So, again, it's been a while. The original plan was to wait until after I started playing the game again to post this update. The obvious issue with this plan is that, if you get so immersed in school work and novel-writing projects that you don't open your game for weeks on end... no new updates. In the end, I went, "Eh, if I keep waiting, no one will even remember this legacy when I update it." So have an update!
I don't really remember what happened last time because it wasn't very interesting. Scanning the entry, it seems like Julia and Narcissa got into a lot of fights. Then Julia became an adult and moved out! She'll be back, though. Not in this update, for very long, but she'll be back~ (you know, unless I never open my game again)
Einstein Dork (
katu_sims) grows up with her (they were friends from somewhere, IDK) and she puts the moves on him. ;) But they have negative chemistry, so uhhh...
...they do have negative chemistry, though! IDGI :(
Antonia kissed him and then she crushed on him, too. And then they went from having negative chemistry to having one bolt!! I really don't know, but I took advantage of the situation :P
TECHNICALLY, under the rules of a
pixel_trade challenge, I don't THINK Einstein is supposed to contribute to the bloodline. I'm allowed a maximum of two Sims per creator, and both the previous generation's heirs also bred with Dorks. BUT, I'm allowed to marry spares to whoever I want, and by this point I'd basically decided that Julia was going to be continuing the family line, so Antonia counted as a spare.
Clearly a more pressing issue, though, is that if Antonia's dad is a Dork, and she's now sleeping with a Dork, isn't that incestuous?
Antonia: Hmm, I'm feeling kind of pregnant after that meal.
No. Pretty sure she didn't.
...which doesn't mean that Antonia is on no drugs at all, of course. Look at those eyes! Scary!
I accelerated the pregnancy because (a) they're spares; (b) I wanna see baby noooooooowwwwww :(
It's a boy! Black hair, green eyes (first Sprita child born with a recessive eye colour, in fact), S2 skin. His name is Kevin. Generation six will have a "world leaders" naming theme, and where better to start than with my own country's annoying leader?
Kevin is lucky to have Claudia to care for him, even though he cuts through her head with his thought bubbles.
See, his own mother only juggles.
Then it's his birthday, AND LOOK!! Elf ears!
Front view. He's pretty cute and I started to regret my decision that these would be spares because come on, I mean, recessive eye colour, ELF EARS?? Oh well...
Cuon is an awesome granddad who potty trains the little one.
Kevin: And now, I'll attempt to play a song!
Kevin: *ding* Yay, it worked!
Kevin: *dingdingdingdingdingdingding* Eeeee!
Kevin: *chew* Hmm I don't hear anything...
the end of that brief spam :P
Judging by that salary, I'll guess that Therese is reeeeeeeally close to becoming a Rock God.
Until this came up. Of course I chose "Play Nice", because OBVIOUSLY, I expect karma to exist in these kinds of games
and then she got fired! I don't even understand how someone COULD sabotage a duet to make the OTHER PERSON look incompetent!
Then this made it 7586526872965 times worse. If she ACTUALLY GOT FIRED, then I could have her call work and plead for her job (hai FreeTime benefits). But if she got demoted back to the FIRST RUNG OF THE CAREER, that means she technically only got DEMOTED and therefore didn't lose a job to plead for. But she actually did because working all the way up to the top again? x_x
Who, me? Bitter? Why would you say that?
To make herself feel better, she invited 'round her partner, Trebuchet (Dork, also from
Kevin experiences the legacy toddler rite of passage: drinking from a mouldy bottle.
Then he vomits through his leg
and it is SUDDENLY DISCOVERED that, believe it or not, VOMIT IS STINKY!
A+, Kevin. With discoveries like that you'll be a great scientist in no time.
At least Cuon is proud of his little grandson. Actually, all this affection towards his grandchildren may explain his reputation:
I'm pretty sure he's the only Sprita with a reputation better than "Average Cabbage". I was actually surprised to see that Claudia's reputation is just as bad as Julia's. What has she been doing when I'm not watching??
It's Kevin's birthday again!
He is INCREDIBLY good-looking. I approve! He might actually be a mere clone of his dad, just with his mum's skin colour, but w/e, he's a spare so what does it matter anyway :P
A profile shot. So we can admire the ELF EARS. Squeee, elf ears! I haven't had a Sim born with elf ears before!
It's also Cuon's deathday :(
Well, at least those flowers around the Reaper's neck indicate that Cuon is happy, right? Even if his FACIAL EXPRESSION SEEMS TO INDICATE OTHERWISE >:|
Eponine: What is this racket?? How am I supposed to sleep?
Eponine: Someone's dead? Pah! I'll just make the bed.
Eponine: Oh wait... *sobsobsob*
Therese was upset too.
So was Antonia.
His namesake is a wee bit more subtle than that.
The next evening, the Grim Reaper comes for Eponine.
Adieu, Eponine. If only it were raining, I could make a Les Misérables referencee about how a little fall of rain can hardly hurt you now...
Antonia and Einstein fall in love, and promptly climb from one bolt of chemistry to TWO. I really don't know what's up with this.
Claudia was being a bitchface and wouldn't move away from the phone so other people could use it. >:O
htireiruyerenrueckf what is this shit? She has to own a PHONE for me to CALL HER? How can this be??
In defiance of my game I got her over there anyway :D
Antonia: Hai Julia! Have the remains of our ancestors and their portraits!
Julia: For ME?? Oh wow! No one ever gets me presents!
I went to play the other household and for some reason Marie is being Miss Scowlyfeatures :P
When I loaded the lot Narcissa was in aspiration failure :| She must've feared the death of a relative.
To emphasise her utter despair, Narcissa grins and dances. :?
I gave Lucia a makeover because her old hair was glitching like crazy. She looks cute :3
Actually, Lucia is adorable. It's such a pity she's boring as hell*, because seriously...!
* = once I reread this phrase I did wonder how much sense it actually made. I mean, of all the ways I could describe eternal torment, "boring" is not the first that comes to mind. "Agonising", maybe. "Unbearable", perhaps. But "boring"? No.
Donna: Greetings, great-grandchild! Have some aspiration points!
Lucia: For me? Do you mean it? :D
Oh, you are kidding me. Right?
(The answer is no.)
Narcissa's response to this unceremonious, unwelcome abduction is to stomp around and throw a hissy-fit about how horrible her life is, what with her D- average and her grandparents dying of old age and her intense enmity with her big sister Julia and now, her father being kidnapped by aliens.
Why do Knowledge Sims only ever roll this want AFTER someone's been abducted?? This also happened all the way back when Cedric, the generation one spouse, got abducted and it is really annoying. I mean, in all probability he's not going to get abducted a SECOND TIME for your sadistic pleasure, Lucia, so quit it with the wanting.
He's home! And, yes, pregnant.
Whyyyy does it have to be this way. He already has six kids, four of them adults. Couldn't he have been abducted EARLIER, so Marie could have birthed five kids instead of six?
I accelerated the pregnancy. This was going to be a nice picture of Geordi's first pop, but then he evidently popped in more ways than one. o_O
Not to worry -- he got better! :D And he gave himself a buzz cut, it seems.
Baby baby time~!
For fuck's sake Geordi, you are a failure of a Family Sim.
Here's the new baby! Even though this is the first update of gen. six, this baby is still technically part of gen. five (you know, like Fantine was for gens. 3/4) so he needs another Ancient Roman name. Only I couldn't think of any more Ancient Roman names ending in the -us suffix, so I named him Marc. You know, as in "Marc Antony". As soon as I closed the baby-naming window I realised I could have named him Marcus and given him an -us name after all.
Oh well. His name is Marc.
I know you're only three kids away now, BUT THE ANSWER IS NO.
Geordi: Ahhhhh I had another kiiiiiid how can this beeeeeeee? Family Sims don't have kids!
YES. THEY. DO. And it's your damn fault for stargazing all night long anyway. *I* sure as hell didn't tell you to do that.
This is where poor little Marcus got left while Geordi had his breakdown. On the cold bathroom tiles, between a toxic-fume-emitting toilet and a broken shower (not that you can see either of those, but I'm sure you can see the tiles). Poor kid.
Geordi: Eheheheheheh I have a plan! If I feed this accursed child spoilt milk, he may catch food poisoning and DIE!! Then I don't have to look at his ugly little green face any more!!!
That is not nice :<
Then Geordi places him carefully in front of the fridge, rendering this fridge completely inaccessible to everyone.
At this rate, you're going to be joining Zeke among the ranks of the prematurely dead spouses! DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!
Lucia: Julia, much as it pains me to give away this personal aspiration point generator ghost of mine, I'd like you to have the remains of our great-grandma...
Julia: Sweet, more presents! I'm not sure why everyone's obsessed with gifting me dead people, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
FINALLY, Lucia has the sense to liberate Marc from his prison in front of the fridge.
No sooner has she done so than it is TIME FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!! WHOOOOOOOO!
Lucia: Holy shit, sorry little dude, but I just realised there's a CAKE! Your birthday can wait 'til later, cos right now, I must GORGE MYSELF ON CAKE!!!
Attempt #2. For some reason, Octavia shaved her head for the occasion.
ADORABLE!! And look: more elf ears! :D
Unfortunately, Marc also seems determined to prove that alien genes do not produce super-smarts.
I decided it was time to get cracking on the six marriages Geordi needs before he can ~die happy~. To this end, Octavia greets her potential partner, Borris Darwin (
Apparently they hadn't kissed before. Oops.
Despite being a toddler, Marc remains a tiny bit neglected. As the stink clouds and the fact that no one is wresting him from the toilet indicate.
The next day, Lucia meets a hot (according to her) fireman on her balcony!! They have three bolts :)
They have an amazing dream date.
Although the fireman (whose name is Eric) decides not to be very HELPFUL and every single one of his wants is about finding a job that isn't being a fireman. Dude, if you hate it that much, you should have quit already! :|
Although come to think of it, Lucia isn't super-helpful either with her EPIC SCOWLS OF INTENSE DOOM every time she's told to do something romantic. Luckily I have macrotastics to do aaaaaaall the telling for me, and it doesn't care that she doesn't like it ;D
Thanks to macrotastics, that very evening they fall in love. And Eric moves in.
And she proposes engagement.
And he accepts. (And hilariously, neither of them is actually a Family Sim.)
Here he is, all cleaned up! Pretty damn smexy, if I say so myself. Who cares that he's face #9? He is hotttt. Except I guess now this neighbourhood needs a new fireman.
Octavia invites Borris over again, too.
And proposes.
Octavia: With his wealth, I'll never need to go hungry again!
Please, you have $300,000. Any starvation you may experience is your own choice.
Borris accepts her proposal!
But instantly regrets it.
Borris: Fuck, she was proposing marriage? I thought she was proposing a mutually non-exclusive friends with benefits relationship...
Yes, that's what happens when you live in your delusions of reality.
Luckily, Eric is having no such doubts.
Borris: I am a primitive! I understand that sharing my genes between multiple women is the best way to ensure their survival! Doc, you HAVE to get me out of this hopeless situation!!
Shrink: Ahh, young man, zis is a problem! Ve must be QVIET! Or else your future vife may hear!
Eric: You are a very bad woman, Marie! How dare you clog the toilet??
Me: Eric, your fiancée did that...
THIS is what I have to deal with. Sims bitching about their hunger all the time and never doing anything about it. >:|
One down, five to go as far as Geordi's LTW is concerned.
Marie LOVES primping!
Only right now, her primping is preventing the deliverywoman from delivering urgently-needed groceries.
Remember how these two were bitching about their hunger a couple of shots ago? Well, they are apparently SO STUPID that they sit at the two chairs WITHOUT food. :|
Finally Flavia grabbed a plate from elsewhere. But Borris was like, "Ewww, no, I couldn't do that! That'd be like stealing! And stealing is wrong!"
Narcissa grows up.
So does Flavia~
Oh yeah, and neglected alien child :D
Neglected alien child (that is, Marc*) is actually really cute.
* = in the "first-draft" captions I did, I actually called him Kevin :| What can I say... I really did neglect him? I'm not making that up?
Eric: PHWOAR, kiddo, your half-sister is HOTTTTT!
Borris, for some unfathomable reason, has something against coffee. No matter HOW tired he is, when I tell him to drink it, he takes about one sip then goes to clean the cup. Then bitches about exhaustion. YOUR OWN FAULT, DUDE.
To punish him, I made him marry Octavia. Which he had a fear of doing. Only, bizarrely, he didn't actually lose aspiration points for it. (And before you ask, I am 100% positive he didn't unroll the fear. I was LOOKING at his wants panel WHILE they were marrying. The fear did the glowing thing and then rolled away like it had been fulfilled, but there was no "-8,000" nor any lowering of his aspiration level.) So disappointing! I wanted to punish him for his hatred of coffee!
Then the married couples move out because the house is too full.
Here they are in front of their half-complete house. I ran out of money to complete it.
The first thing both couples do? They WooHoo!
Pregnancy acceleration time!
Meanwhile, these two go back for a second run. o_O
Baby time!
This is Gordon! Brown hair, brown eyes, alien skin :D
Annaliese Pie (
simsforaranya) steals their newspaper :(
Way to welcome them to the neighbourhood, you :|
Gordon's birthday!
The toddler Gordon. Then I was impatient and decided to age him up again, so...
Gordon as a child! Pretty cute :D I wish he'd inherited his dad's alien eyes, but eh, oh well. And lastly...
This is where Julia lives. :]
...or will live, because my game crashed after I moved her in and before I saved. >:O Still, when I open my game again...!
Thanks for reading! :D