Dec 07, 2003 21:08
Spent the evening on the phone talking to "old" friends. Nice!!!
Dec 05, 2003 10:28
Er hat mir geschrieben, was er sich wünscht, wie er fühlt. Er setzt es aber nicht in die tat um...
Christmas is coming, most of the time dark outside, candles burning, cosy,
sometimes I would like to be a millionaire. I hate thinking about money.
New accomodation for me. Was the best I could do, I feel much more at home in KA now.
Nov 30, 2003 21:56
This week ran by as if it was on the left line on the autobahn. monday I had a look at a room, today is sunday and I am living in it.
Nov 22, 2003 22:05
friday neight home alone chatting with my baby
Nov 16, 2003 13:15
I haven't posted in a while...
Lost my job, my granddad was in hospital, lost myself in the supermarket, my baby now sick in bed, haven't found a room yet. Still I feel good. But I do feel like an actress in a soap opera on TV.
Oct 05, 2003 17:18
nehme jetzt gleich den Bus und fahr den Jungs nach. Hoffe ich komme bald in Partystimmung!!!
Oct 05, 2003 16:10
I am with my baby for the week-end. Just wondering who invented football. Is there a man in this world who preferes his girlfriend to football. I don't think so. Maybe we girls should put horse jumping over everything else. Would be a fair deal. But let the boys have fun.
Steffens party tonight.
Sep 24, 2003 17:16
Haben gestern nach 6 Jahren Martin gesehen. Hat sich äußerlich ziemlich verändert! Innerlich ist er ein bischen härter geworden, sonst aber der alte. War echt schön so über die alten Zeiten zu reden!
Sep 20, 2003 15:29
wahuuuuu am in a really good mood today, although I can feel a bit of a heavy head. Yesterday I was sooooooooo drunk. Oh my goodness. I think my reputation has totally changed. I even knew I would be so drunk before I started the night with Wodka Orange. Well well feel like 16 or something.
The main thing now anyway is to enjoy the last week of my