Title: Cherry Lips (Or The Five Times The Doctor Fell Victim To The Lipstick)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairings: River Song/The Doctor (Background: Rory Pond, Amy Pond)
Rating: 12A?
Word Count: 792
Prompt: 'Your hallucinogenic lipstick doesn't work on me.' 'Oh, are you sure, honey?' by
coffee_mill for the
watch_them_run Doctor/River FicathonA/N: I struggled
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Comments 6
That’s hilarious! I can so see the Doctor grabbing and kissing her in surprise, only to end up a victim to the lipstick. Hah!
“Anesthetic Lipstick x2”
Now that I can really see. The only way to get the fool man to rest. Sneaky. Love it.
“She whispers against his ear, when she moves back to meet his gaze there's a trace of red on the lope where she kissed it teasingly.
Seven hours later he wakes with a slight headache. and if it weren't for the fact he is lying in a bush he recognizes as being in the Ponds back garden and the Scooby Doo costume he is, unfortunately, only half wearing, he wouldn't have realized anything was amiss.”
YES! Someone else thought of using the lipstick on something other than lips! (Sorry, but I’ve been waiting for that.) And the Scooby Doo costume. Oh yes. If ever a Doctor deserved a Scooby Doo costume it’s this one.
That was fun. Thank you for my first smile(s) of the day!
Seven hours later he wakes with a slight headache. and if it weren't for the fact he is lying in a bush he recognizes as being in the Ponds back garden and the Scooby Doo costume he is, unfortunately, only half wearing, he wouldn't have realized anything was amiss.
I was reading this fic during a lecture and when I read this part I let out something between snort and squeek. Quite loudly if I may add lol.
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