So, I'm back from
AmberCon NorthWest and had an excellent time. Only down side was that I got sick and skipped out on a Hero Quest game to save my voice for the next day. I enjoyed all the games I played in. However, the standout would have to be "Karm v. Osric" -- a 16-player larp organized by Lydia Leong, Yi-Mei Chng, Julian Morley, and Robert Donoghue.
The two games I ran went very well. "Princesses in Rebma" had a bunch of excellent interplay between all the players. The most prominent was the interplay between Deborah Donoghue as Queen Moire (as a scheming manipulator) versus Robert Donoghue as a very loud, brash Prince Corwin. I'll ponder about adding some to it for next time.
Polaris went well again. One of the things which we noted was that when playing the Heart, people still got really into doing nasty things to their Protagonists. It even a bit upped from each side. So, for example, Lee had set up that his male knight was secretly in love with another man -- an old rival of his named Keid. In the first scene which he started, it was made clear that his mother was trying to set him up with a woman. I upped this a bit later, as the woman he was set up with, Aquila, burst into tears, explaining that she was secretly engaged to Keid. He comes back that he finds that Aquila is the only woman he ever loved. Lee had some further comments on his LJ (
losrpg) as
"Reflections on Polaris".
I'm putting together a full convention report to post.