Title: 20 Rules to Loving Xena Prompt: Rules Fandom: Gabrielle/Xena Rating: PG13 Disclaimer: If only they are mine, if only.... Author's Note: This is from Gabrielle's point of view.
Title/Prompt: First Kiss Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairing: Callie/Arizona Rating: PG13 Disclaimer: Not mine. Author's Note: Well, I was listening to the GA musical episode sound track so.... LOL
I seem to be in a mood for writing fics these days. Maybe because I've gotten my graphic-making satisfaction from 20in20 icon challenges (although I haven't actually managed to finish ALL that I've signed up for. Guilty of skipping 2 so far
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Title: Not a Roswell Grey Character(s): Samantha Carter, Janet Fraiser, Cassandra, Michael Guerin (Sam/Janet. Mentions of Isabel, Michael/Maria and Max/Liz) Prompt(s): Post-Apocalypse Fandom: SG-1/Roswell