The Spritas 2.7

Jan 05, 2009 16:47

Last time, Jamie rebelled against him when I told him to do his homework. Then he rebelled against me when I told him to eat breakfast, and he died. :( But he was saved. Donna became a romancing pleasure-seeking teen, got sent to therapy by her teacher thanks to some dumb chance card and met Zeke Rose, who wants to take over the world. And now we continue!

Adric's eye situation has been rectified! Hooray for contacts.

Adric still loves the swing.

Just as Donna loves juggling. You'd never be able to tell these are the children of serious Sims, would you?

Sarah: What have I produced?
Donna: Hi, mum.

It's not like Sarah's really trying to instil a sense of seriousness in her children, anyway. What is this? Does this LOOK like a serious activity to you?

Can you cut it out with the Adric hatred already? WHAT DID HE EVEN DO?

Meanwhile, Harry becomes the first Sprita to play in the bathtub. Unfortunately, this is pretty much the only thing he does to distinguish himself. He's not a very interesting child.

On the other hand, Zoe is not a very interesting adult. She takes care of all her needs, she goes to work, and spends the rest of her time doing Sciencey stuff, because SCIENCE IS HER FAVOURITE. The fact that she has no chemistry with anyone doesn't help, I guess.

She decided to cut her hair and wear it up. This had nothing to do with my graphics card; I just figured that long hair wasn't befitting of a serious, scientific Fortune/Knowledge Sim.

There was no one else at home, so I had no choice to follow around, by the way. This is seriously all she does. Oh, I long for the days when she pulled faces at blocks, I tell you...

At this rate, I don't think Cedric will ever achieve his LTW.

Cedric: I got demoted! :)

Donna is probably the most interesting of the children right now. This is Times New Roman Dork (of katu_sims).

She shares two bolts with him. Not quite as much as with her other boyfriend, but definitely enough to ACR it up all over the place.

Donna: Since when has there been a full-body mirror in our front yard? And... who's that using it?

Bellatrix Forest (simsforaranya) was walking past, you see, and I made her selectable so I could fix up her eyes. She was suffering the teenage alien eyeless glitch. Nothing wrong with doing that, right?

It worked out pretty well, all things told, because she and Adric got to happily discuss where their parents came from. You know, the otherworldly ones.

She didn't want to flirt, though. :(

Adric: D:

Oh, what?

You're just angry that I accidentally deleted your eyes, aren't you? Well, the Spritas are definitely not to blame! It's not nice to kick over their rubbish bin!

Bellatrix ended up changing her mind about Adric, by the way.

Yay! But those are some long working hours... O_O

Pretty pictures FTW!

Well... it's not like it really takes much to make Zoe enthusiastic about Science, anyway.

Harry: I'M BORED!!!

Jamie: Must... work out... to look... as good... as Adric...

Is that why you starved yourself to death? You wanted to look as good as Adric? Well, I have news for you, Jamie: there are only two body types. And you have the same one. :|

Donna and Roman have a wonderful "dream date".

Afterwards, they proceed to ACR it up in front of the stairs, such that Bellatrix cannot escape.

Bellatrix: Yuck! That was disgusting!

That's one hell of a salary. Zoe, are you sure you want to be a City Planner? This job seems to pay pretty well.

Since Zoe seriously has no chemistry with anyone, I decided to see if the Matchmaker could help. We paid her 3,508 Simoleons.

Seriously? 3,508 isn't enough for you??

When I first saw him, my first thought was, "Who the hell is Berjes Despret?" He's the fitness club guy. And therefore ineligible for spouseship anyway.

This picture is a perfect summary of their entire date.

I'm guessing that this didn't help things.

Screw you, "matchmaker".

Zoe consoles herself with her true love... her telescope. I have to wonder, though... is she absolutely sure she can see astronauts?

Don't be mean to the ants!

Okay, seriously. Who entertains at a birthday party wearing a LLAMA COSTUME?

For some reason, everyone became OBSESSED with reading Harry stories. Poor old Harry would be, like, on his way to the toilet, and then he'd be interrupted by someone wanting to read him yet another story.

Seriously, Cedric, he doesn't need any more stories!

LISTEN TO THE SOCIAL WORKER! He needs food, not stories!

Remember the baked Alaska the nanny cooked when the twins were children, Donna was a baby, and Adric and Harry hadn't even been born yet? That's what Harry ate. Food keeps well in the Sims.

But then it was his birthday!

This is the only picture I got of his teenage self for a few days, oops. He rolled Romance/Family, which is very amusing, but doesn't compensate for the fact that he is BORING. (Sorry, Harry. But it's true.)

...was Sarah inventing at a birthday party, or was Donna entertaining a birthday party in the lab?

Lugging that massive llama costume around apparently made Donna fit.

Oh, what is this? A man? Perhaps Ms I-Only-Have-Chemistry-With-Chemistry would like him.
(In case you want to know, the man is Lister Dork.)

Zoe: So... I turned eighteen recently.

Lister: *minus*

What?? Let's try again.

Zoe: I heard you're a person.

Lister: Why yes, I am! :D

And that's better than hearing about birthdays?? Okay, Lister...

But Lister preferred to watch TV than to stand up and talk. Sigh. He and Zoe only had one bolt -- which is, admittedly, more chemistry than Zoe has shared with anyone in her entire life, but still not very good.

Sarah wanted a Logic skill point, so stargazed for it.

But then this happened. :\

Adric: Maybe she'll make best friends with my other daddy!
Me: Somehow, Adric, I think that's unlikely to be quite how Sarah will feel...

Adric doesn't really care about Sarah's abduction. Donna registers it, though.

I'm feeling an eerie sense of deja vu about this.

Sarah's back!

Harry: What's that noise?
Jamie: Go aliens! *clap clap clap*
Cedric: ...they're back...

Sarah: O_O

Cedric: Now you mention it, Harry, that noise is pretty awful.
Harry: Oh wait, mum got abducted by aliens? GOOOO ALIENS!

Cedric: Hey, wait! Maybe those aliens taught Sarah not to laugh when people get abducted! WHOO! GO ALIENS!

Sarah: I'll never laugh again D':

Harry: Well, congratulations on all the best friends you made up there, mum!

By the way, Sarah never did get that Logic point. So... yes, I did send her back to the telescope. She didn't mind.

Donna: Oh Zeke, tell me more about our evil plan...

What? Zeke, why would you visit your girlfriend's house just to spy on Stewart?

I mean, look at him! He's pretty angry.

Zeke: Hey, Adric, would you like to be involved in our plan to protect the community from dangerous influences?

Adric: Yes! It sounds like a good plan.

Adric: Something like that is probably the only way to maintain peace in our time.
Zeke: I'm glad you agree!

Zeke: And Stewart will be first... :D

Hell yes!

Donna is now at the top of her career path.

And my first-ever Overachiever! Hooray!

Are my Sims masochists? Do they really enjoy being slapped around?

Zoe: You know, if you angled the telescope ten degrees to the left, I think you'd have a much better view.

You are not helping.

Cedric: I can't believe you just broke the bathtub like that! How dare you?
Donna: Sorr--
Cedric: I mean, how careless of you! Don't you watch what you're doing?
Donna: I'm --
Cedric: What did you do? Wrench the tap off the tub?
Donna: :(

Donna: Well, while we're on the subject of plumbing, CONGRATULATIONS ON PISSING YOURSELF! :)

Cedric: Oh, geez, thanks. Congratulations on being an overachiever, darling.
Donna: -_- I was being sarcastic...

She and Zeke finally fell in love.

ACR ensured that this is how they celebrated.

Donna: So, I was thinking that perhaps we could enact our plan on a train.

Donna: I was thinking, it would be so easy just to put something in a suitcase and let it get loaded... and no one would ever know!
Zeke: Oh, there's a thought!

It's an alien burglar! And this is about when I realise that I haven't bought the Spritas a burglar alarm. So, I try waking Sarah up to call the police, but she takes her sweet time.


The exercise bike? Well, to be honest, I think everyone else's chance of survival has just been given a boost. BUT I HAVEN'T FORGIVEN YOU FOR THE TELESCOPE.

Sarah finally made it to the phone.

I get the feeling that this phone call is going to turn out to be quite useless.

Um, he's running away!

Sarah: :O

They've finally turned up...

Sarah: :O

What? Can't you move?

Sarah: D:<


Why are you going upstairs?


... And you wanted to wake up Zoe to tell her this? You couldn't have waited until I'd, you know, REPLACED THE TELESCOPE??

Sarah: D:<

That's pretty much my reaction, too.

But look! It's a new telescope! :D


Jamie was particularly torn up about the burglary.

Jamie: How can I commit suicide now?? ;_;


That would be a good idea. Thanks for the reminder, Zoe.

Donna doesn't seem fazed by the burglary. She's quite content to play on the sofa like nothing's happened.

This is all Zoe does. I REALLY REALLY MEAN IT.

Do the Spritas have a monopoly on this Science Fair or something? They must've won it every single year.


Zoe: ...what

Yeah. Her fanaticism made the computer explode.

Donna brought Ian Piper (of dothesmustle) home from school.

He proceeded to badmouth his brother, Owen.


Adric invites Bellatrix 'round. Immediately after he has, Bellatrix calls him. Then, Bellatrix RINGS THE DOORBELL while he is STILL TALKING TO HER ON THE PHONE. There was no way to capture that wtfery in a picture, however, so you get this one instead.

Adric gets his first kiss. All is well.

Except that he does this immediately afterward. :|

Admittedly, it would have been highly amusing to watch Zoe and Harry try to get through life without the beloved computer. However, seeing as the newspaper is stolen every day the computer is also the only source of employment, so Cedric had to fix it.

Almost as soon as night falls, Zoe runs to her telescope.

But look! All that dedication FINALLY paid off! She got a plaque!

Now, watch this sad and sorry chain of events from Teenland. Firstly, Harry gives Bellatrix a noogie.

Then, Donna gives Bellatrix a noogie.

As Bellatrix continue to stand there and gape in shock, Harry gives Donna a noogie.

Bellatrix truly is appalled. Furthermore, she plots revenge.

First, she flicks Harry's nose.

Then, she flicks Donna's nose.

The Sprita teens are unperturbed, however, and decide to have a tickle war.

Ultimately, Bellatrix is left with no choice but to pack her things and go home.

She's ~sparkling~!

Cedric has finished his work of art. It sold for ten Simoleons.

Meanwhile, Sarah works on a better work of art -- Cedric's portrait.

This is a common scenario in the Sprita house. When shooed out of the bathroom, a Sprita doesn't just go away. No, they simply shoo the other person. The shooing wars that ensue can last for many hours.

Zoe is so obsessed with Science she even gains enthusiasm in her sleep!

And that's all for this part. Generation three is born right at the end of the next instalment, so we're getting very close, people! Also, generation three should be nowhere near as long as generation two has been. Hooray!

I hope you enjoyed reading. :)

the sprita legacy

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