thilia wrote in jetblackdawn Dec 19, 2010 13:40
graphics: icons, challenge: amanda20in20, people: dianna agron, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, challenge: whedon20in20, people: amanda seyfried, challenge: dianna20in20
thilia wrote in jetblackdawn Nov 28, 2010 20:02
challenge: dagron_stills, tv: glee, people: dianna agron, challenge: ilove20in20, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, challenge: whedon20in20
thilia wrote in jetblackdawn Oct 30, 2010 22:46
people: bonnie wright, people: rupert grint, people: daniel radcliffe, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, people: emma watson, graphics: icons, film: harry potter, challenge: actors20in20, challenge: whedon20in20, people: tom felton
thilia wrote in jetblackdawn Aug 06, 2010 18:05
graphics: icons, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, challenge: whedon20in20