sociometry (woohyun/sungyeol/girl!myungsoo)

Dec 15, 2013 09:37

pg-13; woohyun/sungyeol/girl!myungsoo.
nothing good ever comes out of liking two people at the same time-or so sungyeol thought.

+ so this all started because of a twitter convo with sarah and this turned into a monster i’m so sorry.

If there’s one thing about Myungsoon that Sungyeol doesn’t like, it’s her obliviousness. Most of the time she’s wrapped up in her own little world, staring off into space or daydreaming about who knows what and Sungyeol’s snapped his fingers in front of her face to get her out of it, saving her from getting scolded by the teacher on more than one occasion.

He doesn’t get how someone who ranks first in their Math class doesn’t even know what’s right in front of her-it’s frustrating, the amount of times Sungyeol’s left hints, big fucking obvious hints, but Myungsoon-she smiles that crooked smile and-

Today’s the day he’s going to do it. He thinks he’s put it off long enough, being friends with Myungsoon ever since they were six years old. Myungsoon had peeked out from behind her mother’s skirt with a small digital camera in her hands, her curly black hair the shiniest thing he’d ever seen.

He knows this can jeopardize their friendship. There are a lot of ifs and maybes about it but he doesn’t think he can hold it in any longer.

Sungyeol glances at the girl in front of him, currently shoving her things into her backpack.

It’s now or never.

Sungyeol clears his throat and reaches out, grabbing Myungsoon’s arm as he leads her out of the classroom and down the hallway.

“Y-yah, Lee Sungyeol!” Myungsoon exclaims, scrambling to put her backpack on her shoulder. “Where are we-”

It doesn’t take him too long to find an abandoned classroom, and Sungyeol opens the door to one, pulling Myungsoon in and slamming the door.

Myungsoon stares at him with wide eyes, her hair slightly messy and Sungyeol fights back the urge to run his fingers through it. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest and clears his throat again, not knowing how in the hell he’s going to even begin.

“Sungyeollie?” Myungsoon frowns, taking a step towards him.

“I...don’t know how to say this.” Sungyeol runs a hand through his own hair, his heart pounding nervously in his chest. It’s stupid, how she can get him like this.

She’s Kim Myungsoon, the girl who trips over air and reads too much romance manhwa and wears too much black and plaid outside of school, yet he’s afraid and stammering and maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Myungsoon sighs. “Spit it out. We aren’t getting any younger, Yeollie,” she mutters, and the pout on her lips makes Sungyeol clench his fists.

Maybe saying it with words isn’t the best thing.

He closes the distance between them, tilting her chin upwards with his hand.

He thinks his heart is about to burst out of his chest and he squeezes his eyes shut as their lips touch.

Sungyeol doesn’t exactly know what he thinks will happen, honestly. Maybe Myungsoon will push him away and run out, never to speak to him again, maybe Myungsoon will slap him, anything that doesn’t involve Myungsoon kissing him back like she is now.

He swears something that sounds like a happy sigh leaves her mouth as she returns the kiss, but she pulls back too quickly for Sungyeol’s liking and he’s left wanting more. He doesn’t know what to say. His thoughts are a mess but he thinks Myungsoon looks pretty like this, with her face flushed and a shy smile quirking at her lips.

Myungsoon glances up at him, hesitantly grabbing his hand and locking their fingers together. “I-is this okay?” she questions quietly.

Sungyeol can’t help the relieved laugh he lets out, the sound surprising her as she jumps slightly.

“Of course it’s okay, silly,” he answers as they walk to the door and open it, exiting the room. “I didn’t kiss you for no reason, Myungsoon-ah.”

She smiles up at him and Sungyeol looks away, absentmindedly tugging at his tie. “How about we go to my place? Eat some dinner and study or something. My parents are on a business trip and won’t be back for a few more days,” he suggests.

Myungsoon raises an eyebrow, swinging their hands back and forth. “Propositioning me so early, Lee Sungyeol?” she asks, but there’s a teasing tone to her voice and Sungyeol rolls his eyes.

“Daeyeol is there, so unless we find a way to kick him out...” Sungyeol grimaces at the image flashing across his mind: he and Myungsoon are in the middle of a fantastic makeout session when his little brother barges in and then makes fun of him for the rest of his life and tells his parents and he doesn’t think he’d be able to handle that.

Myungsoon nods, that smile coming back. “I can show you some of the manhwa I recently bought too! I swear you’ll like it this time, it’s-” Myungsoon’s voice cuts off the moment she bumps into Sungyeol’s shoulder, blinking at how he had just stopped walking out of nowhere. “Yeollie?”

Woohyun and Sungyeol have been best friends for years. Not as long as Myungsoon and Sungyeol, of course, but long enough, and Sungyeol’s known of Woohyun’s crush on Myungsoon for nearly just as long. Woohyun had been her secret admirer a few years ago, slipping notes with hearts drawn all over them in her locker, sending her roses and baking her cupcakes, even writing her songs and getting Sungyeol to stuff the lyrics into her bag during class when she wasn’t paying attention (which, as Sungyeol recalls, had been often).

Myungsoon never did find out who it was. Sungyeol kept his mouth shut-he doesn’t think it was his place to say anything-and Woohyun never admitted it was him.

“Congrats.” Woohyun’s smile isn’t real at all, Sungyeol can tell by the way it doesn’t reach his eyes, but there’s a burning feeling in his stomach that he can’t place. “I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“Th-thank you, oppa.” Myungsoon smiles back and Sungyeol can feel her grip on his hand tightening. Her palms are sweaty and he frowns slightly, looking back at Woohyun and that burning feeling intensifies.

Woohyun laughs loudly, too loudly for it to be genuine. “You know the drill, Sungyeol. Break her heart and you get your ass kicked.”

Sungyeol nods, brushing the comment off. He can never imagine doing something to hurt Myungsoon, never in a million years.

It’s then when Sungyeol realizes that burning is jealousy.

“Do you wanna come over and join us?” Sungyeol asks. “We’re just gonna end up studying or watching movies, my parents are out of town. It’ll be fun.”

Him and his girlfriend and his best friend who likes his girlfriend-yes, loads and loads of fun.

That fake smile of Woohyun’s is back as he shakes his head. “Maybe some other day, I have vocal lessons in a bit,” he says, and Sungyeol knows he’s lying. It’s Friday, Woohyun only has vocal lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

He doesn’t mention it, though, and finds himself nodding again. “Alright. See you on Monday.”

“Monday,” Woohyun echoes with a nod of his own, and that jealousy is back when he ruffles Myungsoon’s hair, ignoring the “oppa!” she lets out in protest, swatting his hand away.

It’s not until later that Sungyeol realizes he isn’t exactly jealous of Woohyun liking Myungsoon, but jealous of Woohyun liking someone that isn’t him.

The walk to Sungyeol’s place is quiet. Myungsoon spends most of her time staring at her shoes, and she’s confused. Sungyeol had confessed to her-sort of, she supposes kissing says the same thing-and now he’s acting like someone has just run over his cat.

Myungsoon knows Jureumi is safe and sound, so why is he being this way?

“Yeollie~” Myungsoon hooks her arm through Sungyeol’s, looking up at him with a smile. “I can show you some of the pictures I took last weekend. They’re mostly of scenery around the house and the playground nearby but I wanna know what you think.”

Her smile fades when Sungyeol only nods, not saying a word and keeping his eyes on the road.

“How’d you do on the History test?” she asks. “It wasn’t as hard as we both thought it’d be, right?”

Sungyeol just shakes his head this time and Myungsoon resists the urge to stomp her feet childishly and scream.

What she does do, however, is pull her arm out from his and send him a glare and a pout, though she knows he isn’t even looking at her. “How do you feel about being my first kiss, Lee Sungyeol?” she asks loudly.

It’s then when Sungyeol’s eyes finally snap over to her, wide and alarmed. “W-what?” he stammers out.

That’s better.

Myungsoon crosses her arms over her chest, aware of the way Sungyeol’s eyes follow the movement. “You heard me.”

She thinks he kinda looks cute, even if he does look like a fish out of water, and she disguises the laugh she tries to keep back as a cough. “Surely you know that? We’ve known each other since we were kids, you know I haven’t dated or kissed anyone,” she says matter-of-factly.

“Right. Right. Of course,” Sungyeol mutters, shaking his head as if he’s clearing it of thoughts. “It feels...I don’t know. Good, I guess?” There’s a small smirk on his lips although there’s a tint of red to his cheeks. “That means you’ll always remember me.”

Myungsoon snorts, rolling her eyes. “Like I’d ever forget someone like you,” she says under her breath. It’s the truth-she doesn’t think it’s possible to forget Lee Sungyeol, even years and years from now when she’s old with grey hair and lives in a place with too many cats.

Sungyeol laughs, the first laugh she’s heard from him since their kiss-their first kiss-and she grins. Sungyeol wraps an arm around her waist and she leans her head against his shoulder, unable to help it as her smile widens.

Myungsoon then sees that they’ve reached Sungyeol’s house, and it looks a bit eerie, completely silent with no lights on like this. She guesses Daeyeol isn’t home from school yet.

Sungyeol fumbles with his free hand for the set of keys in the back pocket of his pants, shoving one into the lock on the door and turning it. “Umma left money for Daeyeol and I, we can order pizza with it if you want,” he offers, opening the door and gently pushing Myungsoon in with the arm still around her waist.

Myungsoon shakes her head, toeing off her shoes and turning around to watch as Sungyeol follows suit and shuts the door behind him. She sometimes can’t believe how handsome he is.

She absentmindedly lifts a hand to brush his hair out of his eyes, smiling slightly. She thinks she’s the luckiest girl in the world, no matter how cheesy that makes her sound.

(She’s not going to admit it, of course, because she just knows Sungyeol will tease her for it.)

“Alright, Miss I Can Eat The Same Food For Months At A Time,” Sungyeol drawls dryly, a grin on his face as he ushers her down the hallway and into the living room. “What do you want?”

Myungsoon doesn’t even know why he’s asking. “Kimchi jjigae,” she answers.

She sees Sungyeol roll his eyes as he plops down onto the couch. “Of course.”

Myungsoon shrugs, setting down her backpack and taking the place beside him. “You asked,” she replies, eyes roaming around the house. She’s been here more times than she can count and her fingers are itching to take out her camera and begin shooting pictures of the gorgeous decor, but she grasps onto her skirt to keep them still.

It surprises her when Sungyeol suddenly leans over and kisses her cheek, the action making her eyes widen and face redden. “Wh-what was that for?” she mumbles, eyes glued to the floor as she’s unable to bring herself to look at him, lest she get even more embarrassed and humiliate herself.

“Do I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?” Sungyeol teases, doing it again.


The word feels weird, especially coming from Sungyeol. Myungsoon thinks it had been...a crush at first sight, when they were younger. Wherever Sungyeol was, Myungsoon was always with him, trailing behind him and gripping onto the back of his shirt with one hand and her camera in the other. Sungyeol had gotten teased for hanging out with a girl, the other boys in their class saying she had cooties, but six year old Sungyeol set them straight.

The teasing didn’t stop there-when they turned nine it had switched to Myungsoon instead. Due to her quiet and shy nature and habit of wearing black no matter where she went, kids started calling her weird. She was weird for reading girly comic books (they’re manhwa, she remembers correcting them, with her eyes narrowed and a need to throw something at them and see what they thought about her girly comic books then) and carrying a camera with her all the time, and again, Sungyeol had been the one to set them straight.

He’s always been her knight in shining armor, and it’s surreal to think that he’s now hers.

(Maybe Sungyeol’s right and she does read too much romance.)

“Kim Myungsoon!”

She’s startled out of her thoughts by the large hand waving in front of her face and she blushes, biting her lower lip. “Sorry,” she apologizes quietly. “I was just...reminiscing.”

Sungyeol laughs but doesn’t say a word, placing his hand on top of hers.

Myungsoon’s pretty sure she’s the happiest and luckiest girl in the world.

When Monday rolls around, Sungyeol dreads going to school. He, Woohyun, and Myungsoon are all in the same class and he thinks that’s a recipe for disaster. He doesn’t know what he’s been feeling all weekend, but whenever he thinks about Woohyun’s fake smile, something in his chest clenches.

Woohyun likes Myungsoon. He knows that. But Woohyun hadn’t said anything, it isn’t as if that year of sending her things made Myungsoon off limits.

(He puts himself in Woohyun’s shoes: his best friend is dating his crush, and he understands, he does, but Woohyun isn’t blind. He had to have known how Sungyeol felt.)

Sungyeol groans, shoving his arms into the sleeves of his blazer, fixing the collar around his neck. He grabs his backpack and trudges along down the stairs, wishing he could fake sick and stay in bed all day instead of having to face Woohyun, but no matter how good of an actor he is, he knows his mother will see right through it.

He yells out a goodbye to his parents, wherever in the world they are, and exits the house. He walks slowly as he possibly can without risking being late for school, sighing quietly.

“For someone who just got a girlfriend, you look like someone pissed in your cereal or something.”

Sungyeol’s not in the mood to listen to his younger brother, so he quickens his pace.

“Speaking of!” Daeyeol’s voice is way too loud for this early in the morning. “Have you kissed her yet?” Daeyeol pops up beside him with a large grin on his face. “Who knows how long you were there before I got home, I bet you got all hot and bothered, huh? If you did anything on that couch-”

“Daeyeol!” Sungyeol’s voice cracks as his face blushes in embarrassment. One of these days he’s going to kill him, family or not. And okay, maybe the thought has crossed his mind, considering they had been alone for longer than he had figured, and it’s not like thinking about having sex with your girlfriend isn’t normal.

“We didn’t do anything, for your information,” he hisses out, fingers flexing around the straps to his backpack. “Nothing at all, so mind your own business, will you?” he snaps.

Daeyeol’s laugh is also way too fucking loud for this time of day. “I believe you, you’re acting like something crawled up your ass and died. I think you’d be happy otherwise,” he muses with that fucking grin on his face, one that Sungyeol would really love to punch off if it wouldn’t get him in trouble with his parents.


Daeyeol’s grin turns into a smirk. “Your princess awaits,” he whispers, then clears his throat to say, “Have a nice morning, noona!” as he begins running down the street, waving goodbye with one of his hands.

Myungsoon blinks. “Is your brother okay?” she asks quietly, falling in step beside Sungyeol. “He”

It’s cute how she actually sounds worried about him, and Sungyeol chuckles under his breath. “Nothing, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He waves his own hand in dismissal of the subject, and it’s his turn to blink when Myungsoon grabs it and locks their fingers together.

Myungsoon is touchy. She’s clingy and when they were younger she almost always made Sungyeol give her piggyback rides so she could bury her face into his back and be as close to him as possible. Sungyeol had found it a little bit strange but he never thought anything of it because she was warm.

She finds any chance to grab or hang onto Sungyeol, and now that he thinks on it, he realizes why. She’s touchy with others, yes, she’ll be all over Dongyi and even Woohyun sometimes, but not like she is with Sungyeol.

When they walk into the school building, Sungyeol doesn’t know what to expect. Maybe for Woohyun to punch him, maybe for Sunjung to threaten him to never hurt Myungsoon, maybe for...

Nothing happens.

They walk into class and sit in their seats like normal. Woohyun’s already in his seat and Sungyeol avoids looking at him. He knows he isn’t being fair, but he doesn’t know how to act. He still doesn’t know what that clenching in his chest means and he doesn’t think he wants to find out.

“How did vocal lessons go, oppa?” Sungyeol almost slams his hand to his face at Myungsoon’s question, sighing quietly instead.

Woohyun looks surprised, and Sungyeol swears his eyes flicker to him before going back to Myungsoon. “Okay, I suppose,” he answers with a shrug of his shoulders. “I’m working on a new song.”

Myungsoo smiles. “You should sing it for us sometime,” she says, gesturing to her and Sungyeol. Sungyeol wants to protest that he really doesn’t want to hear Woohyun sing (okay, maybe he’s lying about that), but Woohyun actually nods, a “sure” escaping from his lips and Sungyeol can’t say he’s surprised.

He’ll do anything Myungsoon wants him to.

(And so would he.)

Contrary to what people think about her, Myungsoon’s not an idiot. She knows people take her daydreaming and zoning out to be ditziness, but sometimes she just prefers to observe her surroundings.

There’s a tension between Sungyeol and Woohyun now, one that she’s never felt before and she doesn’t like it.

In the two weeks since her and Sungyeol have gotten together, he and Woohyun have barely spoken a word to each other. Lunch is an awkward affair, with Myungsoon trying to keep conversation going for most of the time, Woohyun and Sungyeol saying monosyllable words in response.

She’s had enough, honestly, and she’s going to make sure the two of them sit down and talk and get past this...whatever the hell this is. They’re being dumb teenage boys and they’re going to be friends again whether they want to or not.

She has a plan and it’s going to work.

“A sleepover,” Sungyeol says slowly, trying to keep his face controlled. “What are we, five?”

Myungsoon lowers her camera from her eyes, holding it tightly in her hands. “I’m not, no, but you two have been acting like you are,” she retorts, staring at Sungyeol. “Ever since he saw us that day you two have ignored each other and I’m tired of it. You’re best friends, you shouldn’t be acting like this,” she frowns slightly, absentmindedly brushing her fingers across the buttons of her camera.

Her plan may not be the best, she knows, but it’s going to get Woohyun and Sungyeol in the same room without any rowdy classmates and a chance to leave and it’s better than nothing.

“I already texted Woohyun and he agreed, so you don’t really have a say in this, Yeollie,” she goes on, about to go back to taking pictures of the park they’re in, but Sungyeol’s hand wraps around her arm.

Myungsoon finds herself looking up into Sungyeol’s eyes-his beautiful, beautiful eyes-and her face flushes at the stare he’s giving her. This is new; it’s usually the other way around.

“What?” she mumbles, gently tugging her arm out of his grip.

“You’re kind of amazing, you know?” Sungyeol smiles at her, that gummy smile she believes she’s always loved, and she thinks you could fry an egg on her face right now since it’s so hot. Sungyeol’s wearing his hair up today, off of his forehead, and Myungsoon’s overcome with the sudden urge to kiss him senseless.

So she does.

She stands on her toes and presses her lips to his, releasing her grip on her camera as it’s held by the strap around her neck, using her hands to slide around his own neck instead.

It’s a bit hard, kissing with a camera between their bodies, but Sungyeol threads his fingers into her hair as he deepens the kiss and Myungsoon’s suddenly aware that they’re in the middle of a park. In public. Where people are probably gawking at them right now and muttering under their breaths about how teenagers can’t control themselves these days and-

Myungsoon breaks apart, immediately avoiding Sungyeol’s gaze and clearing her throat softly.

Sungyeol laughs, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I guess I should say things like that more often, hm?” The way he says it into Myungsoon’s ear, voice low, is so hot that there are a thousand scenarios running through her mind, and all of them involve Sungyeol above her as he whispers things to her, and she really is sure you could fry an egg on her face.

“I-I’m hungry,” she blurts out, putting a hand to her cheek and feeling how much heat it’s giving off. “W-we should g-go by that...noodle restaurant down the street or something.” Her heart is pounding so loud and fast she wouldn’t be surprised if Sungyeol could hear it.

“I have a better idea.” Sungyeol’s lips are right by her ear again and she can already tell where this is going.

“Or!” Her voice rises in pitch as she evades the arm trying to snake its way around her waist. “Th-that sleepover I was talking about, yes? Today’s Friday. I can change plans so it’ll be tonight instead of tomorrow, I’m sure Woohyun oppa wouldn’t mind-”

“But I would,” Sungyeol grumbles, standing up straight and crossing his arms. “People drift apart, Myungsoon-ah. I don’t know why you care so much.”

She cares because she knows it isn’t drifting apart. It’s something more and she’s going to find out what it is.

“I want food,” Myungsoon whines, grabbing Sungyeol’s arm and pulling him down the sidewalk.

Sungyeol chuckles. “Of course you do.” He ruffles her hair and Myungsoon grimaces, reaching up to fix it.

Sungyeol can protest about this plan however much he wants, but when it works and he and Woohyun are talking again, he’s going to be singing her praises. Myungsoon’s sure of it.

The clock beside Sungyeol’s bed reads eight in the morning when Girls’ Generation’s “I Got A Boy” blares out from his cell phone and he groans, pulling his pillow over his head.

Not even Kim Taeyeon’s lovely voice could make him want to wake up today.

It’s Saturday, which means it’s the day for that stupid sleepover Myungsoon’s come up with and he doesn’t know what she plans to accomplish with getting him and Woohyun into one place. And why does it even have to be his house? Myungsoon’s parents are usually pretty lenient and don’t mind that she has guy friends over, so why is it here?

“Get your lazy ass up, Lee Sungyeol.”

The pillow is taken off of his head and Sungyeol’s rolled over onto his back, opening his eyes a bit to see Myungsoon staring down at him with a look he’s sure could kill. She’s always had that dark, intense glare perfected and it’s not often that he’s on the receiving end.

“And your room is such a pigsty, did you know that?” Myungsoon continues, reaching down and grabbing a few shirts from one of the piles on the floor. “After I cleaned it a few weeks ago you messed it right back up. I swear, you need me to live with you or something-”

“You sound just like Sunggyu, it’s too early in the morning for this,” Sungyeol mutters, finally sitting up and rubbing at his eyes.

Myungsoon rolls her eyes, dropping the shirts back onto the pile. “Go shower and I’ll attempt to tidy up. Woohyun oppa won’t be here until three but...I think I’ll need that much time,” she says as her gaze wanders around Sungyeol’s bedroom.

Sungyeol groans and falls onto his back, shaking his head. “That gives me six hours to sleep, Myungsoon-ah,” he whines and he’s usually not one for whining, but he thinks today has the potential to be the worst day of his life. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen and he isn’t looking forward to finding out.

His eyes snap wide open when Myungsoon suddenly swings her legs over his hips, straddling him and that glare is back. Her long curls are brushing against his chest and Sungyeol absentmindedly licks his lips, his fingers itching with the urge to grab her waist and keep her there or maybe switch positions and-

“I’m doing this for you, Sungyeol,” Myungsoon says softly, her tone still firm. “I don’t like seeing you and Woohyun like this and I’m going to do what I can to fix it, your protests won’t stop me.”

Sungyeol thinks she looks hot like this, with her eyes piercing and her face just a bit flushed and her voice serious, and it isn’t really his fault that he blurts out that she does.

Myungsoon blushes, as expected, looking away and digging her fingers into the blue comforter beneath. “Flattery gets you nowhere,” she says but Sungyeol can tell that it obviously does, a small smirk making its way to his mouth. He takes the chance to place his hands on her thighs, unable to help it as he squeezes the flesh under these stupid jeans that Sungyeol would love to take off.

“Shower,” Myungsoon’s voice cracks.

“Is that an invitation?” Sungyeol’s smirk widens. It’s fun, teasing Myungsoon. It’s just so easy to get a reaction out of her that Sungyeol can’t help but love it.

Myungsoon glares, although this time it isn’t near as intimidating as the others had been. “Of course not, dumbass,” she snaps but there’s really no malice behind the word at all. She gets off of Sungyeol, scrambling off of the bed with the grace of a baby giraffe.

Sungyeol chuckles and sits up again, running a hand through his already messy hair. “Alright, alright, I’m going,” he gives in, sliding out of bed and making his way towards the bathroom. “But if you decide you want to join...feel free to.”

He barely dodges the pair of jeans coming his way and he winces, holding his hands up in surrender. “Okay, I get it, no joint shower.”

When he closes the bathroom door behind him, he lets out a big sigh and leans against it. It’s going to be a long day.

Sungyeol walks out from his shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and another rubbing at his hair. He feels a bit better now, at least, but he’s still not looking forward to this dumb sleepover. Who even has sleepovers anymore? They’re eighteen, for crying out loud.

He yelps as a t-shirt and a pair of jeans are thrown his way, not succeeding in catching either of them.

“Put some clothes on!” Myungsoon’s obviously trying so hard not to look at his bare chest and he grins, stepping further into the room. He notes that she did a hell of a job with cleaning it; everything looks spotless and there aren’t any random clothes piles anymore, no messy desk, nothing.

Sungyeol reaches down and grabs the items of clothing she had thrown at him, letting out a laugh. “You want me to go commando? Kinky,” he teases.

He hears her squeak and laughs again, walking over to his dresser and pulling a drawer open. “The room looks nice, by the way,” he adds, grabbing a pair of black boxers and pushing the drawer shut. He knows if he leaves it halfway open like he usually does, Myungsoon will start nagging and he doesn’t think he can handle more of that today.

“Just nice?”

Sungyeol doesn’t have to look at her to know she’s pouting, and he’s about to go over and give her a hug in all of his nearly naked glory, but he notices the cat suddenly resting on his bed.

“When the hell did she get here?” he asks more to himself than anything.

“She was in the backyard when I got here, I think one of your parents let her back in,” Myungsoon shrugs, climbing onto the bed beside the feline. “Jureumi and I will take a nap and you can go make us breakfast,” she suggests with a dimpled smile, her eyes already closed.

Sungyeol clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “That’s not how it works, Myungsoon-ah,” he scolds jokingly, dropping the towel around his waist. He thinks it’s a record, how fast he puts on his clothes, glad Myungsoon’s eyes are remaining shut. He slides into bed on Jureumi’s other side. “How about the three of us go to sleep and then...” his voice falters as he keeps back a sigh, “we can get this show on the road.”

Myungsoon lets out a hum of agreement. “Sounds good to me.”

Three o’clock arrives much sooner than Sungyeol thought, the morning passing by quickly with their little nap. Sungyeol had woken up to his head on Myungsoon’s shoulder, the girl already awake with a volume of some manhwa or another in her lap, and Jureumi cuddled up against his right leg.

He thinks he must really be tired or dreading this either one, because he’s a pretty light sleeper. Myungsoon getting off and back on the bed and Jureumi moving would’ve usually woken him up.

“Woohyun oppa texted me and says he’ll be over in a bit,” Myungsoon says, glancing up from her phone. “Be nice to him, Yeollie.”

Sungyeol wants to protest that it isn’t like he’s been rude to Woohyun and calling him names, he’s just been...not talking to him and Woohyun is just as guilty as he is so he doesn’t see why this is his fault.

He pouts, stroking Jureumi’s back gently.

“Yah, don’t do that,” Myungsoon protests, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing it. “I don’t know why you’re so worried, this will go fine,” she reassures him. “It’ll be like old times.”

Sungyeol doesn’t think so, but he nods and squeezes her hand back.

“Sungyeol-ah! Woohyun’s here!”


Myungsoon doesn’t know how she thought they would act. Perhaps they’d talk, maybe argue for a little bit but still make up...

But this, right now-the three of them sitting on Sungyeol’s bed in complete silence, Woohyun staring at Sungyeol’s drawings on the wall, Sungyeol avoiding both of their eyes, and Myungsoon deciding they’re hopeless and going back to reading Yaya-is just ridiculous.

“Conversations don’t start until someone speaks up, you know,” she points out, keeping back a sigh. “You two have been dancing around each other for weeks, ever since Sungyeollie and I got together. Don’t think I haven’t realized that,” she continues, lips forming a frown. She doesn’t want to be the reason for this so-called silent war between them, although she has a small feeling in her gut that she is. Or at least part of it, anyway.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish, Myungsoon, people drift apart,” Sungyeol hisses out and the tone to his voice makes Myungsoon flinch, but she sits up straighter, bookmarking her place in the manhwa as she shuts it and puts it to the side.

She’s about to start her spiel about how she knows it isn’t just drifting apart, but Woohyun, surprisingly, beats her to it.

“Bullshit,” Woohyun argues, running a hand through his hair. “Drifting apart? Or do you just feel guilty because you know I like her?”

It takes a bit for Myungsoon to register what he’s said, and when it does, her eyes widen. “E-eh?”

“You can’t be that dense. That secret admirer you had that one year? It was me,” Woohyun confesses, and Myungsoon notices how his hands are clenched. She swallows, not knowing what to say. Maybe she should’ve stayed out of this and minded her own business after all.

“Guilty?” Sungyeol repeats with a laugh. “You don’t own her, Woohyun. Sending her roses and love letters doesn’t automatically make her yours.” Myungsoon’s never heard him sound so angry before and she doesn’t want to make this a habit.

“It isn’t like I ever thought I stood a chance, with you around,” Woohyun says quietly. “But avoiding me tells it all, doesn’t it? You’re guilty.”

Myungsoon keeps her eyes on the comforter of the bed, afraid of looking up. She thought if she just brought them together they could talk it out or something and all would be well. She supposes she’s naive if she thought that would happen.

“I’m not guilty, I’m jealous!”

Myungsoon’s head snaps up so fast she thinks she could’ve given herself whiplash, and she tilts it in confusion. Jealous? Why is Sungyeol jealous? He has no-he’s not-

“I mean-fuck,” Sungyeol mutters under his breath, running a shaking hand through his hair. “Fuck fuck fuck,” he repeats.

“Sungyeollie?” Myungsoon’s heart is pounding fast in her chest but the feeling isn’t like yesterday. It’s cold and sharp and she doesn’t like it.

Sungyeol looks like a lost puppy and Myungsoon wants to hold his hand but there’s also a part of her that wants to demand he explain what the hell that means. Jealous. Of who? Why?

“I don’t know, I-” Sungyeol exhales sharply and Myungsoo sees the way his fists clench.

“Are you kidding me?” Woohyun lets out a laugh. “Jealous of who? Myungsoon? You’ve got to be joking,” he sounds disbelieving but also-Myungsoon can’t place it but she swears there’s a hint of something else and-

“I don’t know!” Sungyeol’s voice is high and loud and it cracks at the end. “I don’t know what the fuck I feel but I think about you,” his eyes are on Woohyun, “more than I should! It’s-I don’t know where it came from but I don’t know how to stop it!”

Myungsoon thinks she feels numb. Her eyes are back to the covers, her fingers clenching at them so hard her knuckles are turning white. None of the thoughts racing through her mind make sense right now.

“So, what, you’re gay now?” Myungsoon doesn’t actually hear herself say the words but they’re out before she knows it, and the look on Sungyeol’s face makes her want to take them back, but she can’t.

“No!” Sungyeol blurts out with a few quick shakes of his head. “I love you, Myungsoon-ah, but I-I don’t know-”

Myungsoon licks her drying lips, crossing her arms. Maybe if she tests something...

“Kiss Woohyun oppa.” The words kind of just blurt out, and her face flushes at having suggested it.

“Hell no,” Woohyun speaks up. “I agreed to this little plan of yours because I thought it had a chance at working and we really should talk, but I am not kissing him,” he snaps, voice lowered.

Myungsoon looks between the two, biting her lip in thought. “Fine. If you won’t do it then I will,” she says, thinking her mouth is really just running without her permission today.

“Wh-what-Myungsoon-” Woohyun’s protests fall on deaf ears as Sungyeol does nothing at all to stop Myungsoon from leaning over and kissing him, her lips soft against his.

Myungsoon doesn’t know what she’s doing, not really-her and Sungyeol have kissed more than a few times, but she’s barely initiated any of them on her own.

Woohyun is a really good kisser.

She pulls back with a red face. “That wasn’t so hard. Sungyeollie, your turn,” she gestures nervously at Woohyun with her hand, unable to avoid the look Sungyeol is giving her.

It’s not betrayal or anger like she had expected, but his eyes are dark and intense with lust and all of this suddenly makes sense to her now.

“I get it,” she muses, lips forming a small smirk. “You want to see oppa and I make out, don’t you, Yeollie?” she questions in the most innocent tone she can muster, mentally giving herself a pat on the back as that look in Sungyeol’s eyes darkens. “Or do you want me to watch you two make out? Either way, I don’t mind,” she shrugs, thankful Woohyun had the mind to shut and lock the door so nobody would disturb them.

She doesn’t think Sungyeol wants his parents or Daeyeol to barge in and see this-whatever this is.

Sungyeol swallows the sudden yelp she lets out as he grabs the back of her neck and kisses her. Her wide eyes flutter shut, only for the kiss to break and Sungyeol murmurs a “thank you” against her lips, something that confuses her. Why is he saying thank you? For her actually going along with this?

She doesn’t even know what she’s going along with exactly-she doesn’t have those type of feelings for Woohyun but she does like him, and maybe that can change into more, but does Sungyeol want him to...join them or something? Is Woohyun supposed to be part of their relationship now?

There are still a million questions racing through her head when Sungyeol kisses Woohyun, only for them all to come to a halt.

Reading the amount of manhwa she does, Myungsoon’s ventured into ‘boy love’ on more occasions than she probably should, and she likes them. She’s not going to admit that unless asked, of course, and her collection is hidden in the back of her closet where nobody can find them, but seeing it right in front of her is a lot more satisfying.

She expects Woohyun to push Sungyeol away, honestly, but he doesn’t and their hands are wandering all over and Myungsoon kind of feels like she shouldn’t be watching this, but she can’t tear her eyes away.

Woohyun ends the kiss first, his thumb brushing across Sungyeol’s bottom lip, and Myungsoon isn’t surprised if they can hear her swallow.

Neither of them say a word and Myungsoon keeps quiet. She doesn’t want to break the silence and when Sungyeol leans forward to kiss Woohyun again, she doesn’t know what to think.

Her boyfriend is kissing his best friend. Shouldn’t she be on a jealous rage, screaming at them and trying to get them apart and saying that Sungyeol only belongs to her?

It feels as if hours have passed when they break apart again, two pairs of eyes moving to her.

“Wh-what?” she asks with wide eyes, knotting her fingers nervously in her black sweater. “I don’t know what-” Sungyeol’s kissing her again, his hands grabbing at her waist and squeezing gently. She sometimes wishes he wasn’t such a good kisser; it’d make trying to resist him a hell of a lot easier.

The kiss ends too soon for her liking, only for Woohyun to press his own lips to her cheek, which immediately reddens.

“You don’t find this strange?” Sungyeol murmurs, his hands still at her waist and he’s wiggling his fingers every so often, making her squirm.

Myungsoon giggles at the touch, swatting his hands away. “I...don’t know what I think,” she answers truthfully. “I don’t know what you guys want or if it’s even me anymore but I...” she trails off, avoiding their gazes.

“Of course we want you, you idiot,” Sungyeol sighs and Myungsoon thinks she should feel insulted, but she doesn’t.

“We just...want each other, too,” he adds, giving a glance at Woohyun-she sees him nod out of the corner of her eyes-and then looking back at Myungsoon. “But if you’re not okay with that then that’s fine-”

Myungsoon shakes her head, putting her hand on his mouth. “It’s...weird,” she starts carefully. “Woohyun’s always been a friend of mine, but I don’t...” she trails off, biting her lower lip. She doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and hurt Woohyun’s feelings or something. “I don’t like you that way, oppa,” she says, the frayed ends to her jeans suddenly very interesting to her at the moment.

“I know,” Woohyun replies. “I know,” he repeats, putting one of his hands on top of hers. “But things change, right?”

“Right,” she agrees, nodding her head. She thinks they can, but she doesn’t know how this is going to work out. Do Woohyun and Sungyeol start acting like a couple now? Or do they hide it? Do her and Sungyeol still act as normal? Does Woohyun tag along with them?

“You’re thinking too much,” Sungyeol says quietly, his hand grabbing her free one. “This doesn’t mean that I’m going to leave you, Myungsoon-ah.”

Myungsoon knows that, she does, but she’s just...confused. Woohyun and Sungyeol both like her, yes, but they also-they like each other? And that was why they’ve been ignoring each other? They were trying to deny their feelings?

“What do we do from here?” she asks softly.

Sungyeol shrugs his shoulders, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand. “We just...go with this. Not fight it.”

The feeling of Sungyeol and Woohyun’s hands on hers is nice and warm.

Sungyeol’s had weird nights in his life, but he doesn’t think anything compares to this. The three of them are on Sungyeol’s bed with Myungsoon in the middle, Sungyeol’s television on some variety show only Myungsoon bothers to know the name of, but she’s too busy reading that damned manhwa she brought with her.

And Sungyeol can’t help it, as he and Woohyun sometimes sneak kisses over her head, and he knows she sees them, judging by the pink of her cheeks as she not so subtly glances away from her manhwa.

It’s all so bizarre. He had never thought it was possible to like more than one person at the same time but here they are. He knows it’s more unfair to Myungsoon than anything-she loves Sungyeol and not Woohyun and he doesn’t want to force her into trying to feel the same way about him that he does, but he thinks the overall feeling between them wouldn’t be so awkward if she did.

Myungsoon had kissed Woohyun, right? So Sungyeol’s sure really really liking him isn’t too far off. Things can change. If only he could get that damned manhwa out of her hands. She’s quite protective of them, Sungyeol’s learned, and he doesn’t want to be victim to a book to the face or something.

“Did you bring your camera?” Sungyeol asks, although he knows it’s a stupid question-she brings it literally everywhere she goes.

Myungsoon actually looks up from her manhwa (he applauds himself, not having to use a kiss with Woohyun to make it happen) with a raised eyebrow. She obviously thinks it’s a stupid question too. “Of course I did,” she says, nodding her head towards the black bag in the corner of the room. “Why?”

He ignores how her eyes narrow in suspicion and grins. “Woohyunnie and I can be your models for today,” he offers. Woohyun shoots him an incredulous look and he tries to make his own eyes as beseeching as possible.

“I don’t do that type of photography, you know that,” she reminds him with a confused look on her face.

Sungyeol waves his hand around. “Of course I do, but there’s a first time for everything, right?”

Myungsoon’s eyes narrow more. “What are you up to, Lee Sungyeol?” she mutters, but she crawls out of her space between the two boys and hops off of the bed.

“Nothing! I’m completely innocent, Myungsoon-ah. I’m insulted that you think I’m up to something,” he shakes his head in mock-hurt, putting a hand to his chest.

Woohyun chuckles under his breath and he grins.

“Drama queen,” Myungsoon calls out, digging into her bag for her camera.

“Yeah, yeah, we know,” Sungyeol replies, grabbing the remote and turning the television off.

Myungsoon then stands at the foot of the bed, her camera with the hugeass lens in her hands.

“Well, start telling us what to do. We’re your models, after all,” Sungyeol sends her a smile, sitting up straight and his hands subconsciously go up to pat his hair down.

Myungsoon looks sort of nervous, standing there and staring at them, and Sungyeol finds it adorable. “Don’t be shy, don’t you tell me how everything always feels right when your camera’s in your hands?” he encourages her with another smile.

“Suck up,” Woohyun says under his breath, and Sungyeol laughs.

“Don’t laugh, he’s right,” Myungsoon points out with a playful glare. She begins fiddling with the object in her hands, soon bringing it up to her eyes. “I don’ photoshoots,” she says quietly, “so they probably won’t turn out well.”

Woohyun rolls his eyes. “I’m sure they’ll turn out fine, Myungsoon-ah.”

Sungyeol snorts. “Now who’s the suck up?” Behind the camera, Sungyeol can see a blush on Myungsoon’s cheeks and he grins, leaning over to Woohyun’s ear. “Take off your shirt,” he whispers as softly as he can, slamming his hand to Woohyun’s mouth as he lets out a surprised sound at the suggestion.

“Are you insane?” Woohyun hisses after he pries Sungyeol’s hand off of his mouth.

Sungyeol shrugs his shoulders. “Possibly. Now do it,” he orders. Only now does he hear the clicks of the camera, and he thinks if these pictures turn out as well as he hopes, he’ll have to ask Myungsoon for some. For...scientific purposes.

“Y-yah, Nam Woohyun!” Myungsoon’s squeak is just as planned, and Sungyeol tries to hide a laugh as Woohyun’s shirt lands on the floor. “Wh-what are you doing? Put that back on!” Myungsoon’s face is a bright shade of red, and Sungyeol’s slightly worried that she’s going to drop her camera in shock.

She’d never forgive either of them for that.

“You didn’t give us instructions so I did it for you. You’re welcome,” Sungyeol grins cheekily.

“The both of you are assholes, you know that?” Myungsoon growls out, but the camera still clicks. She clears her throat. “C-could you...get closer together? I-Sungyeol, put your head on his shoulder,” she instructs. Sungyeol does so, switching his smile into a blank face and placing his hand on Woohyun’s thigh.

“Y-your hand doesn’t need to be there,” Myungsoon mumbles, sounding like she’s about to start whining.

Sungyeol slides his hand higher.

“A photoshoot doesn’t have to be sexy!” There it is.

“You have us as your models, I think it’s inevitable,” Sungyeol points out, his blank face disappearing as he can feel Woohyun’s laughter rumble in his chest.

“He has a point, Myungsoon-ah,” Woohyun agrees.

“Aren’t you glad, though?” Sungyeol muses with another grin. “You have two hot boyfriends all to yourself,” he says, his fingers drumming patterns on Woohyun’s thigh.

Myungsoon rolls her eyes. “I’m so honored,” she replies under her breath.

“As you should be,” Sungyeol agrees, turning his head slightly to breathe in Woohyun’s scent. “But if you have two boyfriends, you’re gonna have to pick one,” he says, eyes falling shut. Woohyun’s warm, and he doesn’t think he’d mind falling asleep like this.

“Yeah, Myungsoon-ah,” Woohyun clears his throat and Sungyeol can tell he’s smirking. “You can’t just toy with us, you’re gonna have to pick one.”

Sungyeol still doesn’t open his eyes when he feels a new weight on the bed, but that doesn’t stop the noise that escapes when Myungsoon settles somewhere to his left-Woohyun?

His eyes snap open for him to be correct: Myungsoon’s on Woohyun’s lap, camera still in her hands and it’s as if he can feel Woohyun’s breathing quicken.

“I can’t,” Myungsoon says quietly, her face flushed that pretty pink again.

There’s a split second of silence before Myungsoon kisses Woohyun’s cheek, that color to her own reddening as she pulls back. “I...want to make this work,” she mumbles, biting her lower lip. “The three of us,” she continues, avoiding Sungyeol and Woohyun’s gazes.

Sungyeol blinks, surprise shooting through him. He knows she had agreed earlier, but-he didn’t expect her to accept this easily, this quickly. He figured it’d take her a few days to really mull it over.

“Is that weird?” she asks with a frown on her face.

Sungyeol smiles, leaning over and tilting her chin upwards with a finger. “No,” he answers, smile widening and showing off his gums. “Thank you. I mean it,” he says.

Myungsoon avoids their eyes again, staring at some random spot on the floor. “Y-you don’t need to thank me, Yeollie,” she protests.

Sungyeol thinks he does, but he doesn’t say anything else. “Are you done with our photoshoot already?” he teases. “I’m sure we can give you more...great poses.”

Myungsoon’s eyes drift to Woohyun’s bare chest and she clears her throat, shaking her head. “N-no, I think I’m done for the night,” she says in a louder voice, hesitantly tapping Woohyun’s shoulder. “Put your shirt back on, oppa,” she orders, although it’s not near as authoritative as Sungyeol had heard her be earlier.

Woohyun laughs, a playfulness in his eyes that Sungyeol hasn’t seen in a while. “I think I’ll just leave it off, Myungsoon-ah,” he replies, folding his arms behind his head. “It’ll get hot with three people in this bed,” he explains.

Myungsoon seems to not agree, as she reaches off of the bed and grabs the clothing in question, holding it up.

“He’s right,” Sungyeol speaks up with a raised eyebrow. “And you’re the furnace out of the three of us, it’s probably best if I take my shirt off too,” he says nonchalantly. “You won’t mind, right?”

By the blush rising up Myungsoon’s neck and cheeks again, Sungyeol already knows the answer. But it’s just so fun to tease her.

“Assholes,” she mumbles, crawling off of Woohyun-much to his displeasure, Sungyeol can tell-and waving her hand at Sungyeol. “Move over.”

Sungyeol does, raising an eyebrow. “Bossy,” he muses. Not that he’s complaining. He thinks it’s a nice change when she’s bossy. Sometimes.

Myungsoon leans over Sungyeol to set her camera down on his mostly empty bedside table, settling back between them. She kisses Sungyeol’s cheek, then Woohyun’s, and pulls the covers up to her waist and closes her eyes. “Goodnight,” she mumbles, and Sungyeol can’t help it as he runs his fingers through her curly hair. She lets out a sigh of content and Sungyeol grins.

Woohyun’s lips suddenly press to his and the grin widens, but his own eyes shut as he kisses back. He pulls away to see one of Woohyun’s hands in Myungsoon’s, their fingers locked, and he knows it won’t take much for him to get used to this.

pairing: woohyun/sungyeol/myungsoo, rating: pg-13, fandom: infinite

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