The Spritas 1.1

Dec 09, 2008 14:19

At last, the new legacy! I don't think it's very funny, but I tried. I hope you enjoy anyway. No real warnings; there are some instances of bad graphics (I love my laptop...), but otherwise, not really. My founder even WooHoos in her underwear. This legacy is for pixel_trade, so Sims from other players abound.

Okay, okay. I'm not going to lie to you guys. This is yet another of those dreaded things: new legacies. Worse still, it's not going to be a very special new legacy. I'm not hilarious and my graphics are crap, so what can I offer? Well, I can offer you this. My founder here? She's not face one. FACE SEVEN, oh yeah!! This is actually my favourite of all the default faces. Cuter than face one, in my opinion. It's adorable! I love it!

And the owner of this face seven template? None other than a Miss Sarah Sprita. "Sprita" is an Esperanto word, meaning "witty", "spirited", etc.. These are the kinds of qualities I hope my legacy will possess. So far I'm not doing a very good job of ensuring it.

Back to Sarah now. Sarah is a Knowledge Sim. She is very very nice and very very shy; she is also serious and neat. Her dream is to become a Mad Scientist.

Her house is very nice indeed because I'm a dirty cheater and set up home on a 3x1 lot. She has a very nice house and 5,000 odd Simoleons to spare. Anyway, not unexpectedly, she made a mad dash for the easel. Where she stayed. For hours.

I tried making her find a job at some point, but there was nothing good (slacking off? dancing? What kind of self-respecting Knowledge Sim would be seen dead in those careers?) and with 5,000 Simoleons in the bank it wasn't exactly urgent. She remains unemployed for now.

In addition to her 5,000 Simoleons, Sarah is also the lucky recipient of a free computer. Well, or maybe she's not so lucky. Maybe everyone gets a free computer. You don't have to tell her that, mmkay?

Don't be fooled. She played for about two seconds.

So, then I made her chat on the intarwebz. Here she is, telling Adora Rose about how much she hates science. I'm not sure why, considering science is her DREAM CAREER and all, but that's what she's doing...


In the front row, Rebecca Leeman (from rainbowflyer). In the back, we see Timothy Trottier (L) and Jordan Stone (R), both playable Sims of mine, modelling Simvanni's latest suit for fashionable men. Something like that, anyway.

Since Timothy and Jordan are both Romance Sims, naturally their minds both turn to the matter of who gets the girl. That is, Rebecca. These two losers can't appreciate the glory that is face seven.

Jordan wins! (Probably because he cheated and bedded her ahead of time...) Timothy consoles himself by telling Sarah a joke, but it's just not the same.

Sarah admires Rebecca. Rebecca replies, "Hell yeah, I'm the greatest! Feel free to bask in my magnificence."

No prizes for whoever guessed what the Romance Sims were doing.

It turns out that Rebecca, too, is a big admirer of space.

But ultimately, she ditches Sarah to go hang out with the other two. You welcome wagoners sure aren't very welcoming.

Sarah eats her lunch meat sandwich all alone.

Then she paints some more.

Timothy tried to start a tickle war with Jordan, but Jordan didn't appreciate it.

Sarah was forced to speak to Rebecca some more, but Rebecca didn't want to hear the story of how Sarah came to Acorn City by train. Oh, have a heart, Rebecca.

Luckily, the two share another great love: politics. They spent an eternity discussing the merits of peace, missiles and the occupants of the White House. However, that wasn't helping Sarah find a boyfriend, so politely we bid the welcome wagoners goodbye.

Welcome to Duck Lake Pond! Acorn City's best and greatest and only public park.

Here we stumble upon Cedric Leeman (also from rainbowflyer). He has brown hair. Sarah loves brown hair.

Consequently, Sarah loves Cedric.

They played chess long into the night. It seems to have been love at first sight for both parties. They had an incredibly long conversation in which neither Sarah nor Cedric disagreed with each other ONCE. They seemed to share ALL of the same interests! Cedric was even interested in the tale of how Sarah caught a train to Acorn City!

However, Cedric had to go home eventually. Sarah was feeling a bit peckish, so she grilled up some hot dogs for everybody. I'm not sure where she got the hot dogs from. I'm not sure I want to know.

Eventually Sarah made it back home again, and collapsed into bed.

She spent her night dreaming of several things. Firstly, herself. Secondly, the ultra-sexy Cedric. Thirdly, world peace. No, really. There was the little peace thought bubble, and then the world thought bubble, and I can connect the dots.

Sarah was woken up in the middle of the night by the realisation: holy crap, she didn't have a job yet! However, there was still nothing that appealed. And the situation was still not urgent. Even though it woke her up in the middle of the night.

So she... um... pulled faces at her monitor...

...and played some SSX3!

However, it was getting a bit difficult to take pictures of her -- my crappy laptop has this annoying tendency to make objects either "splat" or disappear entirely, and frustratingly this was happening to Sarah's hair. I figured it was probably too high-poly for my poor little laptop, and switched it out for something less intense. Sarah seemed to approve.

And hey, it doesn't make her look any less cute!

Sarah decided to treat Ugly Woman in Green to her cuteness. This meant she had to paint Ugly Woman in Green first.

She ate toaster pastry for breakfast that morning. She cooked it in the oven. Maybe that's just because she didn't own a toaster, but why's it still called "toaster pastry" then?

After breakfast, the phone rang.

It was Rebecca Leeman! Despite her common interests with Sarah being SPACE and POLITICS, they decided to discuss kissing in great detail.

After ending the conversation with Rebecca, Sarah invited Cedric over. She greeted him with a ferocious attack-snog, even though their only interaction to date has been a game of chess. You get treated to the attack-snog from this angle because I was trying to be artistic I was trying to disguise the fact that my crappy graphics made Sarah bald. Did it work?!

A similarly-angled shot of red hands!

... Guys? Don't think you're moving too fast at all? (They didn't, because they had three bolts. Ah.)

I'm sure you all know where this went. I don't need to spell it out for you, do I?

After that ACR-fuelled burst of passion, they kiss.

Sarah is feeling rather pleased about the whole thing. Perhaps she's amazed she had the boldness to do such a thing, considering she's a zero-point shy sim.

She caresses Cedric's face.

This prompts him to make out with her.

Then they eat lunch. Lunch meat sandwiches for all!

I think this is adorable.

And this. <3

After cleaning up, Sarah gives Cedric a back rub.

He appreciated this, which is good, because "Backrub" does fall under the "Appreciate..." menu item and all. In an aside, isn't Cedric pretty himself? I love his big eyes!

Well... you know what to do about it, surely?

If she does, she makes no sign of it. She's too distracted by Cedric's intelligent conversation.

And his funky dance moves.

We interrupt our regular programming with this breaking announcement: Chris Spicoli (of sukkamielli) has kicked over our rubbish bin. The motivation behind this act is still, as yet, unknown.

Let's cross now to Maya Piper (dothesmustle) to tell us more about the incident. Maya?

Maya: Is there any grilled cheese in there? Nope? Well, in that case, I'm going. See you, guys.

Returning to our regular programming, we find that Sarah has finally worked out what to do about her full bladder. However, Cedric followed her into the bathroom.

Cedric: You know how pretty you are when you sit on the toilet? :D :D
Sarah: Umm... okay...

Sarah: Well, thanks, I guess. :3

However, she then realised that she was really exhausted...

So, what would she do when exhausted but "toss football"?

It was cute, but she didn't get to play for long: I made her clean up the rubbish now strewn all over her front lawn (not to mention giving off noxious gases) and sent her to bed.

She wakes up bright and early the next morning, after a long and luxurious night of sleep.

The fact that she promptly decided to deal with her hunger made me think that Cedric may not be the right guy for her. Think about it. When she needed the toilet, Cedric regaled her with a story about genie lamps in Egypt or something. When she was about to pass out, Cedric asked if she wanted to play football with him. If she and Cedric marry, how will she survive? She functions much better on her own.

Let me retract all of that. Sarah, what do you think you just put in the oven? Ceramic earrings? No, you put your BREAKFAST in the oven. You don't HAVE to whinge about your hunger!

She realised this eventually -- and, amazingly, before her food burned.

Then she invited Cedric over again!

And, despite my misgivings, she asked him to move in. He accepted.

He's not rich, but please remember that Sarah still has the 5,000 Simoleons she didn't have to spend on her house. She doesn't need a rich guy.

...that's not how you celebrate your boyfriend moving in with you! D:

Thankfully, Cedric is undeterred.

That's a much better celebration!

Sarah goes to make lunch for them both, and Cedric demonstrates his utter lack of skill at dancing. That's okay; we love him anyway. Right?

Yes, Cedric, we did actually see that.

They eat lunch meat sandwiches again. I'm beginning to think that Sarah needs to add some recipes to her repertoire.

She'd rather develop her artistic talent, though.

Whoo! Isn't Cedric a dance floor superstar?

Yeah, Sarah, we all know what you're really looking through.

Cedric cooks dinner for them both. Mac and cheese! Sarah thinks it smells wonderful.

That is, until he burns it. Then she's just wondering how she can capture the moment in her next artwork.

However, Cedric resigns himself to serving the burnt macaroni anyway.

And Sarah... refuses to eat with him? As a ten nice-point Sim, shouldn't you be prepared to forgive and forget?

That's not quite what I meant, but I guess it works...

Their life seems to be pretty much idyllic at this point.

And then the job that Sarah wants finally appears in the newspaper. (The newspaper, and still not the computer. For all we know, the laboratory's been advertising this job in the newspaper all along and we just never knew because it gets stolen every single day!)

Look at the time the carpool arrives. Look at the time Sarah accepted the job. Look at the arrow I drew to make it easy for you guys to draw the connection. I'm not sure how she notified the lab that she accepted the position within one minute of seeing it, but hey, this is the Sims!

See? There's the carpool now!

Then Cedric decides to see if his dream job is there. He wants to be a doctor, by the way.

Oh wow, it is!

Since 7am is long gone, it looks like Cedric'll be home alone today.

He spends it studying cleaning. NOT kissing, as his thought bubble would seem to imply. I guess his mind's not really on the task at hand.

I gave up eventually and let him "practice romance" in the mirror. Since he wanted Charisma points, it makes sense, right?

When Sarah gets home from work, she also studies cleaning! She needs to for a promotion. And yes, my graphics are kind of giving up the ghost here. She doesn't really wear a monocle. Sorry. Only three more pictures to go!

Really, Cedric... if you don't want your girlfriend to read what you're writing, don't write it while sitting on the floor right next to her.

No, sitting right next to the other side of her won't work.

Finally she and he give up with their pursuits and disappear to bed. And I'm sure I heard jingle bells.

I hope you enjoyed! Comments would be very much appreciated -- especially if you have an idea as to how to make my graphics suck marginally less. But other comments would be appreciated, too.

the sprita legacy

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