The Disciplines, Weaknesses and Derangements of Catherine De Volanges

Oct 13, 2008 16:13


Catherine has the following abilities based on her clan 'birthrights' so-to-speak and practice:

  I. Auspex is a Discipline that grants vampires supernatural senses. It is one of the most common and favored Discipline  among Cainites due to its versatility and overall usefulness in just about every facet of vampiric existence. In   addition to  the individual powers granted at each level, Auspex allows someone the opportunity to see through illusions, such as from Obfuscate or Chimerstry, so long as the user possess at least an equal mastery in Auspex as the Discipline in question. Furthermore, it has been known to grant some degree of oracular ability, particularly when alerting a Cainite to danger, even if they are in torpor. Loud noises can be very disturbing.

  • Heightened Senses: This ability allows the vampire to double the range of its sight, hearing, and smell. Its senses of touch and taste, however, become much more accute. Very rarely vampires with this discipline will display precognititive abilities. The downside of using Heightened Senses is that something that jars the senses, such as a thunderclap or a bright light, could blind or deafen the vampire for quite some time.
  • Aura Perception: Everything in the World of Darkness has an Aura. With this ability the vampire is able to perceive these auras to gain hints about the nature and attitude of the subject in question.
  • The Spirit's Touch: If someone has handled an object an imprint is left upon it. A vampire with this discipline is able to sense these imprints and glean useful information from them.
  • Telepathy: This is fairly straightforward. A vampire with Telepathy is able to create a mind link between itself and a mortal. With great effort it is capable to connect with vampires.
  • Psychic Projection: This power is essentially astral projection. It allows the vampire to project its consciousness and wander throughout the world as an astral body. Of course, while it is doing this the vampire's body is defenseless so it is rare that a vampire will take a long journey in this way.
Descriptions have slight variation from the VtM RP book source of information, which is used as the prime reference.

  II. Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind with the vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act   according to the vampire's decree. While undeniably powerful, its use almost always adheres to two important restrictions:  the user must meet the eyes of the target and must speak in language that is clearly heard and understood by the target. Furthermore, this Discipline cannot be used upon Cainites of lower generation and cannot force someone to be self-destructive or defy their Nature. Using Dominate is often considered very heavy-handed, hardly appropriate within what passes for polite vampiric society, but it is also favored by those of age and status as a efficient means of asserting their authority.

  • Command of the Wearied Mind: Give a simple one-word order that a target must obey
  • Mesmerize: By holding a target with your gaze you can implant false thoughts or hypnotic suggestions in a target's mind
  • The Forgetful Mind: Rewrite the memories of a target
  • Possession: Transfer your mind into a mortal body and control their actions

  III. Thaumaturgy--Few Kindred are able to practice the rigorous discipline of Thaumaturgy. This is the practice of blood  magick, and is largely the province of the Tremere Clan, who created it and guard its secrets jealously.
This magick is directly descended from the theories and practices of the Order of Hermes, a medieval order of magi. While few humans know aught of blood magick, this art has been developed for centuries by the Tremere to take advantage of their vampiric strengths. Tremere Thaumaturgy is despised and feared by most mortal wizards. Thaumaturgy also allows the wielder to use rituals, as well as a number of different paths: the Lure of Flames, Movement of the Mind, and Weather Control.

  • Level 1--A Taste for Blood (Perception-based abilities related to blood) You may determine how much blood is left in a Kindred or mortal, how recently a vampire has fed and the approximate generation of a vampire. You must touch the blood in order to be able to tell anything about it.
  • Level 2--Blood Rage: but with a touch, the character can force another Kindred to use her blood whether she wants to or not. Thus a vampire may find her Strength suddenly increasing and have no idea why. Additionally, because the vampire becomes more excitable, the difficulties of frenzy increases for the target vampire.
  • Level 3--Blood of Potency (temporarily lowering your effective generation): Makes blood more potent for a time.
  • Level 4--Theft of Vitae: The vampire is able to steal blood from an opponents body and take it into their own. The blood stolen must be within 50 feet and in clear view, and the source of the attack will be obvious.
  • Level 5--Cauldron of Blood: The Tremere is capable of manipulating others' blood. By touching another they can boil their blood, not only causing incredible physical harm, but destroying much of their blood as well. This virtually ensures death of any mortal whom its performed on, and can inflict great damage on vampires as well. 
  • Paths: Infernal--Corruption (Level two)

IV. Character Attributes: These define the characters abilities in various physical, social and mental capacities.

  • Strength

  • Dexerity

  • Stamina

  • Charisma

  • Manipulation

  • Appearance

  • Perception

  • Intelligence

  • Wits

  • Acting

  • Alertness

  • Athletics

  • Dodge

  • Brawl

  • Empathy

  • Intimidation

  • Leadership

  • Streetwise

  • Suberfuge

  • Animal Ken

  • Etiquette

  • Firearms

  • Music

  • Repair

  • Melee

  • Security

  • Stealth

  • Survival

  • Drive

  • Politics

  • Bureaucracy

  • Finance

  • Science

  • Medicine

  • Law

  • Computer

  • Investigation

  • Linguistics

    (French, English, Latin, German)
  • Occult

  • Conscience

  • Self-Control

  • Courage

  • Humanity

  • Willpower

  • Mentor

  • Resources


ONE STEP TOWARD CLAN BLOOD BOND: Having gone through the ritual of the Transubstantiation of the Seven, like most Tremere, Catherine is one step closer to being bonded to her clan and her sire. She is of independent thought and will, but when matters pertaining to the clan arise, Catherine acts in accordance with their wishes, unless, of course, she can rationalize that the orders were not in the clans best interest. Please note that a step toward blood bond does not mean blood bonded. She must carefully watch her steps when around her leaders though.

SUN: Being in the sun will result in Catherine's final death. Please note that she knows a quick ritual that will block out the rays of the sun for a short time. However, as this requires the use of much of her blood/or those around her, the expenditure in blood points that cannot be immediately replaced-should she need them and should the time deploying the shield be more than a moment- would cause her to frenzy and the shield to drop. Please see her grimoire for details on the ritual.

FIRE: Bad. It burns the skin. Rational, is it not? Prolonged exposure - just like with the sun -  will result in final death. How much one can sustain depends on the character's Fortitude.

STAKE IN THE HEART: It will only paralyze Catherine. To kill her requires some followup measures.

TRUE FAITH: Depending on the strength of the follower's True Faith, the effects this has will vary.


VITAE DISCRIMINATION: She won't drink the regular vintage, unless she frenzies or there is nothing else around, and much prefers the taste of powerful, rich or aristocratic blood. Some say anything less makes her sick and the silly rumour surrounding the reasons why is much more delicious.


OBSESSION: From time to time Catherine becomes so entrenched in her scheming; her plots and planning her strategic moves that she becomes oblivious to anything occurring around her. Although this meditative state allows her to focus and think solely on the issues at hand with great strategic depth and clarity, it serves as a great danger to her as she losses awareness of her surroundings.

disciplines, character sheet

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