AU RPS: Stupidly In Love 1/1

May 10, 2007 12:20

Title: Stupidly In Love
Author: jeyhawk
Pairings/Characters: Jared/Jensen, Tom, Mike
Rating: NC17
Category: Romance, AU
Wordcount: 6339
Summary: Jared and Jensen is the best of friends, but Jensen's got one secret he hasn't told Jared about.
Disclaimer: I don't know them, own them or make any money from them. This is just a bunch of inventive lies.
Warnings: AU, Jared as a cheerleader.
Beta: ames1010 Love you babe!

Notes: Bring It On and titheniel is to blame for this bunny that involves cheerleading!Jared and lovesick!Jensen... One can never have too many J2 AU verses... Right?

Stupidly In Love

”I hate you, man. I really, really do. You’re such an ASS.”

Jensen barely looked up when Jared plopped down on the couch next to him, as he was completely engrossed in getting to the next level of Grand Theft Auto on Jared's PS3. The clean smell of Jared's sweat wound its way into his overt concentration, though, and he threw the controller to the floor with a frustrated groan when he lost his last life.

“Why am I an ass?” He asked, daring to glance at Jared, who predictably was hot and sweaty, wiping his face with a towel.

“You just are… getting me drunk… daring me even though you know I never back out on a dare… Now I got Sandy on my case and I will never be able to quit. Seriously… I’m getting ridiculed by the entire school and it’s All Your Fault.”

Jensen grinned, poking Jared with the toe of his sneaker. “You don’t think I’m an ass, you like my ass.”

Jared gave him a look that was way too doubtful. “Uh… I suppose there is nothing wrong with it… and take your fucking shoes off when you’re in my room.”

Jensen sighed internally and toed his sneakers off, pulling his legs up under him.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Jared asked, getting up from the couch and pulling his soaked t-shirt off. “I thought you were hanging with Chris and Steve tonight.”

Jensen was trying really hard not to stare at Jared's toned upper body and failing miserably at it, but it wasn’t like Jared, the oblivious bastard, was noticing his lustful stare.

“Chris cancelled,” Jensen said, his eyes trailing over Jared's muscles, admiring his golden tan.

Jared glanced at him. “Oh… I’m sorry, man.”

Jensen almost frowned, but then he remembered that Jared thought he had the biggest crush on Chris and schooled his features into mild disappointment. “Yeah, whatever… It’s not like it’s a hardship to hang with you.”

Jared grinned. “But you always hang with me,” he said, pushing his sweats down and giving Jensen a way too good look of his ass in his sinfully tight boxer briefs, another thing Jared griped about more than he should for Jensen’s peace of mind.

“I don’t mind,” Jensen said vaguely as all his blood rushed south. If Jared removed the boxers, he was going to die from lack of oxygen to the brain.

Jared threw him a look over his shoulder, thumbs at the waistband of his boxers. “We’ll have pizza, make it a night. What do you say?”

“Fine,” Jensen breathed, mesmerized by the sight of Jared's mile long legs and tapered back.

Jared smiled briefly before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving Jensen with spots dancing before his eyes and a boner the size of Texas. Daring Jared to enter in the cheerleading try-outs was simultaneously the best and the worst thing he had ever done.

All the hard work certainly agreed with him and despite Jensen’s initial misgivings, he was oh my God hot in the black and blue uniform.

Unfortunately, Tom Welling was also on the squad and Jared looked up to him like he was some kind of fucking hero. Jensen was well aware of Jared's crush on Tom and he just wished that his best friend would open his fucking eyes and see what was right in front of him instead. Besides, Tom was somehow involved with Mike Rosenbaum and that was one scary motherfucker.

Jensen thought briefly about excusing himself and heading back home to jerk off thinking about Jared, but then he dismissed it as a stupid fucking plan. It wasn’t like he actually wanted to hang back at his house. Ever since he came out to his parents, things had been more than awkward.

In a way, he couldn’t wait for this year to be over, because then he would be off to college and free to live his own life; but that would mean leaving Jared behind since his best friend was one year younger, and he didn’t know if he could do it. His uncle had offered him a job in his garage for a year to earn some extra money before college, and Jensen was tempted to take him up on the offer.

He hadn’t told Jared, though, because his friend was already painting the picture of how much fun Jensen would be having without him. Jensen hardly thought anything would be fun without Jared, but how did he say that without sounding like a lovesick fool?

Falling for his best friend was the stupidest thing he had ever done, but it wasn’t like he could help himself. Jared was perfect in every possible way and he just kept hoping that one day Jared would actually see him and fall for him, too. It was probably silly. If Jared hadn’t fallen for him in all these years, he probably never would. Jensen would be doomed to watch him from the sidelines for the rest of his life and he would never get laid.

He looked up as Jared walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips, water running down his chest from his still dripping hair.

“What are we watching today?” Jared asked as he walked over to the closet and pulled the door open.

Jensen fished the worn calendar that catalogued their movie watching out from under the couch cushions and found today’s date.

“House of Wax,” he said, looking at the list. “But there’s also DeVour, because we watched the TV special on thunderstorms on Tuesday, or Cry Wolf, because we played videogames on Thursday.”

Jared pursed his lips, glancing at him over his shoulder with a pair of white cotton boxers in his hand. Jensen looked at the boxers, his cock hardening even further. He was so pathetic. “What do you think?” Jared asked.

Jensen shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me.”

“We’ll watch House of Wax then, I always wanted to watch Paris Hilton meet an untimely death. Move the others to the end of the list.”

“Kay,” Jensen said, finding a pen on the coffee table and crossing out the movies they hadn’t watched, putting them down on the two first empty slots on the calendar.

The calendar, actually different ones, had been in use for years, the first one being a gift from Jared's mom to stop their endless arguments over what to watch on any given day. They simply took notes of all the movies they had to watch and assigned to different days, one month at a time. There was also a back up list for the days when they wanted to watch more than one movie and it had been working fine so far.

Jensen looked up from the calendar just in time to see Jared drop the towel and pull the boxers up his long, long legs. The startling white of his ass cheeks compared to his tanned upper body made Jensen’s mouth water, and he really shouldn’t be torturing himself like this.

“Now that’s the thing,” Jared said, wiggling his hips with a happy sigh. “There should always be room to dangle. I don’t know how you do it, always wearing boxer briefs, it drives me insane.”

“Murf,” Jensen said helpfully, trying to think unhappy thoughts, but it was very hard to do when Jared put him in such a happy place.

Jared gave him a curious look, pulling a t-shirt over his head and a pair of sweats up his legs. “Murf?” He asked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Jensen shrugged, looking away. “Maybe I don’t have so much that needs to dangle,” he said airily. Especially not when he was hanging out with Jared, he had a damned near permanent hard on these days.

“Don’t put yourself down,” Jared said sternly. “Your parents gave you some bad habits, man.”

“Not everyone is hung like a fucking horse, Jare,” Jensen pointed out. “You’re unnaturally blessed.”

It wasn’t that Jensen thought he was small, he was average, maybe even a bit more than that, but Jared was a freak of nature and it was kinda hard not to feel tiny in comparison. Not that Jensen saw Jared's cock all that often, especially not lately, but there had been the odd late night skinny dipping and games of truth and dare going awry. Jared's cock was a like a school legend and Jensen wanted it all to himself.

Jared plopped down on the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table, reaching for the phone lying discarded on the couch between them.

“You want your usual?” He asked, smiling at Jensen.

“Yeah,” Jensen said, shifting and stretching out so that his feet was on Jared's lap, just because he knew Jared would let him get away with it.

Jared put an absent hand on Jensen’s ankles, his thumb rubbing circles against the worn denim of Jensen’s jeans. Jensen closed his eyes, sinking back into the cushions, letting himself pretend for a few moments that Jared was his - that he didn’t have a stupid crush on Tom and that Jared would bend over and kiss him as soon as he finished the call.

“You look kinda sad,” Jared pointed out when he put the phone down. “You’re not like depressed or anything, are you?”

Jensen chuckled and shook his head. “Nah… I’m just…” Wistful, pathetic, stupidly in love with you. “Tired.”

“You can sleep. I’ll wake you up when the pizza gets here.”

Jensen smiled and nodded without opening his eyes. He didn’t even dare look at Jared, because he was pretty sure unrequited love was shining from his eyes like a fucking beacon. It wasn’t like he really was depressed, it was just that lately his life just felt bleak and shitty. His parents didn’t want anything to do with him, Jared was in love with Tom, and Jensen was more stupidly in love with Jared than ever. It was just… unfair.


Jared never really wanted to be a cheerleader, seriously, but he’d never been one to back out on a dare. So he’d gone to the try-outs and he’d done his best because he was nothing if not competitive. He’d been a gymnast once, before his last growth spurt had made him way too fucking tall, and he’d honed his skills mostly because being able to make a back hand springs with a full twisting layout was an awesome party trick.

So of course he’d been good, but he had so been meaning to turn them down if they offered him a place on the squad. Problem was that Sandy McCoy, the cheerleading squad captain, had seen something she really liked in him; and even better, something she needed. He’d been the only guy in the try-outs that had actually known his shit, and furthermore he was the only one that could match Tom in height.

All said and done, she’d bullied Jared into joining and no matter how much he griped about it, he couldn’t really back out anymore since they needed him. They were entering in this big cheerleading competition and it was Sandy’s first year as a captain, so she really wanted to defend their title and she would need her star boys, Tom and Jared, to do it.

So Jared sucked it up, got used to the ridicule, and learned how to cheer, blaming everything on Jensen because it really was all his fault. He’d never imagined cheerleading to be such hard work, or so fun. He preferred not to talk about the last thing, though, since he was maintaining his air of indifference and it wasn’t like he was going to tell Jensen he’d actually done him a favour or anything.

He’d never joined the squad to cheer before a big game before, but now it was time to come out of the cheerleading closet and he was nervous. Most of the people up on the rafters came to see the cheerleaders and not their way sucky football team, which made him feel weird and nauseous.

The entire school already knew he was a cheerleader, and most of them had seen him in his perky little outfit with the black slacks and the t-shirt with the Demon’s logo on it. They hadn’t actually seen him cheer, though, and he wasn’t sure he really wanted them to.

The crowd gave The Demon’s a lukewarm greeting as they ran out on the field, waving their helmets and acting like juvenile kids. The cheer from the rafters grew to a roar, though, as they announced the cheerleading squad, and Jared easily fell into step with Tom as they jogged out on the field, waving and catcalling half-heartedly.

“Nervous?” Tom asked, a big smile plastered on his face as he waved towards the crowd.

Jared swallowed. “Yeah.”

“Don’t be. It’s okay to screw up and you’re really good, Jare.”

Jared grinned at the compliment, waving at the rafters with renewed energy. Tom really was the coolest guy, and totally hot.

“Besides,” Tom added, “Jensen’s here, right?”

“Uh, yeah,” Jared said, because he was pretty sure that Jensen was.

“Just focus on him then. He won’t care if you screw up. It’s the beauty of having a boyfriend.”

“Yeah…” Jared said vaguely. He was going to tell Tom that Jensen wasn’t his boyfriend, but as usual he never really got the words out. It wasn’t like he minded that people thought he and Jen were a couple. Jensen was a great guy, and just because they never really hit it off like that didn’t mean people couldn’t think they had.

Besides, it would make less people hit on Jensen; Jared was very protective of his best friend. Despite Jensen being a year older, he was definitely the more fragile and soft spoken of the two. He’d never had a boyfriend, or any kind of sex. Jared was pretty sure that Jensen’s idiots for parents had something to do with that, even if Jensen said they hadn’t.

They were always putting Jensen down and Jared knew how hard it had been for Jen to come out to them. He’d done it anyway because he wanted to be honest with who he was, but it wasn’t like they had thanked him for that consideration.

As the squad made an unruly halt below the mid section of the rafters, Jared scanned the audience for Jensen’s familiar face. He found him on the second row, sitting next to Steve and Chris. Jared grinned with his entire face and waved at them, glad that Jensen had someone with him.

He was a little worried about Jensen’s crush on Chris, because the older man was straight and Jared knew from experience that such things only led to heartache. Even if Chris would suddenly decide that he had the hots for Jensen, it could never end well. Straight boys never really changed their colors and Jared didn’t want Jensen to get hurt.

Jensen saw him waving and waved back like a maniac, grinning with his entire face. Jensen really was an awesome friend for coming out to see him. Chris and Steve waved too, if a little less enthusiastically, and Chris leaned over Steve to say something to Jensen.

Jared wondered what they were talking about because Jensen was laughing and sticking his tongue out at Chris. He suddenly felt self conscious, sure that they were laughing at him. It was totally okay for Jensen to laugh at Jared, because they were best friends, but to do it with Chris was kinda low, even if Jensen had a crush on him.

They moved into formation for their first cheer and Jared kept his eyes locked with Jensen’s the entire time. He grinned widely as he moved through the routine, noticing that Jensen was clapping in time with the rest of the crowd, smiling back at him.

In the very last segment he hoisted Sandy up on his shoulder, she having one foot on him and the other on Sophia, who was in the middle of the three-person pyramid. He stuck his tongue out at Jensen, who was waggling his eyebrows at him, sliding his hand up higher on Sandy’s thigh to steady her when he felt her sway slightly.

Then their part was over, and he caught Sandy as she jumped down and they settled to watch the game. For once their team was rocking and they did a jubilant half time cheer, Jared keeping his eyes on Jensen again, making sure he was still enjoying himself.

Before he knew it, the game was over and the Demon’s had one their first game in years.

The entire squad carter vaulted their way off the field, in a mass of moving bodies until they stumbled dizzily into the locker rooms. Sandy gestured that she wanted to talk to him and he obediently followed her tiny swaying ass back out into the hallway.

“You did really well today, Jared,” she said with a beaming smile. “I knew I made the right decision when I picked you.”

“Thanks,” he said with a grin.

“But you can’t really flirt with your boyfriend like you were doing today when we go to the State Championships. The judges notice shit like that.”

Jared opened his mouth to protest, he had not been flirting with Jensen, but she shushed him.

“I know your love story is like epic and shit, but you can’t afford that type of distraction when we go to the Championships. We’re going to win this thing and if you can’t keep it in your pants, you have to tell him to stay at home.”

Jared blinked. Epic?!?

”If you hadn’t totally saved my ass out there today I would have ripped you a new one, but you’re new. It’s okay. Just don’t let it happen again.”

“I won’t,” Jared said, still wondering about what kind of freaky stories about him and Jensen made their way through school.

“Now, go home. Shower, shave and fuck your boy. I’ll see you at the after party.” Sandy winked at him before disappearing back into the locker room.

Jared frowned and shook his head, looking up when he heard approaching footsteps.

“Hey, man,” he said with a grin when Jensen came into view. “What did you think?”

Jensen smiled. “You were totally awesome.”

Jared caught him in a bear hug and swung him around. “Best friend ever,” he exclaimed when he put Jensen down.

There was something in Jensen’s eyes as he smiled for an answer, and Jared couldn’t help to wonder if maybe Jensen had thought he was flirting, too. Then he dismissed the thought as ridiculous, Jensen was probably just miffed that he’d missed chatting with Chris because he’d been watching Jared so intently.


The after party turned out to be huge and Jared lost track of Jensen two minutes after they walked through the doors, but that was okay. Jensen was never going to meet anyone if he kept hanging on Jared's skirts. So Jared grabbed a bottle of beer and wound his way through the party, taking a mouthful every now and then. It was his turn to be mostly sober and Jared was okay with that.

Jensen had offered to switch when they were back at Jared's place showering and changing for the party, but Jared had said it was okay. Jensen deserved some sort of compensation for Jared throwing up all over him after the last party they’d been to.

He ran into Tom and Mike after talking himself hoarse with a whole bunch of male cheerleaders from the losing team. The two of them were leaning against the wall, drinks in hand, watching the impromptu dance floor.

Jared sidled up to them after grabbing a new beer and nodded in greeting.

“Hey, handsome,” Tom said, raising his glass in salute. “You were totally awesome out there. Sandy told me how you saved her in the last pyramid… Great instincts for a newbie.”

Jared grinned happily, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. “Thanks, man,” he said.

“You seem kinda sober,” Mike said, giving Jared a pointed a look.

“Yeah, I’m driving tonight,” Jared said, smiling as Sandy waltzed by with the Demon’s star quarterback.

“Aren’t you going to do something about that?” Mike asked, nodding vaguely towards the other end of the room.

“About what?” Jared asked, trying to see what Mike was referring to.

“About your drunk off his ass boyfriend damned near making out with Chris Kane.”

Jared frowned, his eyes scanning the crowd until he finally saw what Mike was talking about. Chris and Jensen were in the corner talking and they surely looked intimate, Chris hands practically dancing over Jensen’s body.

“I can’t believe that filthy motherfucker,” Jared growled, thrusting his beer bottle at Tom. “That’s NOT why I told him.”

So looking in the rear-view mirror, it had probably been a stupid idea to tell Chris about Jensen’s crush on him, but Jared had only done it so Chris wouldn’t hurt Jen without meaning to. He certainly hadn’t told him for the older man to take advantage of his best friend’s inebriated state.

Face set into an angry grimace, he walked up to them and practically yanked Jensen out of Chris’s arms, pulling his giggling friend up against his side.

“I can’t believe you,” he snarled at Chris. “Taking advantage of Jen when he’s drunk. How low can one person sink?”

Chris had the bad taste to actually laugh, almost doubling over with amusement. Jared glared at him, his eyes softening for a moment as he looked down on Jensen who was blinking up at him with his chin pressed against Jared's chest.

“You’re silly drunk,” he pointed out.

Jensen grinned, nuzzling his face against Jared's side.

“Why do you care if I hit on Jen, anyway?” Chris asked, amusement still dancing in his eyes.

“He’s drunk and you’re straight. Excuse me if I don’t want you to trample all over him.”

Chris reached a hand out as if he was going to touch Jensen, and Jared pushed it away. “Don’t fucking touch him,” he growled.

Chris did anyway and Jensen shifted against his side. Jared suddenly realized what the hard line against his hip was, and he frowned at Jensen.

“You like him touching you?” He asked.

Jensen didn’t answer, his liquid green eyes shining with something Jared didn’t understand.

“Fine,” Jared grumbled, pushing Jensen away. “If you want to fuck up your life, go ahead, but don’t come crawling to me in the morning.”

He turned his back on Jensen and headed for the door. He needed some cool air to calm his spinning head. Jensen was making a huge fucking mistake, sleeping with Chris. Straight guys were bad news, Jared had learned that lesson the hard way and Jensen should be smart enough to follow Jared's advice on the subject matter.

“Fuck,” he said into the slightly chilly night air. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.”

He couldn’t let Jensen do it. He just couldn’t. Jensen would end up hurt and he was not getting hurt on Jared's watch, he just wasn’t. The mere thought of Chris being the first one to touch Jensen, the first one to get him off, was making him feel nauseous. Jensen deserved someone that loved him and understood him.

Someone who knew how things were with his parents, someone who knew he was afraid of spiders but wouldn’t make fun of him for it, someone who knew he was really self conscious about his singing and that every playful dig went straight to his easily bruised heart. Chris wasn’t that person, Jared wasn’t going to let him be.

He headed back into the party, his eyes scanning the crowd for Jensen’s familiar form. He couldn’t see his friend or Chris anywhere, and full of dark misgivings, Jared headed upstairs to where the bedrooms were. The first three rooms held straight couples in various states of undress and Jared quickly backed out with half formed apologies. The fourth room though told another story.

Jensen and Chris were on the bed, lying on their sides facing each other. They were both fully dressed, but Chris’s hand was on Jensen’s hip and Jensen looked as if he’d been crying. Rage welled up within Jared and before he even knew what he was doing, he was pulling Chris up from the bed by his hair, pushing him against the wall with a hand around his throat.

“I said you couldn’t touch him,” Jared growled, low and menacing. “You’re not allowed to fucking hurt him, do you hear me?”

Chris actually smiled and Jared tightening his hold on the other man’s throat until Chris’s hands flew up to his wrist.

“Jesus, Jared,” he croaked. “I’m not going to fucking hurt him.”

“Yes, you will,” Jared persisted. “You’ll pretend that you know him, and that you love him, but you really just want to fuck him, you pervert.”

“For fuck’s sake, Jared. I’m not the one hurting him. You are.” Chris shouted hoarsely, struggling against Jared's unforgiving grip. “Can’t you see that, you fucking idiot?”

“What are you talking about?” Jared demanded, tightening his hold even more until Chris was wheezing with every pained breath.

He stiffened when Jensen touched his shoulder. “Let him go, Jay,” Jensen said, his voice small. “He’s not a bad guy.”

Jared swallowed, looking into Chris’s blue eyes, surprised by the look of pity in them. “He was touching you,” Jared said stubbornly. “He can’t do that.”

“Let him go,” Jensen repeated, his fingers moving to rest on Jared's upper arm. “I wanna go home. Can you take me home?”

Jared swallowed, slowly relaxing his hold on Chris’s throat until he pulled his hand fully away, wincing at the white and red imprints that he knew would turn into quite spectacular bruises come morning. He looked down at Jensen, who looked like someone had just killed his puppy. Had Jared misinterpreted something?

“Yeah, I’ll take you home,” Jared said, slinging an arm around Jensen’s shoulders. “I think we both need some sleep.”

Jensen nodded without looking at him, and Jared couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d fucked up somehow. He’d done the right thing, hadn’t he? Chris wouldn’t get to hurt Jensen, and Jensen was safe with him where he belonged. Now he would take Jensen home and he would fall asleep to the comforting sound of Jensen’s breathing coming from the fold out couch.

Tomorrow they would order pizza and lounge in front of the TV, stuffing themselves and watching crappy movies, like they usually did on Saturdays. Maybe they’d go to another party tomorrow night, maybe not. It would depend on how they felt and Jared wouldn’t let Jensen out of his sight. They would be just fine, so why did it feel as if everything was wrong?


Jensen curled up in the passenger seat on the way back to Jared's, pressing his flaming face against the window in a feeble attempt to cool it down. Jared was talking a mile a minute, like he was trying to pretend that nothing had just happened and Jensen just felt like crying. He couldn’t pretend anymore, he was so stupidly fucking in love with Jared that it even hurt to breathe.

Earlier at the football field when Jared had been cheering and Jensen had been watching, it had felt for a moment like maybe there was something there. The way Jared had kept his eyes locked on him, cheering for him, grinning at him. Chris had even told him that Jared looked for all the world like he had the biggest fucking crush on him, but then afterwards Jared had brought it back to their friendship and Jensen had just known it would never happen.

Jared had even told Chris about Jensen’s supposed crush on him at the party. It had been what they were laughing about when Jared came up to them the first time. Jensen didn’t think he’d ever been as hard as he’d been in that instant when Jared ripped him away from Chris and pulled him up against his side. As far as Jensen knew, that was the first time Jared had even noticed that Jensen got a perpetual hard on when he was near, but of course he’d misinterpreted it and thought it had something to do with Chris.

Chris had been so nice to him when he practically broke apart watching Jared's departing back, and then when Jared showed up again… Jensen had been so hopeful, but then here they were and Jared didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in anything but maintaining their friendship.

Jared slowed the car to a stop in his driveway and turned the engine off. “This is what you meant, right?” He asked, sounding a bit nervous. “About going home.”

“Yeah,” Jensen said, looking up at Jared's little apartment above the garage that had felt more like Jensen’s home in the last few years than his own room. “Yeah.”

“Good,” Jared said, sounding more like his usual chipper self. “Lets go then.”

Jensen obediently forced his fingers to open the door and unlock the safety belt, getting out of the car. Jared bounced before him up the stairs and he felt too miserable to even stare at his best friend’s perfect ass - much.

Jared unlocked the door and ushered Jensen inside, closing and locking it behind them. They’d left a lamp burning in the window so Jared didn’t bother with the lights. Jensen took a few steps into the room and then stopped in his tracks, looking down at his feet and the already made fold out couch.

“I’m sorry,” Jared said behind him. “I shouldn’t have done that. I just… I mean, I know you have a crush on Chris, but he would just hurt you and I… I don’t want to see that happen.”

Jensen spun around to face him, shaking his head wildly. “You just don’t get it, do you?” he asked angrily. “I don’t have a crush on Chris fucking Kane. There’s not room for anyone but you in my heart, okay?”

“What… What do you mean?” Jared asked, looking as if Jensen had hit him over the head with a battle-axe.

“I’m in love with you, Jared. I’ve been in love with you since I was thirteen years old and I wish I knew how to quit you, because this fucking hurts.”

Jared blinked, his mouth falling open. “Oh…” he said. “Just… oh.”

Jensen looked at him for a few more seconds before turning back towards the bed, undressing mechanically and crawling in under the sheets. “Don’t worry about it, Jare,” he half whispered. “We all got our crosses, right?”

Jared didn’t answer and Jensen bit his lip.

“I know how this is going to play out, okay? So you don’t have to say anything. You’re an awesome friend, Jay, so come morning you will pretend that nothing really changed, but you won’t be able to help feeling weird around me. So you’ll start brushing me off without making it sound like you’re doing it, blaming cheerleading practice and school-work, and what not. Until one day I’ll be sitting in here, looking around and realizing I have no fucking clue where you are or with whom, and that’s when I’ll finally realize that we’re not even friends anymore and I’ll pack up all my things and go back to my place. Like the pathetic fucking loser I am, I’ll be sitting by the phone waiting for you to call, but you won’t because…” Jensen’s voice broke and he wiped furiously at the tears running down his cheeks.

“Because you’ll be so happy I finally got the message and I’ll graduate and I’ll look for you in the crowd, but you won’t be there and I’ll go home and shoot my sorry fucking head off because I don’t know what I’d do without you, Jare. I’m sorry I’m this stupid and I’m sorry I’m so fucking pathetic and if you’ll just stay my friend I will never ever talk about this again and I’ll lie through my fucking teeth denying I ever said anything, because…”

The bed dipped when Jared laid down on it, sliding in under the covers and spooning up behind Jensen, sliding one arm around his waist and pressing his hand over Jensen’s nervously trembling heart.

“Because I don’t know what to do without you,” Jensen finished lamely.

Jared didn’t say anything at first, his chest pressed against Jensen’s back, his hand warm and huge over Jensen’s heart. Jensen just couldn’t stop crying, tears pouring down his cheeks.

“I’m so sorry,” Jensen repeated. “So fucking sorry.”

Jared shifted, pressing a kiss against the back of Jensen’s neck and just like that Jensen was blindingly hard, despite the fact that he was still crying.

“This is good,” Jared said softly. “You and me… It’ll be awesome.”

Jensen blinked, swallowing thickly. “You can’t do this,” Jensen protested weakly. “You can’t decide that we are boyfriends just to make me happy. You’ll be miserable and then you’ll leave me and… and…”

“Shhhh…” Jared whispered, ghosting another kiss against the back of Jensen’s neck. “I want this, too.”

“No, you don’t,” Jensen whispered. “You’re just being an awesome friend.”

Jared chuckled. “Seriously babe, I don’t think anyone is that awesome a friend.”

“You are,” Jensen answered.

Jared shifted again, pressing himself even closer. “I think I’ve been talking myself out of this for so long that I almost forgot how I feel about you, but we’ll be fine. Better than fine actually, spectacular even.”

Jensen smiled, despite himself, wiping his fingers at his eyes. “You think?”


Jared pressed his hand harder against Jensen’s chest for a moment before letting it slide lower to rest on Jensen’s stomach.

“You can still be friends with Chris,” he murmured. “But you can’t let that greasy haired monkey touch you in inappropriate ways.”

Jensen smiled a little, his stomach tightening with something that was half hope, half happiness, maybe Jared was for real after all.

“Do people ever assume that I’m your boyfriend?” Jared asked.

“Yeah,” Jensen answered. “All the time, but I tell them you’re not, of course.”

How many times had he just wanted to go with it and agree? Because people thinking they were boyfriends might keep guys from noticing Jared was way hot.

“I never do,” Jared said softly. “Never.”

“You don’t? But Tom… Surely you…”

“No,” Jared interrupted. “I didn’t correct him the first time he assumed you were my boyfriend and now I just go with the flow.” He chuckled. “Sandy told me today our love story is like, epic… I wonder what kind of weird shit people have been making up about us.”

Jensen licked his lips. “Why don’t you correct them?”

“I don’t know… I guess… I always wanted to keep you to myself, protect from the big bad world and shit. I just never really understood why… But I do now. You’re mine, no one else can have you.”

Jensen drew a deep trembling breath. “And you’re not just trying to be nice?”

“Mine,” Jared repeated again, splaying his fingers over Jensen’s clenched stomach muscles. “No one else can have you.”

“Are… Will you… Can we… Do you… Fuck...”

Jared chuckled. “Tomorrow afternoon when you’re no longer hung over I will fuck you, sweet and slow until you don’t know where I begin and you end. I’ll map every inch of your skin with fingers, lips and tongue, until you’re begging for me to take you.”

“Jesus,” Jensen whispered, his hips twitching on their own volition.

“And I’ll be the first person to be inside you, the only person to ever touch you like that,” Jared said, pressing his fingers harder against Jensen’s stomach. “You won’t ever have anyone but me.”

Jensen gasped, squirming against Jared's hold. The younger man’s words were going straight to his cock, making him painfully hard.

“Am I getting you all hot and bothered, baby?” Jared asked, sounding smug.

“Yeah,” Jensen breathed, he was in real danger of creaming his boxers without Jared even touching him. He’d been waiting so long that hearing Jared talk dirty was setting his blood on fire.

“I love you,” Jared said simply, biting down on Jensen’s shoulder and that was all it took for Jensen to practically explode, coming harder than he ever had before without even being touched.

“God… Jared…” Jensen trailed off, not even sure of what he was trying to say.

He could feel Jared's arm moving against his back and his cock twitched when he realized that Jared was jerking off, panting against his shoulder.

“So fucking hot,” Jared mumbled, his voice catching slightly. “You just have no idea.”

Jensen wanted to turn around and help Jared out, slide his hand into Jared's boxers and wrap his fingers around his cock, but sleep was pulling at him, making him heavy and lethargic.

“That’s it, Jare,” he mumbled, sliding his hand over Jared's on his stomach, caressing his knuckles. “Come for me.”

“Jesus,” Jared moaned, his arm moving faster against Jensen’s back, rubbing against him in a way that was intensely erotic.

Jensen’s eyes fell shut as he listened to Jared's breathy moans, enjoying the way Jared moved against him, pressing his long fingers against his stomach. When Jared came with Jensen’s name on his lips, he grinned widely, snuggling back against Jared's chest, getting his neck kissed for his troubles.

“Tomorrow,” Jared said with a promise in his voice.

“Yeah, tomorrow,” Jensen answered sleepily.

Jared chuckled, pulling Jensen even tighter, until Jensen felt like he was melting through Jared's skin. His last coherent thought was that he would regret not getting up for a clean up come morning, but with Jared pressed up against him, not even a spider on the pillow would have made him move.

The End, or something. ;0)

Morning after sequel: Stupid For You

cheerleader!verse, j2

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