(no subject)

Mar 24, 2008 03:07

“Hayato.” Ryu’s gasps never fails to please Hayato, this was Ryu just the way he wants him; flushed and incoherent.


Walking in your son having sex was one thing, walking in your supposedly sick son tied on his bed post and about to be ravished by his punk and good for nothing friend, well more than friend he guess, was another.

He was informed that Ryu locked himself in his room and refused to eat. Wanting to check on the boy before he calls a doctor he certainly did not like what he found.

“Ne, Ryu-chan I was certain I locked the door.” Hayato said as matter-of-factly while kissing the other’s bare collar bones.

And that hit the nerve on Odagiri Shinya’s part.

“Hayato.” Ryu said with firmly with a glare that says; you are so dead when I get free.

Having two Odagiri’s glare at you could’ve sent any man running, but he was Yabuki Hayato. He came here for sex and that’s just what’s he’s getting.

Well that’s what’s in his mind before Ryu’s father called the guards and drag him outside.

“RYU! I won’t leave you hanging! You idiot, stupid, good-for-nothing guards, don’t you see that Ryu needs me!” Ryu could hear Hayato screaming outside.

“Ryu I’m sending you to Canada, no room for argument.” His father said in authoritative but shaking with anger voice.

“Sure, but before you send me to Canada could you untie me first?”

He didn’t know whether it was his son’s request, or the way that his son asked in a manner that makes one think that a father walking on his son tied on a bedpost about to have sex with his good for nothing punk best friend occurs everyday that made him loose consciousness.

By the time he regained consciousness his son was nowhere to be found. And one of the maids that would’ve lost her job if he didn’t have such a massive headache informed him that his son was carried off by his friend.

“Gods above I’ll deal with this tomorrow.”


“And where are you taking me.” Ryu asked despite noticing that the path that Hayato was taking was toward's the other's house.

“Somewhere we can finish what we started.”  Hayato grinned at him suggestively.  And Ryu could only shrug.

“You could at least untie so I can walk.” He after all has his pride.

“No, Ryu-chan that’s where the fun starts.”

now you guys know it's all Hayato's fault. >.< why Ryu will be sent to Canada and why those security thingy was installed. XD nyahhahahaha! *shot*

javvie here's you're Jun/Kame though it's not crack/humor as planned. >.< i fail at humor. maybe i have an only one humor per day! But it's still junkame! and let me just say that i'm so gald that you crave junkame with me! XD

That time they were drunk and didn’t know what there were doing. He didn’t know how it happened or why it happened, it just did.

At least that’s what he keeps on telling himself.

That day he woke up with a surprisingly good mood but not without a massive hangover. But the biggest surprise he received was the person who roused almost the same time he did.

Surprise was reflected on each other’s eyes, and trying desperately to find the words that need to be said but only succeeding in muttering the each other’s name.



The younger bit his lips then gave him an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry for the bothering you. I’ll be leaving.”

The other left the room immediately after getting dressed in haste, leaving Jun, still trying to find the words to say.


“Decide already!” Aiba demanded during their break.

“What are you talking about?” Jun asked genuinely not knowing what the other wanted him to do.

“Decide are you upset or in a good mood, you’re going bipolar on us.”


That was a one time thing. Jun kept on telling that to himself, but his conscience just wouldn’t let him be.

‘If it’s a one time thing then why does it keep bothering you?’

“Damn conscience…” he muttered.

“Eh Jun you said something?” Nino asked.


Days later he managed to quiet down his conscience. And he being Matsumoto Jun treated himself some drinks for he was victorious against his conscience.

Several drinks later he found himself kissing the same person that he wanted to forget the whole week.

He wanted to push the younger man away but he noticed that it was him that holds the younger tightly against his chest, discovering that each kiss he planted only makes him crave some more.

“Kame, you’re not drunk are you?” He whispered at Kame’s ear huskily.

“No. Are you?” Kame giggled.

“Liar, but no I’m not drunk, giddy but not as far off as you are. Gods why do I always find you in my arms when I drink? I’m seriously thinking someone has a crush on me.”

“I don’t know. Why do I always end up in your arms then Jun?” Kame gave him that infamous flirty grin.

“Stop throwing the question back at me, punk. Would you like to come to my private party though?” he said not letting Kame do all the flirting.

“It depends, you willing to show me a great time eh, Matsumoto Jun?”

“You have no idea, Kamenashi Kazuya.”

“To your party then.” And Kame let Jun lead him away from the bar, away from the person who he wanted to forget so much.

Jun however noticed one very jealous Akanishi Jin, while trying to have fun with a blonde American girl, and he couldn’t help but grin as he met the glare of the other. Though as he kissed the intoxicating lips of his junior, he couldn’t help but think that he had dug his own grave.

Matsumoto Jun had taken advantage of a very drunk Kamenashi Kazuya.


tbc? i dunno... poke me to continue.

now you guys know why i have a phobia in writting fics. it's like horrible. >.< it's because i tend to be biased. *shot* and i couldn't write pron to save my life!

and is it me or is jun just fun to write. though it was torture for me to characterize him.

so ja... it's 3 am and my mom is bugging me to sleep now!

hayato/ryu, junxkame, drabble, fanfiction

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