S01E02 - The Man in the SUV (04/06)

Oct 12, 2012 18:13

Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Seeley Booth/Zack Addy
Spoilers:The Man in the SUV
Series:Third story of Bones Revisited - Season 01
Summary: My version of the second episode. Zack and Booth try to solve the crime while hiding their relationship from the rest of the squint squad. Contains slash.

Author Notes: I change the character highlighted on each scene. Words in italic are their thoughts. Words underlined are other characters thoughts.

Main characters in each scene are Zack Addy (The Broken Skull, The Acting, The Repaired Skull, The Detective Work and The Poison), Seeley Booth (The Brother, The Lover and The Car) and Angela Montenegro (The Supply Closet).

Chapter Three

In which the skull is put together and Zack acts.

Forensic Platform

Jeffersonian Institute's Medico-Legal Lab

"How's the skull coming, Zack?"

"The fragments just won't piece together. The integrity of the bone is compromised. Whether it's from the blast-"

The squint was cut off by his best friend: "I examined the chemicals used in the explosives; they can have a degenerative effect."

"Not this quickly. Let me see them, Hodgins." - The anthropologist looked at the bones through the microscope - "Unusually soft bone tissue. This has nothing to do with the blast. Do you have his medicals, Zack?"


"Stiff joints, facial disfigurement. Could be a degenerative disease."

"I don't get it. How does his condition figure into the murder?"

My best guess is someone wanted to hide his condition.

"Now it's a murder. Before it was terrorism because we didn't have all the facts. We can't overlook anything when we're looking for the truth. Check for lupus and Paget's. Do you have enough tissue?"

"I can manage."

"If the tests come back negative, he might've been exposed to a toxin. Which means his brother was too. I'll try and get the brother's medicals."

She left the platform.

"I graduated top of my class, Rhodes scholar, youngest in the Academy of Physical Sciences, but she still makes me feel like a cretin. Why didn't she scold you for not being able to put the skull together?"

"Because during lunch, she told me and Angela that apparently Booth has a girlfriend."

Emphasis on apparently.

"Oh, Zack. I'm sorry. I didn't know. Now I feel more like a cretin."

"It's okay."

"Want me to find out everything about her?"

You sure have the means to do it.

"I feel better not knowing. But thanks anyway."

Farid Masruk's Apartment

Washington D.C.

Agent Booth was starting at a crucifix on the wall. The victim's brother noticed and explained:

"Yes, I'm a Christian."

"And Hamid is Muslim. As is Sahar."

"I converted. Hamid could never accept it. Religious differences cause too many problems."

Ah! Motive.

"It seems to be a consistent fact throughout history."

"I tried to make peace with my brother, but it was difficult. There was more than religion between us."

"Sahar mentioned some family problems."

"Did she tell you any more than that?"

"No. But if you have any other information that could help us in the investigation…"

"It's not my place."

"We're just trying to find out who killed your brother."

"Sahar was seeing another man. But I can't believe she would hurt my brother."

Booth whispered to Bones:

"Told you so."

"Do you know who this other man is?"

"Yes, I've met him. Ali Ladjavardi. He worked with Hamid at the Friendship League. I wanted Hamid to confront him."

"Did both of you have contact with Ladjavardi?"

"Yes, once. A meal. I brought Hamid to meet him. Sharing a meal is a gesture of peace. I was trying to save their marriage. But she wasn't going to
stop her affair. So I told Hamid to repudiate her."

"Sorry?" - Booth looked lost. Bones decided to help:

"In Muslim law it's a method of divorce called talak."

"I still respected his traditions."

"You and your brother seem to share a medical condition."

He seems surprised. Maybe a little scared. But why?

"Yes. Why is that important?"

"She's just trying to figure out the condition. It's part of the investigation."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"Yes. He believes it's genetic. He was gonna call Hamid's physician to discuss it."

He calmed down.

"Would you mind if we saw your medical records?"

"Of course not. If I could be helped, I welcome it."

Forensic Platform

Jeffersonian Institute's Medico-Legal Lab

Jack and Zack were working while Angela talked to them about her research on Booth's mystery woman.

"Apparently they live together a few days a week. But he was very clear that she has her own place."

"Should you be intruding into their lives like this?"

"Yes, Zack. Absolutely."

"Negative for both lupus and Paget's. I'll do a scraping for environmental contaminants. "

"Hodgins, here." - Zack handed a dish to his friend. - "I found these flecks caught into the torn edges of the bone."

"Bottom line: I still think you have a shot with Booth."

Time for some acting.

"Angela, he lives with a woman a few days a week. It's useless! He's not gay and will never be!"

You don't get to live in a big family without learning to act.

"Methinks you doth protest too much."

"Maybe I protesteth just enough."

"Please! You've been sleeping alone for months. You have enough pent-up sexual energy to power a medium Midwestern city."

I don't feel comfortable discussing my sex life with you.

Hodgins spoke up: "This looks like gypsum. It wouldn't cause any organic damage. It was probably used to insulate the explosive. I bet the FBI doesn't know that yet."

"I'm going to check out this girlfriend."

"So you know her name?"

"I knew I was forgetting something."

"Just leave them alone, Ange. Please. He deserves to be happy even if I'm not the one with him."

"Do you really mean that, Zack?"

"Yeah, I do."

I really do.

FBI Interrogation Room

Washington D.C.

"I'm not proud of the affair. I admired Hamid. But Sahar and I are in love. And I can't change that."

"You had access to his car."

"That's ridiculous!"

"You also had contact with his brother, who said you weren't friendly with Hamid."

"Have you ever been in the middle of a messy relationship? Or are you a perfect man?"

I am far from perfect.

"I prefer to ask the questions."

"I have the right to an attorney. Have you called the number I gave you?"

"Of course. I would never deny anyone their rights."

The door opened:

"Mr. Ladjavardi? I'm Special Agent Santana. We're sorry for the inconvenience. You're free to go. "

"Thank you."

"You're finished, Booth."

"What the hell? He was a prime suspect."

"He's a mole for Homeland Security. They planted him in the League."

"He admitted the affair."

"Maybe, but Homeland Security says he's clean. They do not want his cover blown."

Special Agent Seeley Booth's car on route to the Jeffersonian

Washington D.C.

"You seem angry. Do you want me to drive?"

"No. I just want to get to the lab."

I just want to see Zack.

"You're going to kill someone."

"I'm not angry. This is me accepting reality. My superiors make the decisions. If they don't think them through, it's not my problem."

"If I were you, I'd be mad. They're preventing you from doing a proper investigation."

"I'm a grownup. I'll deal. Can we talk about something else?"

"Sure. Your woman?"

"No. Why do you want to talk about her?"

About him.

"Why not? I'm sorry. We won't talk about her."

"I prefer if we just talk about things you like to talk about, like dead bodies."

"Sure. You killed a lot of people when you were a sniper?"


"You know, maybe we shouldn't talk."

"We'll find out who killed him, Booth. We've got Hamid's body. Zack is working on it as we speak."

Forensic Platform

Jeffersonian Institute's Medico-Legal Lab

Brennan swiped her card and entered the platform. Booth followed her.

"When the brother's medicals arrive I want them matched to Hamid's."

"I'm starting on a tox screen."

"I'm guessing he was negative for lupus."

"And Paget's."

She noticed the bomb laid upon the table.

"What is this?"

Booth finally let himself get closer to his lover.

"How are you holding up, Seeley?"

"I'm having a hard time with my bosses. But I'm having a tougher time not being able to touch you. So, Hodgins built a bomb?"

"The very same bomb used to kill Hamid. We used the trace elements to rebuild it. Maybe it'll give you a link."



Zack raised his voice as he finished putting the skull together:

"I'm done!"

"Nice job." - The forensic anthropologist took the finished school and put it underneath magnifying lens. - "No wonder you had such trouble. Look at the spread of the trabecular pattern."

The assistant whispered to his lover:

"Microscopic fissures, like cracks."

"Thanks, I had no idea what that was."

"This spread is too rapid for any bone disease or genetic condition. It's definitely a toxin. Is there any surviving marrow to test, Zack?"

"I'll try and find some."

"Let's do it."

Doctor Jack Hodgins' Office

Jeffersonian's Medical-Legal Lab

"Do you mind if I keep you company while you work?"

This is just like you making me breakfast.

"No, I don't mind. In fact, I'd love your company, Seeley."

Booth sat down and watched Zack work.

"Are you ready to tell me what made you angry?"

"I can't keep anything from you, can I?"

The squint just smiled.

"My best suspect is a mole for Homeland Security. And I can't investigate or interrogate him."

"And Santana warned everyone from the FBI to do the same?"


"Doctor Brennan isn't from the FBI…"

"So Santana's order doesn't apply to her! You're a genius!"

"So you have told me. We really have to tell them about us. I don't know how much longer I can play the part of the heartbroken squint."

"Just gotta close this case. Wanna help?"

"Sure. We still have only three suspects, right?"

"The wife, the guy she having an affair with and the brother."

"The brother was exposed to the same toxin as the victim. That rules out the wife."

"How so?"

"I don't think she would cook to Farid and Hamid together. Remember that she didn't approve of Farid's conversion. That leaves the brother, who could've exposed himself and Hamid accidentally, and Mr. Ladjavardi, who shared a meal with them."

"One down, two to go. If being a squint gets too boring you could became a detective."

"No, I like the lab and the people who work here. And now, I'm done with the marrow. Let's hope it's enough."

Forensic Platform

Jeffersonian Institute's Medico-Legal Lab

"The marrow's too degraded. I can tell you basics, but that's it."

"According to his tests his liver function was impaired."

"His body was trying to get rid of the poison."

"Too bad the liver is cooked. It could tell us everything."

"What are Hodgins and Brennan saying? Biology wasn't my best subject."

"The liver is like a filter, Booth. It would contain evidence of any toxin in his system. But we don't have the liver or any of the flesh left."

"That's it. I'm never eating liver again."

Eating. You are what you eat.

"We still have the beetles! We can ID the poison from them!"

"Good thinking, Zack."

"You get them, Hodgins. I'll work on the bomb."

The artist walked up to them and Brennan said, giving her Hamid's skull: "We're gonna have to run a simulation. Input the skull and give me a face."

"You got it."

She went to her holographic crystal ball to do as she was told.

"I know what they were poisoned with. Dioxin, in a very pure form. It would stay in the system for years and cause the facial cysts and the bone degeneration we saw."

"Give me the levels of saturation. Angela can use them to give us a date of ingestion."

"How much it would take to poison them?"

"Just a little bit in their food. Like that lunch they had with Ladjavardi, Se- Booth." - He went back to the table where the bomb was.

"Impressed?" - The way Angela asked you could just hear her smirk.

Very impressed.

Imaging Unit

Medical-Legal Lab

Temperance was reading the data for her friend to input into the Angelator.

"Dioxin levels were 5600 parts per trillion. Speed of bone degeneration is an 88% increase over baseline osteoporosis. Date of death was-"

"I remember that one, thanks."

I'm trying to forget that, thank you very much.

"Booth, could you get Zack and Hodgins in here?"

"Sure." - He went to find the squints.

"I can't believe him! Acting completely oblivious to Zack's feelings!"

"But you have to admit that Zack can hide his feelings pretty well, Tempe. When Booth's around he just masks his feelings."

"Okay, we're back!"

"Run the scenario, Ange."

The artist pressed a button and in the middle of the room the holographic image of Hamid Masruk appeared.

"I'll never get used to this."

"Squints with toys?" - They all stared at Zack who kept looking at the hologram.

Does he realize the sexual implications of what he just said?

"Probable date of exposure, about four months ago. I'd say first week in June."

"Let's go pay a visit to Mr. Ladjavardi."

"Booth, Santana forbade anyone to interrogate Ladjavardi."

"Anyone in the FBI, Bones. But you're not exactly FBI, are you?"

"Good reasoning."

The squints went back to their jobs and Brennan went to Booth's car. Booth was on his way there when Zack pulled him into a supply closet.

"There isn't enough time for sex, Zack."

"I just needed to be able to kiss you right now. How do you think I feel with you and your sexiness parading in front of me?"

"The same way I feel whenever I see you. Well, maybe we have time for a quickie."

"Music to my ears."

character: angela montenegro, character: zack addy, character: jack hodgins, character: seeley booth, pairing: seeley booth/zack addy, series: bones revisited - season 01, character: temperance brennan, fandom: bones

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