Title: Long Way Home
jezebel_rising Rating: NC17
Fandom: Star Trek reboot
Pairing: Jim/OCs, pre Jim/Spock
Disclaimer: I don't own them, don't make any money off of them, please don't sue me.
Warnings: Rough sex, mentions of child abuse, meld-memories playing havoc, Jim has parental issues up the ying yang, Winona Kirk bashing.
Author’s Notes: Apparently my brain can break Jim Kirk, too. The fic is mostly Jim centric, with a couple barrels of angst thrown in as Jim feels his way into being a captain and gaining friends. I wrote this drunk (yes, all of it), so I blame vodka for this mess, yes I do. Also, since I can’t find the stepdad’s last name, I gave him the last name of the guy who did his voice over from the film. Also? I loathe the character Winona Kirk’s actress plays on House. Loathe. Hence the bashing.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven