Abortive, aborted, distorted; one version of a request ages ago. Will never be finished in this form. Here instead of elsewhere because my login is stuffed up.
This one is very old; I found it digging in backups. It just wouldn't go in this form, but if you squint at it sideways you can sorta see the bones of the fifty sentences it became. <3
The song is I'm thinking probably not your bag, but is entirely about them. ^_^
(I'm about 87% sure I said before that Bush follow Narcissa around. For whatever reason. And I don't care for them overmuch; they're just hers in here. I'm not sure why.)
Also, when I can get homeward, you will have squee slathered all over your music post, because it's so thorough and fabulous and Six Degrees and. *Eee.*
Comments 2
This one is very old; I found it digging in backups. It just wouldn't go in this form, but if you squint at it sideways you can sorta see the bones of the fifty sentences it became. <3
The song is I'm thinking probably not your bag, but is entirely about them. ^_^
(I'm about 87% sure I said before that Bush follow Narcissa around. For whatever reason. And I don't care for them overmuch; they're just hers in here. I'm not sure why.)
Also, when I can get homeward, you will have squee slathered all over your music post, because it's so thorough and fabulous and Six Degrees and. *Eee.*
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