Title: How Tegoshi and Shige Became Awesome
Pairing: Tegoshi/Shige
Rating: NC-17
misticloudWords: 6,813
Warnings: A lot of silliness.
Notes: Written for
thawrecka on
je_holiday. A huge thanks to
binmusic who is an incomparable beta.
Summary: Tegoshi and Shige embark on a journey to become awesome, with special guest appearances by an untimely Massu and Tegoshi-kun’s Tegoshi
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Comments 43
Well, I mean, Shige wouldn't be friends with Tego if Tego just made fun of him all the time. I think the reason they can tease each other so much is because they're really fond of being together. Member ai is a two-way street, ne.
Member ai is definitely a two-way street!
Glad you liked it :D thank you for reading!
Tegoshi ponders for a moment. “I’ve got it. Let’s call it ‘Operation: Make TegoShige Awesome’.”
I know it's been said by a few people before me and I know I said it myself before, you somehow manage to make Tego likable xDD
According to Tegoshi, a large part of Yamapi’s success owes to the fact that he can give very good come hither looks.
And cos he's hot. Not that Tego isn't - wait, he isn't. Alright, I think my Tego love is disappearing boo, you should write Tego in something else lol.
“Tegoshi, you’ve been flashing all of us and Yamashita-kun says he’ll have a trauma attack the next time he sees your balls while he’s trying to eat. I don’t see how that’s counted as gaining the members’ appreciation.”
Technically, I think it's gaining the members' member's attention, which really, is almost the same ;D
“Where do you expect them to look at?! Your balls are jiggling up and down all day long in front of our eyes ( ... )
The members' member's attention. Really now, Lib. Your mind.... *shakes head*
But Tegoshi-kun is free to the right person. Isn't that good? And Massu, well, will have to wait his turn :D
It's so hard to find a tegoshige fic, ne.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading! ♥
Sorry for spammage in advance- I loved so many parts!! :)
I loved that Massu liked the toys and vegetables, and being satisfied with himself:) My favorite part in that was Tegoshi’s “I can be anything I want, ne,” because it’s true, and he would so say that:) And then lol, he named it an operation, and Shige’s like ‘but…that’s awful,’ and Tegoshi’s all innocent and like ‘but, you don’t care.’ Amazing!
#1 LOL-I love the abbreviation; definitely makes it more official:p
“When girls look at him, they feel as though he’s inviting them to strip off his clothes and have hot kinky sex with him,”
LMAO!! Um, right:P Oh Tegoshi. And it’s sad, because I can see him saying this:P
Besides, [Koyama] has to tell us whether we’re doing it right.”
Hm…this implies that Koyama would have to be inclined towards seeing them in that ‘come hither’ fashion in the first place, ne? Or maybe they’ll they’re doing it right when even a male would fall for it? Very tricky, but while it was running through my head, I found it very amusing:)
“It’s ( ... )
“Tegoshi, we are not trying to create a Society of Jwebbing Animals here.”
And OMG-that totally explains why Tegoshi was spouting on some random things about love and peace, lol! And this may be the first time I’ve ever heard Tegoshi treating anyone to anything, lol:)
haha-Tegoshi’s trying to convince Shige to do ‘Gomen ne, Juliet.’ I’d like to see that in action:D
“The stripping part is important,” Tegoshi says firmly.
“It makes fans scream,” Shige says.
I love how they say it so matter-of-factedly ;P And then Tegoshi was so eager to get him out of the room, like, go flipping find Koyama and eat with him already:P
OMG-when you wrote the part where Massu left the room, and Tegoshi and Shige are left in the silence of revelations, I could feel the change in tone and atmosphere; it was amazing<3 ( ... )
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