
savage messiah

Aug 17, 2004 23:13

so i haven't updated in quite some time.. so i guess now is as good a time as any to.. whats new with me.. well... me and my girl fight constantly... im a hardcore drug addict... i have almost no short term memory anymore form all the ecstasy... and just last week i attemped scuiside.. as well as a hole assortment of small crimes including b and e ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

subarusumeragi August 22 2004, 04:08:19 UTC
I love you Jasper. The first step to change (if you're open to it) is knowing. So you've covered that. Anyway, the thing with your girlfriend will pass. Things usually do. Nothing's forever, shit doesn't last forever. Life's worth living. Anyway, go online and stuff so we can go see Rammstein when they come into town and you can watch as I get swept up by the crowd. It will be your source of entertainment. And for fuck's sake. STOP USING DRUGS IF YOU KNOW ITS BAD FOR YOU.


Rammstein! Oi Oi Oi! jev August 23 2004, 02:02:27 UTC
I'm online all the time meng... like honestly... Here add me to your msn then...
dude i didn't even know Rammstein was coming here! I'M SO GONNA GO! IT'LL BE AAWSOME! I gotta get some shit kickers so i can stomp some heads >:D HAHAHAHAHA! my scuisidalness has sorta gone away.. kinda... BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! the POINT is.... RAMMSTEIN!


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