The Spritas 2.1

Dec 12, 2008 12:47

And now, part two of the new legacy! Previously, founder Sarah Sprita moved into a nice, but small, house, and met the love of her life: Cedric Leeman (of rainbowflyer). In this update, they have babies.

Cedric and Sarah start the morning with toaster pastry, the greatest and most nutritious option for Sims with no cooking skill. Get yours today!

In other news, it occurred to me that the couple's refusal to eat together might be due to a glitched chair, rather than sheer stupidity. I was right, so there'll be no more refusing to eat together this update.

Cedric's breakfast is interrupted by his carpool. His carpool is an ambulance. Okay then.

Sarah spends her morning enjoying a luxurious bubble bath. She also cuts her hair, in a sudden decision that had absolutely nothing to do with my graphic card's refusal to play nice with her old hair. Really.

Yes, that's right! This is actually the only time she felt nauseous throughout her entire pregnancy. There was no morning sickness. It was great! But I guess I should be relieved I got a picture of this, because how else would I let you guys know that she really, really is pregnant?

Have I mentioned that Sarah's secondary aspiration is Family? Well, it is. That's why she was able to serve up some of the patented Grandma's Comfort Soup for herself.

Then she painted. As you can see, her next masterpiece is of a beautiful yellow cat.

Yeah, we had one really exciting day! Finally, Cedric came home.

And then... Einstein Dork (katu_sims) kicked over our rubbish bin.

Einstein: Ohohoho! I have taken revenge on those responsible for the loss of my eyebrows!

Well, actually, no you haven't...

Luckily, Cedric has ten neat points, and thought that cleaning up the rubbish was SUPER FUN.

After taking a shower, Cedric spent his afternoon running around the house in search of parrots. I don't think he found any.

Later on, Cedric did the considerate thing and cooked dinner. He and Sarah discussed the weather over their spaghetti, rather than Sarah's suspicion that she was pregnant. I feel cheated.

Cedric's definitely a devoted boyfriend, that's for sure.

Sarah, you're tired and you're still hungry. Why do you think this is a good idea?

I tell you, instant meals are a godsend. Faceplanting is impossible, leaving pregnant Sims no choice but to eat/drink the whole thing! >:D

Then, excitingly, she popped!

Breakfast for Sarah the next morning consisted of leftover spaghetti. For Cedric, it consisted of feasting on Sarah's black polygony beauty.

Sarah went back to bed, and then Cedric studied parenting. I'm not sure why I bothered making him, considering that caring for babies is really not difficult and it's therefore kind of a useless skill. But I did anyway.

Cedric: Oh wow! So if I tell them what to do, they have to obey me? :D

Why are my Sims so obsessed with the weather? They don't even have any in my Seasons-lacking game!

Cedric practised romance some more. Hey, he really wants those Charisma points...

Sarah woke up and waddled out to the front lawn so she could read the "Arts" section of the newspaper.

And at lunch, she still stubbornly refused to bring up her pregnancy.

Sarah: So! How's work?

Cedric: Like the SUN!


Sarah was obviously inspired by that newspaper section, and returned to work on her masterpiece.

Meanwhile, Cedric rolled a want for a skill point that had nothing to do with Charisma! That is, he wanted a Body skill point -- so badly that he'd gain 2,500 aspiration points if I obliged him.

Sarah painted on, oblivious. Her yellow cat is almost complete!

Aaaah!! Who are you?

Oh, that's all right then.

Sarah thanked him for his invitation. Unfortunately, she will never actually go to the art studio because I'm sure my graphics card would mutiny. Even more so than it always does.

So then, while Cedric busts a gut trying to gain a skill point, Sarah lounges around on the sofa.

I'm not sure why she's scowling, though.

Hooray! Finally! Perhaps he'd like to stop working out now?

Guess not.

Sarah finishes her cat painting. It sells for 29 Simoleons.

Cedric eats burnt spaghetti for dinner.

I lowered aaaaall mygraphics settings in the hope they would improve. As a result of that, you get to see this picture. Ordinarily, the pillows would have "splatted", the blankets would be missing and Sarah would be bald.

And she pops again!

She actually rolled the want, "Learn to make Cereal". I guess she's been living on toaster pastry her entire life. Anyway, I let her make cereal.

Then Cedric wakes up, and starts talking to Sarah's belly. He did this instead of eating breakfast, which he should have done, because he had to go to work at 7am and was still really hungry when he left. Still, it was adorable.

Oh yay! A chance card! I selected. "Ask Custodian".

Correct! And look at the reward! That's several less hours he has to spend in front of a mirror!

Cedric may be looking pretty glum in this snap, but in fact he's had a fairly good day at work. He got a promotion! And he made a friend!

Oddly enough, his friend is Rebeeca Leeman, who is also Sarah's friend. In rainbowflyer's Leeman Legacy, from which both Cedric and Rebecca came, they hated each other's guts and were constantly fighting. But not in mine! Nope, in my game, they're the best of buddies. For some reason. XD

uehyueuenrueh phone

Cedric can't answer it because he has to go to work AGAIN (stupid badly-timed promotion) and Sarah can't because she's sleeping.

By the time Sarah makes it out of bed (three hours later), the phone is still ringing. However, it stops just before she picks it up. So, instead, she goes to talk politics with Rebecca. Or, uh, watch children's movies and listen to Rebecca talking politics.

Rebecca tries to talk to Sarah's belly, but Sarah wasn't happy AT ALL and they lost like five trillion relationship points. This is the absolute closest shot I could get, by the way -- any closer and this happened.

Cedric's home!

And just in time, too!

YES, THAT'S RIGHT. Twins! In terms of legacy clichés, I think this update has a lot of them. Births in the bathroom... second-generation twins...

Anyway. Meet Jamie! Sarah held him quite happily for a while, but then she realises that labour's not quite over yet.

So she decided to hand Jamie over to the bed.

She might have meant Cedric, but Cedric was fast asleep in the bed at that point. He registered the birth in his dreams.

Not to worry! She dragged her sleepy boyfriend out of bed and forced him to hold Jamie.

Meet Zoe!

In case you're wondering about the names, I'm following the lead of many other legacy writers and am having a naming theme each generation. This generation, the theme is Doctor Who. Jamie and Zoe were companions of the Second Doctor, back in the 1969 season. (Well, Jamie was a companion for two years prior to that, but I digress...)

Apparently Cedric thinks that Zoe is a much better baby than Jamie. He puts Jamie on the floor to cheer about Zoe's birth.

Nope. No favouritism here at all.

And now, the epic question: how do we fit two babies inside such a tiny house?

Sarah doesn't really care. Instead, she fusses over Zoe like the new mother she is.


That's a nice, big grin for a baby!

Meanwhile, a crib has magically appeared in the corridor for Jamie's use.

Cedric would rather hold Jamie in his arms, though.

And feed him!

Yeah. Contrast Zoe's wide grin with Jamie's gaping maw.

Jamie was quieted with a bottle though.

And belly kisses!

Cedric, why do you always put Jamie on the floor? D:

And now I present to you a race to see who gets to feed Zoe! Who will win?


Zoe is the first to poo her pants.

You might think this lecturing is in response to Zoe soiling herself. No, Sarah and Cedric were quite calm when Zoe did that. This lecturing is in response to Jamie soiling himself ten minutes later.

Cedric spent many many hours fussing over and feeding the babies instead of looking after himself. When I finally noticed, he was in about six different kinds of motive desperation and I had to force him to abandon the babies and fix the situation IMMEDIATELY. That was the time that Rimmer Dork decided he JUST HAD TO CALL. Where's your consideration, Rimmer?

When Rimmer finally shuts up, Cedric decides not to feed himself, but to feed the babies. Sigh.

Then he feeds himself. I make him.

Fun is the last motive I have to fill up. (Apparently caring for his babies wasn't fun, even though he was engrossed in it for hours.) Seeing as he needs Logic points for his next promotion, I buy Cedric a chessboard and let him play with that.

I don't think I mentioned that Sarah went to work instead of making use of her maternity leave, but she did. Not only that, but she got a promotion, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time. She's no longer being experimented on, and is now a lab assistant.

What do you mean, it's been a so-so week?! You found your true love, got him to move in, had twins with him, got a position in your dream career, and got a promotion! What more do you want?

That's because it was only yesterday.

And we interrupt this update to bring you another in the series of annoying neighbours. This time we have Penny Rose (from simmericangirl).

Today we've had a cunning plan, and left a decoy mouldy newspaper out on the front lawn.

Drat! Penny sees through this cunning scheme and steals the correct newspaper.

For some reason, Jamie was really hungry while Zoe was remarkably well-fed. I made Sarah feed him. Jamie deserves sustenance too, after all.

When she put him back, she did this handwaving thing as if to say, "I'm not touching him again! He reeks!"

So she goes to bed.

However, she's more than happy to wake up in the middle of the night to feed Zoe.

Here she is, lecturing Jamie again for soiling himself. What did Jamie do wrong? Why do his parents prefer Zoe so much?

Birthday time!

Zoe is first, unsurprisingly.

Apart from my graphics card giving her a receding hairline, CUTE!

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Birthday time again!


So, Sarah has to grow Jamie up. And yes, this is the absolute best picture I could get. Please ignore Sarah's missing legs and the fact that Jamie's face has splatted onto the wall and CONCENTRATE ON THE BIRTHDAY.

Thanks again! I don't think I could have worked it out without you!

Again, cute! His cheekbone/mouth/chin region might be a little odd, but it looks like the kind of thing he'll grow into.

That house was barely large enough for two babies, but two toddlers? Impossible! Consequently, say hello to the new house.

Sarah brings Jamie inside.

She promptly drops him. This frees her up to smile at Cedric and Zoe. Poor Jamie.

It doesn't take Sarah and Cedric long to christen their new bed. :\

It turns out that Zoe and Jamie are both Science Sims! XD How they realised this from playing with the "Shape, Rattle & Roll" (i.e. blocks), I do not know. But they did.


Jamie: *quietly scribbles*

Zoe: FINALLY! It's in! :)

Jamie: *chews crayon*

Zoe: Now for the next block! Blue square... must be... triangle hole! Right? Come on... iiiiin...

Zoe: Hmpf!

Zoe: So the triangle hole's not for you, huh? Not good enough for you, huh?

Zoe: Well how about the round hole?! Is THAT good enough for you? IT BETTER BE GOOD ENOUGH OR YOU WILL REGRET IT

Zoe: I don't believe this.


Jamie: *quietly draws*


Zoe: Oh, wait! Wait! False alarm, everybody! Turns out the square block fits in the square hole! :DDD

Jamie: *looks up* I could've told you that!

Potty training time! Yippee!

Zoe: Why I do I have to potty train in front of my brother when he didn't potty train in front of me?? :(

Jamie: nom nom nom mmmm tasty doll :D

These two are so cute!! <3
(See Cedric birdwatching in the background? Yeah. That's how he spent his whole afternoon. I think he's a Nature Sim in disguise.)

Zoe: Now Jamie, this is my block, not your block, my block. You may not touch my block.
Jamie: *draws*

Jamie: Huh? What? Did I miss something? *chews crayon in worry*
Zoe: SQUEE it's another block!!

Then, tuckered out, they fell asleep.

On the other hand, this is how the adults spent their afternoon (once Cedric got bored of birdwatching). I think you can see why I opted for a toddler spam, considering the alternative was chess spam.

Anyway, that's all for now! Thanks for reading. :)

the sprita legacy

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