Ballad Of Big Nothing- Part XII

Jun 13, 2008 02:10

Ballad Of Big Nothing

Part XII

The one disadvantage of not having any girl friends, was that in instances like the one Claire was, she didn't have anyone to give her advice on what to wear. Not that it really mattered what she wore, she supposed. It was still Peter, regardless of whether he was a model or not. And he was sure that he wouldn't care what she wore.

Plus, it wasn't even a date, so she couldn't understand why she was stressing so much over what to wear. She'd thought a few times about asking Heidi's opinion, but she didn't know what she'd think about her trying to look nice to go over to Peter's apartment.

She ran a brush through her hair for the fiftieth time, all the while trying to make the butterflies in her stomach go away. It was easy to get distracted with Peter on her mind. For the first time she as actually happy he didn't have his abilities, she couldn't imagine what her excuse would be if he could read in her mind that just the smell of him made her whole body shiver, those weren't the types of feelings you were suppose to feel for your uncle.

As she looked at the mirror, she bit her lip. she was wearing a white chic dress from Stella McCartney. It wasn't dressy, but it wasn't completely casual either, it was sort of an in between thing, and he'd picked it out. It was sleeveless, and loose, with it tightening around her waist. She put a sheer ivory cardigan on top-she wasn't completely comfortable with it being sleeveless, and accompanied it with white flats.

Peter hadn't really given her a specific time for her to go over, but it was already five and she figured, it better to go earlier than later. Later would mean more of a dinner date, and she didn't want him to think that she thought it was that.

She grabbed her coat before going outside and wrapped her arms around herself tightly. She wondered what Andy would think of her hanging out with peter. But she sighed, of course he wouldn't think anything of it, it wasn't anything. He was her uncle, it was just a familial get together, that was all.

Claire gave the taxi driver Peter's address and swallowed, praying to god that their evening would go pleasantly. What if she completely embarrassed herself? Or he thought she looked stupid? Or what if she wasn't even dressed right? But what worried her most of all wa the possibility of him standing her up.

Of course, that was ridiculous she reminded herself, because it wasn't even a date. Just a small get together, so she could obtain her reward. That was it...But why did it feel so different? She asked herself. Why had they way he had said it, made her think something else?

When the cab reached his building, she breathed in deeply and paid the driver before exiting. It was sort of chilly because fall had started, so she wrapped her coat around her tightly and quickly walked into the building.


Once she got to his door she froze. Her breathing was unsteady, she was shaking a bit, and her heartbeat was too fast. She didn't know whether it was from the apprehension of seeing him, or because she had hurried to get to his apartment. She didn't give it any thought as she knocked on his door though.

After she knocked, she took a step back waiting. For a few horribly long seconds nothing happened and she didn't hear anything. Right away she was sure that he wasn't there and he'd definitely stood her up. But slowly, she heard soft footsteps coming from inside his apartment and towards the door.

Claire swallowed preparing herself for him. She smiled as he opened the door, only he didn't. He frowned at her, and cocked his head to the side in curiosity, "What are you don't here?"

He hadn't said it harshly, but the fact that he didn't remember that he'd invited her over-that was harsh.

"You told me to come over...remember? My prize?" She searched his face. The bags under his eyes were almost purple, he was paler than she'd ever seen him before, and he kept looking past her, jerking his eyes around, as if expecting someone else.

The hollow look was back in his eyes, and he seemed to be shaking a little, "Oh-yeah. Right now is not a good time Claire."

She blinked, "Why?"

Peter sighed, and gave her and irritated look, "It's just not. We'll do it some other time, ok?" He gave her a brief, insignificant smile, and closed the door behind him. Leaving Claire standing in the hallway completely shocked.

At first, she turned her head to the side, trying to understand what had just happened, but all she drew was a blank. After a few minutes she figured, she looked pretty stupid standing there and staring at his door. She slowly turned around and started walking away, unable to understand him.


Halloween was approaching, which meant that the Petrelli's would have their ball. Of course, Claire dreaded it for several reasons. The first was, she wasn't into Halloween and couldn't think of what to wear, secondly, it involved dancing, and she wasn't really coordinated when it came to that. But the last reason was that Andy wouldn't be able to attend.

It wasn't at all to do with a certain Model, she told herself. In fact, she'd even decided not to say his name at all, and understood why Nathan was so annoyed at him all the time. Well-not that- but she didn't want to think about him, or the mere fact that he might be there, and maybe this time not remember who she was.

Claire chewed on her pen cap, she really was trying to concentrate on her English Lit. homework, but what she all she could think about was, what exactly was she going to wear?

There was always the angel costume from Romeo & Juliet, but that was a bit cliché by now. She groaned, what was the necessity of Halloween anyway? All people did was dress up, watch scary movies, and eat as much candy as they could before making themselves sick.

Sighing, she eyed her New Moon book, and a smile grew on her face. Maybe there was something she could dress up as, an inconspicous costume, that she would use. She was already a brunette, the only thing was that she'd need contacts, but that was an easy fix.

She shut her textbook and sprang up, running to her closet, suddenly the though of Halloween excited her. She only wished that Andy could be there o be her Edward Cullan.

Of course, when she looked into her closet, nothing fit the description of what she wanted her costume to be. Everything was designer, and had been bought by the Model. When she'd gotten back from his apartment, she'd actually considered throwing everything away. She still wanted to, but the fact that she wouldn't have anything left over to wear, well- that was a problem.

Next to her bed, her cell phone started going off. Her heart leaped, she knew exactly who it was, and as she made her way over to check the number, she grinned, "Hey babe."

"Hey, I miss you", he breathed into the phone in a way that Claire could picture him smile. A small flutter erupted in her stomach, making her blush.

Miss was the understatement of the year. There wasn't anything she wanted more in the world but to have him by her side, in his secure arms. He was the only person she felt safe with anymore, and the only one that made her truly happy.

"Me too", she sighed into the phone, literally wishing he was there with her. Everything was simple when he was near her, all complications just seemed to slither away.

There was a pause before he spoke again, "Are you alright? Is something bothering you?"

She could think of a million problems that she had, all starting with a certain someone. But she didn't want to ruin their phone call mentioning him. Until he apologized, he wasn't worth her time at all.

"Yeah, everything is great."


It was another gloomy day in Psychology. And of course, the ditsy girls never seem to miss a class either, and always sat in front of her. Sometimes they wouldn't talk about him, but most days in that class were spent on just how beautiful his lips were or his bangs. At least she wasn't the only one that had thought those small things about him had been attractive.

"Oh-my-god Ally, I totally met Peter Petrelli on Saturday! And we totally had lunch", the blonde babbled to her friend.

Claire couldn't help but scoff, and both girls immediately turned to look at her.

The blonde, who's name she still didn't know looked at her with a frown, "Do you have something to say?"

While she did have something to say in regards to what the blond had said, Claire shook her head, and tried to wash away her smile.

"Anyway...Like I said, we had lunch, and I totally invited him to go to the Halloween party at our Sorority and he's like totally coming!" she shrieked with the brunette as they clapped their hands together in joy.

For some reason, Claire found that really hard to believe. Maybe she had met him, but she doubted that he would agree to go to any sorority Halloween party.

"Was he like flirting with you Amber?" asked the brunette, Ally.

Claire rolled her eyes, and put her head back down, not really intent on listening to the rest.

"Yes! He so was! He gives like the best hugs too!" she shrieked.

That was it, the last thing she needed to hear was how Peter was giving away free hugs, when she had yet to receive one from him. Not that she actually wanted one, because he was a stupid, memory loosing model, but still, it wasn't really fair.

She stood up and grabbed her stuff, ditching one class wouldn't cause permanent damage to her schooling. Besides, she didn't know how much more torture with the subject of him, she'd be able to take.

It had started drizzling outside, and to her dismay she hadn't thought of taking an umbrella with her to her classes. So Claire ran until she got to her dorm building, and into her room. Only when she walked inside she was surprised to see Angela sitting quite patiently on her bed.

Claire froze.

"Your Psychology class isn't over until ten-thirty Claire, what are you doing out early? And why on earth are you soaking wet?" Angela nearly scolded her, but tried to maintain her demeanor.

She swallowed, "We were told we could leave early."

What she really wanted to ask was how in hell did she know her schedule? But Claire knew better than to ask Angela Petrelli that, it wouldn't do you any good.

"That still doesn't answer why you're wet."

Claire grabbed a towel from her closet and dried her hair, "I had to run from class, and I didn't have an umbrella."

Angela waved her hand away, "Well, make sure you use one from now on. But no, I came here because we need to get you fitted into your Halloween costume for the ball. You're father is going to have some important guest there, and I need you looking presentable Claire. Did you have something in mind?"

She inwardly sighed. Claire knew she should have figured that she wouldn't be able to wear what ever she wanted. It was a Petrelli party, she was told what to wear.

"Bella Swan from Twilight?"


Well, she wasn't Bella, but her costume wasn't a total disaster either. She was slowly starting to realize that she could trust Angela when it came to things like the importance of her costume.

Audrey Hepburn wouldn't have been her first choice, but she supposed there were worst things that she could have dressed up as. She was in a long black dress, that was tight around her waist, and wearing three large pearl necklaces. Her hair was done up in a swirl, imitating Audrey's and of course with ray bans.

Claire walked down the staircase of the Petrelli mansion, like she'd done when she had first gotten there. And of course all that she saw was an audience of politicians and their poor family that had been forced to go along with them.

"Hey Claire, do you want to watch the exorcist with us in the basement?" asked Simon from the side of the staircase with a grin on his face. There were at least five other boys his age waiting to hear her response.

"Er-no, but thanks."

They all ran off instantly, and Claire sighed with relief. As much as she didn't want to spend the night walking around greeting complete strangers, it sounded better than watching a horror movie, she wasn't much for monsters.

Her breath momentarily stopped when she spotted him. Peter was standing in the corner of the room, just where he'd been the last time, but this time he was conversing with a completely different blonde. This blonde was a little bit shorter, with longer hair, and kept pulling on his arm and pouting at him, as if begging for something.

Claire had to admit her costume was sort of cute. The blonde was dressed up as Tinkerbell, and it suited her very well, from what Claire could see.

It only took a second, but Peter noticed her. He looked divine as always, whether Claire liked it or not. His hair was tousled, and sprayed, into an awkward standing position. He wore a black Pea Coat, and black ray bans himself. Once he spotted her though, he slowly brought the ray bans down his nose a little and gave her his crooked smile.

She was about to pretend she hadn't seen him and turn around, but he called her name and she stood frozen to her spot, watching him slowly walk over to her.

The room seemed to spin when he got closer, filling it with his intoxicating scent, which always sent her into overdrive.

"Hey", he said casually, keeping a small grin on his face.

The incident from his apartment came back into her head and Claire kept her blank expression, she was determined not to give in to charms. So she crossed her arms, "Hello."

"What are you suppose to be?" he asked smirking.

His scent was getting to her. Her stomach was brewing the butterflies again, but Claire knew she had to stay stone cold, "Audrey Hepburn."

He raised an eyebrow, "Don't you mean Holly Golightly? Audrey Hepburn's character in Breakfast At Tiffany's?"

She knew it was childish, but she rolled her eyes. It wasn't like he could see underneath her sunglasses anyway, "Sure. What are you suppose to be anyway?"

Peter's smile grew, "Well, that's really up to your interpretation, but I was going for Bob Dylan."

Bob Dylan? Where was the fun in that, thought Claire. His smile was melting the ice in her, and wanting to make her forget, but she wouldn't. He didn't deserve for her to be nice, not after basically slamming the door on her face.

"Are you upset over Friday? I said I'd make it up to you Claire."

She stayed silent, and looked around the room, searching for something else to grab her attention.

"I have your prize at my apartment already too", he cooed.

His sweet breath made its way on to her face and Claire knew she was a goner.

"What is it?"

As he inched closer to her, the room seemed to go black, and Claire reminded herself again to breathe. One of his hands went to her waist, and the other to her shoulder as his lips got close to her ear, "It's a surprise."

She swallowed, pretty sure she wasn't suppose to be feeling and thinking what was going through her head. The butterflies erupted in full force, and the euphoria came back to her. She didn't like surprises right? She asked herself. No, she did. She was pretty sure she did.

"I like surprises", she murmured going along with him, rather dizzy from his presence.

He chuckled and slowly took her hand, leading them out of the mansion.

Author's Note: Are you wondering what will happen next? Muah and you'll find out :D

fic: ballad of big nothing

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