Title: Take five
jeyhawkPairing: SB/VM
Rating: It so silly it doesn't even have a rating. Well okay, PG?
Status: Finished.
Feedback: Oh… Please...
Disclaimer: This never happened. *glares at everybody* Get it? It's
all a lie, and I'm a liar.
Warnings: Over silly. It's so stupid it will make your teeth hurt.
Summary: Viggo doesn't want Boromir to die.
Notes: This is an old OLD fic from back when I first entered this fandom. *lol* Reposted because
poetic_self wanted to see it, so it's all her fault.
Italics is Viggo's thought.
"Everybody, take five. Viggo you come here, I want to talk to you."
Viggo didn't have to look at Peter's face to see he was in trouble,
he knew it all too well. He had single handedly screwed up a fairly
easy scene five times in a row. It might even be a new record.
"Take it easy mate. He's all bark, no teeth." Viggo looked down at
Sean's gloved hand that clutched his shoulder. Closed his eyes,
counted to five and placed his hand over Sean's.
Slowly Sean slid his hand out from under Viggo's and gave him a
"See you in five then my captain." He said but Viggo could tell it
was a fake smile. Sean's fake smiles didn't make his skin tingle or
his heart flutter. Sean's fake smiles only made him queasy; he had
been on the receiving end of those smiles all too many times lately.
He definitely had to get a grip.
"You okay mate?" Sean was gone but that obnoxious blonde what's-his-
name? Right, Legolas, was there instead.
"Sure OB nothing to worry about."
Viggo watched as Orlando's brow knit in concentration, probably
thinking about a good retort. The boy was ever so bright when not
acting, but in character he was a real dumb ass. If the fellowship
really had depended on Legolas played by Orli as their eyes and ears,
the story would have had a whole different ending. One where Legolas
was sitting happily under an oak smelling his flowers while the rest
of the fellowship was locked up in Sauron's dungeons.
"Take care anyway." Legolas/Orli gave him a fleeting hug and ran off
to play with some hobbits. Viggo looked after him with a fond smile.
Who could not like Orli? While walking towards Peter he laid his eyes
upon Sean again, apparently Sean could not like Orli because he was
staring at the boy with something much resembling hatred in his eyes.
Viggo made a mental note to ask Sean about that later, just as he had
made a mental note to tell Sean he was in love with him later, uhm
make that never. Peter looked up from his script when Viggo
"What the fuck is going on?? Making a statement against gay-pride or
"Against… Uhm. What?" Viggo was now thoroughly confused. He was quite
used to not being able to follow the dwindling path that was Peter's
trail of thoughts but this was extra ordinary out of line.
"Come on Vig. This is the single gayest scene in the fucking movie
and you're ruining it. What's wrong?"
I'm NOT going to say it. Never. Ever. NOT.
"I don't want him to die." He answered his voice ever so small, which
just proved that you couldn't trust humanity, especially not
"You don't…" Peter sounded beyond furious, he seemed to be lingering
somewhere around I wanna fucking kill you. "So. You don't want him to
die. Is that it? Huh. Sean come here."
Sean approached them; curios look on his handsome face.
"What is it Pete?"
"Viggo here don't want you to die."
Viggo blushed furiously crimson; this was far beyond his most
embarrassing moment ever.
"He doesn't… Oh." There was all too much knowledge in Sean's
voice. "Is it true?" He enquired, trust Sean to make matters worse.
"Yeah." Viggo admitted while looking away, couldn't someone just put
him out of his misery.
"Would it make it easier for Aragorn to accept Boromir's death if
Sean asked Viggo out?"
Viggo jerked his head up and met Sean's unwavering green stare.
"If. Hrm. If Sean asked Viggo out? Yeah, that would… That would be
While you're at it with the pity. Do you mind pityfucking me too?
"I'll pick you up at seven then." Sean leaned in and kissed Viggo's
cheek. "Come on we got a scene to wrap." Sean strode off, looking
down right gorgeous despite Boromir's I-stole-grams-curtains outfit.
Viggo stared after him.
"Did he… Was I… And I mean…"
"Yes. He asked you out. He kissed your cheek. He's obviously gay. Get
a fucking grip."
Who said anything about being gay?? I didn't… I just wanna shag his
pretty ass to sometime next week.
"Do you feel ready to do this now?"
"Yeah." Viggo smiled. "Yeah I do."