastic timing for its day, when the level of technology required assembling all the clips and then laying the audio track on top of them. Many many times in this vid, Sam's mouth saying "Oh boy" is in time with the choral echo of the primary singer saying "Oh boy". It's really cute. queenpeil might like it if I find it anywhere.
Nobody's Side: Wiseguy -- Not my fandom (NMF), and I sadly don't remember it.
Temper of Revenge: Miami Vice -- NMF, but I liked the song a really really lot. I might want to vid it to SPN. If I ever successfully get Adobe to work on my box.
Too Long a Soldier: Professionals -- NMF, but it was a pretty heavy hitter. It felt like it was only a short step from being powerful political commentary on current events.
Clean: Highlander -- I loved the premise. Absolutely loved it. Also loved clip choices. But it felt like the full story had been told by the end of the chorus after the first verse, making the rest of the vid redundant. I may have re-ordered it so the story was as long as the song (which I also loved, as I do most Depeche Mode).
So Pure: Homicide: LotS -- NMF. I must not have been listening too well, because apparently the song is about dancing and is being used as a metaphor for something. I may have chair-boogied a bit, but the thing I came away with was a gladness of there being a black protagonist in a vid "about" purity. (Or maybe it wasn't. Like I said, I wasn't listening too closely.)
Language: SG-1 -- This is one I had seen before. More than once. But it causes conflicts in my brain because IF THERE ARE WORDS, I MUST READ THEM -- only, the point of the vid is the blurriness of language and how what you say is often not what others "hear" (or so butterfly tells me) and therefore most of the words scrolling up the screen blend into the background. The use of effects is cool, but my brain just can't accept not trying to read the words, and I get all distracted.
Dante's Prayer: Star Trek (series, movies) -- In spite of this being yet another NMF, I have enough canon to recognize the particular arc being addressed, and the vid gives me an emotional connection to Spock's death and return that I usually lack. Didn't hear most of the words, though.

As an aside, my brain prioritizes songvid input thusly: 1) Mood of music, 2) mood and content of images (strongly influenced by the subtext I bring with me, if I know the fandom), 3) lyrics (music content). The song has about 4 beats (one measure) to establish whether the moods of the audio and video will agree. If they agree, we continue. If they disagree but it strikes me as having comedic effect, we continue. If they disagree and I don't get it, we tune out. Lyrics often don't get processed until the rest of the vid feels comfortable enough (or discordant enough) to be deprioritized. Sadly, this leads to me to knowing the vid without knowing the lyrics, or knowing the song while having no idea what the vid was about, or just not remembering it. I usually don't have a grip on the many interleaved facets of a vid until I have seen it several times.

After "Genealogy," I went to the "Why Vid?" panel.
Motivation to Vid
  • Highlight what is shown as opposed to creating new
  • Interact with what hearing in the music
  • Unique visuals provide deeper interpretations
  • Audience participation (more than in fic)
  • Better control of voice (than in fic)
  • Not as long as some fic, so better for introducing fandom
  • Knowledge of the fandom may not be required
  • Song says "it" best (more poetical than vidders feel they can be in fic?)
  • More intense, more concentrated

Watching - Why watch? What do we look for?
  • Something new - not just a retelling of the movie/show
  • To wallow in some aspect of the beloved fandom
  • Nostalgia
  • Only/First exposure to the fandom
  • Interpretation of the song
  • Vids have higher proportion of canon, create pseudo-canon (as opposed to fanon?)
  • Hotness
  • Vids retain other aspects of the show setting - color pallette, actor expression/delivery, saturation
  • Music bears metaphor better now than in the dawn of vidding
Vidding process - what do we get out of it?
  • Deeper understanding of the show
  • That rare perfect moment of lay-down
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Surprised by result
  • Telling yourself a story
  • Getting lost in it (vid farr)
  • Visual puzzle
  • Learning about how directors and editors put stuff together
  • Intellectual challenge, creative outlet
  • Learn to watch media differently
Vidding as therapy
Vidding is fun
Vidding is universal

At 2:00, I went to the vidshow "Life, the Universe, and Everything"
Realize: NMF - I remember liking it at the time, but now all recollection is gone.
Not Only Human: X-Files -- this one left me vaguely interested in re-watching the X-Files with Scully as my point of view character. I didn't really strongly follow it when it was running, but this vid did a good job with Scully and her arcs over the years.
Solsbury Hill: SG1 -- I didn't feel the connection between song and source as well as I think I was supposed to. I picked up a repetitive theme of Daniel moving on/going home, but those first four beats didn't mesh together with the perceptions I already have of the show, and so it would have taken a bit more convincing than I got for it to really move me. Perhaps on a second or third time through.....
Circles: Dead Like Me -- I've seen maybe 4 episodes. I enjoyed the vid. It made creative use of the repetitive nature of the song to illustrate parallels, and then there was a clip that made me go "Wuh? I need to see more so I know where they went with that!"
Don't Panic: Highlander -- Duncan is just not the character who makes me go gaga. It fit in with the theme of the show, but -- actually, that's all I've got.
All Along the Watchtower: Wild Palms -- NMF. I remember being vaguely thoughtful because of it.
Nemutai Yatsura (Am I Awake): Urusei Yatsura -- NMF, but it was cool. Funny, and cool. Probably a "Funny Once" not "Funny All the Time" (at least for me), but I'd watch it again to share.
Man in Motion: The Matrix -- this is an example of where the mood of the music and the mood I carry into the source don't agree, but I take it as a comedic effect. It's really nice to be in a room of laughing people and feel like laughing, too. (Some folks remember the contrast between this and "Jolene" from last year, where everyone else was laughing and I just wanted to cry for McKay.) I really enjoyed it.
Stop Watching Anime and Go Outside (There Is Life Outside Your Apartment): Multi Anime -- NMF but quite funny, on the same order as Nemutai Yasura.
Time Waits for No One (Today): The Girl Who Leapt through Time -- NMF. The questions inserted as text really made this vid work for me.
Out Here: due South -- I remember wanting Butterfly to see this one.
God is a DJ: BSG -- by the end of this vid I REALLY REALLY miss Starbuck. I'm anxious for the new season to start.

The "Nearly New" vidshow started at 3:00, but since I'd gotten a call from the HR contact in California for the SolarWorld plant in Oregon -- the HR guy up here is basically working on staffing up technicians, so he referred me to the lady in California Thursday morning. When I first tried to call her, her voicemail was full, but today I left a message, and she returned my call at about 2:45. So I raced upstairs to email her my résumé, only to discover two hours later that the hotel internet does not like sending messages from Outlook. Meh. So I sent it from my ISP website, but that wasn't until later.

I ran back downstairs to the vidshow, but I'd already missed the first two vids. Sadly, the second one was Butterfly's The Tower, which I like better than the movie it is based on. What I saw:
Vibrate: Dexter (NMF) -- If I were a Stranger for this in strangefandom (which I'm not actually even in, at this point), I would come away thinking there's a lot of blood and a crazy guy who's in love with another guy from the internet, and they refer to each other as Ken and Barbie. I'm not sure which is which, and there might be some detective work, but somebody definitely has baggage from childhood. Oh, and there's a phone set on vibrate.
Not an Addict: Forever Knight (NMF) -- hot vampires that I now want to see.
Short Skirt/Long Jacket: Smallville -- Lois is hot. This song is a bit less demeaning than the title implies. The vid, on the other hand, apparently suffered a dearth of "Lois in long jacket" shots and so made do with her stripping and pole dancing instead. Also, Lois is hot.
Never Ending Road: Beauty and the Beast -- NMF.
You Can Call Me (You Can Call Me Al): due South -- I have a fondness for this song, this fandom, and anything that starts with Fraser smiling beatifically at both Rays. I liked the structure, verse assignment, clip choice, and timing. I wondered momentarily if it might have been better to start with the Fraser verse (which was 3rd) by rearranging the music, but then decided it was better as it was. That song is well known enough (at least by me) that the rearrangement would have been distracting, and the music's original arrangement did not obscure the relationships between the characters.
Ballingal Hotel: Century Hotel -- Not having my program with me, I suspected the source long before I was sure of it, because the only parts of Century Hotel that I had seen were the parts with David Hewlitt. But the song worked really well (moodwise at least, I only recall a few lyrics from the chorus) and the vid interleaved the various arcs in a way that didn't confuse me. I'm not sure it would work as well for someone who didn't know that Century Hotel is a group of stories rather than just one, but hey. Not every vid has to be a pimp vid. I liked it. Link
Beautiful Life: Dark Angel -- If my wireless connection were working at the moment of my typing, I would dig up a link to this one, because wisen_heimer MUST WATCH IT NOW. It's by redina (known as bunniqula) (Edited to correct vidder's LJ name), and it's not a premiere, so it should be out there somewhere. *crosses fingers* My love for Alec knows no bounds, and this showcases him (and the history Max has with his brother Ben) wonderfully. (ETA: Found it!)
Living Dead Girl: Angel, Buffy -- The music mood definitely meshed with the clips mood, but not so much with my mood. Faith is awesome, and the timing in the vid was good, but I just wasn't there right then.
Digging in the Dirt: BSG -- I'm not sure where my head was, but it apparently wasn't in this vid.
Bring Him Home: Hornblower -- NMF
Another Crappy Video (Everything Comes Down to Poo): Multi (anime, mostly, iirc) -- I think the vidder may have worked with me, with the initials KD. Not really. This is a vid that I suspect my 3 sons (and KOP) would probably find hysterically funny for days (if not years) on end. I was amused the first time, but also a little horrified. I sort of wanted to laugh, but I couldn't get my jaw to stop gaping long enough.

At intermission, I got a seat closer to my friends, and less where I felt obliged to slouch excessively and make my neck sore against the chair back.

Jesus for the Jugular: Carnivale -- OMG. It was well done. I can tell because I hear it is a beautiful yet creepy source, and I found the vid aesthetically smooth yet thoroughly creepifying. Do not watch with children, particularly children who go to church.
(Here there was a delay due to technical difficulties, but we were able to resume)
Volcano: QAF-US -- Porn, anyone? I got an inkling of deeper meaning with the bit about "volcanoes burn you up" or something, but the pretty is quite distracting *wink* It's worth a re-watch or few.
Blood Fugue: Dexter -- Remember what I said about Vibrate and strangefandom? From this we get the added suspicion that the POV character may have multiple personality disorder. Also: lots of blood. Lots. ""
The Best Thing: Doctor Who -- This is one of my very favorites of butterfly's vids. Somehow it seemed a little slower on the big screen, but I love it nonetheless. It really sums up for me how Ten and Rose feel about each other. I discovered today that I can read it as either or both of them singing about the other, though the Doctor (the actual POV character) comes through a bit stronger based on the significant timings and effects.
Columbia is Bleeding: Angel, Buffy -- ummmm
Ladyhawke (Arisen): Ladyhawke -- It was pretty, but I expected more.
Fell on Black Days: SPN -- Distracted by the pretty, I'm not sure I heard the song. I don't remember it, at any rate. But, pretty.
Glory of Love: The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne (NMF) -- I really liked this. I now want to see the video source. However, it is apparently also the 'cestiest vid ever. The two leads, who were pegged by those of us who don't know the fandom as a married couple, are actually cousins who were raised as siblings. This does not bother me today. It's the new orange. And I still want to see the show.
Show (Hey Oh): Miracles -- ummm. I forget.
Bicycle Race: Doctor Who (old and new) -- This is crack. Brilliant, funny, delightful crack with metaphors that I get.
Sugar: Smallville -- while familiar with the fandom, this was not my pairing. Actually, I haven't seen much of Lex in any Smallville vid so far (all, like, two of them). *shrug*
Why Do Fools Fall in Love?: Oz -- I think the dissonance between the mood of the song and the mood of the source was meant to be funny (or maybe not), but it didn't strike me as such. Maybe it was more satirical. Because there isn't anyone in Oz that isn't fucked up. Way fucked up.
Stronger Forest: Heroes -- this was fascinating, but it didn't record well in my head. Another reason I should watch those two episodes I have on CD at home.
On the Ground: Rat Patrol -- I enjoyed this. Surprisingly, I guessed the fandom having had no contact with it at all ever except for once having borrowed a Rat Patrol fanzine from dine. It was good times, though I was a little baffled by the goats.
In the Mirror: due South -- RayK is never not fun. I enjoed this one, too.

That vidshow finished late due to the technical issue delay, and then it was time for dinner. butterfly went out with some friends, but I stayed in to decompress.

Then -- Club Vivid! With a drink bar, an hors d'ouevres buffet fit for a meal, and the con suite open for when danciing is a bit much. I started in the con suite, went to the dance floor, back to the con suite, then upstairs to do this. There's a bloody lot of Club Vivid vids (3.5 hrs worth), and something like 30 of them were premieres. I did not see them all. However, I'm going to try to track down links to the ones that most caught my attention. For the record:
Paul McCartney by Scissor Sisters (Will and Grace) John Arrowsmith (jarrow)
Toxic by Britney Spears (Buffy) Lithium Doll
What You Waiting For by Gwen Stefani (Alias) millylicious
Weapon of Choice by Fat boy Slim (Farscape) SDWolfpup
Vogue by Madonna (300) Luminosity
Just Can't Get Enough by Depeche mode (QAF US) kitkatbyte
Tainted Love by Soft Cell (X-Files) Media Cannibals
SOS by Rhianna (Supernatural) Killa
Improper Dancing by Electric Six (Multi) Mary Crawford
Do You Want To by Franz Ferdinand (These Girls) Katerina Knights
Flash Dance by Deep Dish (La Femme Nikita) gwyneth
--- and there's where I left.

postcards from the edge, life

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