I just don't feel ready for this new year. I'm already racing to catch up thanks to a couple of projects left from last year -- and then an untimely bout of flu which has me sounding like a cross between Lauren Bacall and end stage emphysema. But so many of you have been kind enough to ask what this year's schedule looks like, so here's how 2011 is
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Comments 112
My location is in an exclusive relationship with Advil for cold and flu. And really I want to be done with it.
The only okay thing is that the weather in the central valley is grey and dreary. Time to read.
Going to try to break up with Advil, but he really is clingy.
Glad to see you're feeling better too!
Thanks so much!
That sounds truly terrible. I'm going to hold off a day or two in the hope this will clear up without resorting to poison. ;-D
Our local library has ordered copies of your collected novellas vol 1 &2 and the first Adrien book. They already have a few reserves on...
music to my ears!
A bright spot in all the coughing and sniffling.
The new cover for Snowball in Hell looks great and I'm looking forward to the second book in the series. ;)
Also looking forward to the next Kit and JX (loved All She Wrote. JX is a very patient man, fortunately for Kit!). Kit unpacks a moving crate and finds a body inside. Now that's really having skeletons in the closet... uh, well, sort of. *g*
Hope your flu leaves soon and you feel much better!
Well, three of the books are basically done: Snowball is already edited and ready to go, Yellow Sands is in the copyedit phase, Mummy Dearest just needs a bit of fleshing in here and there. So that's three out of seven where I don't have much to do. Which only leaves four for sure projects and a short story that I have to write from scratch.
That's not so bad at all. And that's why I think I'll have time to add the other two projects in even if they don't get published until next year.
Yes, to have blown my resolution of a sensible schedule in the first two weeks of the new year would be a bad sign.
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