sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell

Jan 01, 2012 18:59

Happy New Year, everyone! Here, have a giant rant. But before that, let me say that if you care about football and didn't see the glorious game the Saints played, you missed out. It was a great way to start off the year ( Read more... )

full disclosure, breesus is lord, literary snobbery, quote, as in a glass

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Comments 10

kith_koby January 2 2012, 09:58:16 UTC
Oh, darling. Have I told you how much I love you? Not enough, no doubt ( ... )


jeweledhibiscus January 2 2012, 18:52:31 UTC
And there are so many other things which are misunderstood - I don't tell anyone anymore about my habit of licking blood from shallow cuts, and the fact that I actually like the tangy iron taste.
Licking a cut helps it heal faster - there are mild coagulants in saliva. It's healthy :P

As for our family, "masochist" and "submissive" are not intrinsically linked, and it is clearly possible for a masochist to be a strong, commanding woman, no? Truly, it is a physical sensation I enjoy, rather than a dynamic - I would rather cut myself than let someone else top me, all things else being equal. I see no inherent conflict between my tastes and our family's heritage.

Your story does sound most interesting, though. I'll look forward to it ^^


kith_koby January 2 2012, 19:09:06 UTC
Dearest, I never said there was such a conflict. But I do say that the plebeians who are not as well versed as we are in these arts see such a conflict. Therefore, I am warning you to keep it from them, for “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence” (Albert Einstein).
Of course, I still tend to the more traditional aspects of our family. But I am certain you find enjoyment in those occasionally as well. After all, it is well known that we are trained to both sides in our youth.And I will admit to occasionally enjoying the other side as well.

How were your holidays? Any 'special' celebrations? And what did you think of the story I linked?
As for my story, as you are its inspiration, it will be your help that makes it possible. But we shall see. All my love, my sea-star.


jeweledhibiscus January 7 2012, 16:50:02 UTC
Those who have thought to take advantage of me as if I were a yielding Valerian adept have learned otherwise :P Truth, in terms of actual dynamics and interactions, I lean more the way you do. I do not relinquish control easily, if ever. But it is true that our family has a reputation to uphold.

The holidays went well, although they were busy. Kevin and I spent a lot of time with our families, but we got New Year's (our anniversary) to ourselves. The story you linked is quite compelling a rare glimpse at what might have been.

Kiss kiss, darling cousin.


cjthrills January 2 2012, 18:01:39 UTC
You are right in every respect here. And as someone who has crazy-coloured hair, visible tattoos, and multiple facial piercings, I can attest that the stigma to self-injury and scars is actually much worse. I am taken seriously as a mature and intelligent academic student, just as long as I wear long sleeves. And man, I haven't worn short sleeves in public for almost a decade. At least I don't risk heat exhaustion here most of the year ( ... )


cjthrills January 2 2012, 18:03:42 UTC
Also I just noticed your avatar and died- that is the perfect combination of two of my greatest loves. =D


jeweledhibiscus January 2 2012, 18:15:02 UTC
The first time I saw that avatar I shrieked aloud - eleka_nahmen actually has a whole post of HP/Jesus Christ Superstar icons: http://eleka-nahmen.livejournal.com/36937.html if you want to take a look :)


cjthrills January 2 2012, 18:44:25 UTC
I think I just had a nedgasm a little bit.


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