Allow me, if you will, to quote
something I wrote almost exactly one year ago:
How old is Jeff Winger? This is a question I've been pondering lately, thanks to the fic I've been working on for the
community_bbang. The story spans quite a long period of time, and while knowing exactly when certain events take place isn't really that important, having that sort of information at hand can be helpful when you're trying to work pop-culture references into your story. Would it, for example, make sense to have Jeff quote a line from Aladdin as an eighth grader?
November 25, 1992: Aladdin is released.
June 1992: Jeff graduates from eighth grade.So to answer question above: no, no it would not. Dammit.
I bring this up because in
last night's new Community episode, Jeff told his estranged father a story to illustrate just how screwed up he had become as a result of his dad's abandonment:
One time, when I was in seventh grade, I told everybody at school that I had appendicitis. I wanted someone to worry about me. But when Beth Brannon asked to see the scar, I didn’t want to get found out, so I took Mom’s scissors, and I made one. It hurt like hell, but it was worth it. Because I got 17 cards, and I still keep them in a box underneath my bed 22 years later because it proves that someone, at some point, cared about me.
Now, bear in mind that this episode is set on Thanksgiving day, and it was originally supposed to air last November. That is to say, in 2012. So if Jeff was in seventh grade 22 years ago as of 2012, that means he was in seventh grade in 1990. EXACTLY WHEN I SAID HE WOULD HAVE BEEN.
I wouldn't necessarily say this validates the time I spent thinking about it, but nevertheless, I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself right about now.