Title: The One Where Tegoshi Is A Demon
Running Time: 1:06:00
Size: 30.2 MB
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MFHosts: Jenny, Kami, and Rhey.
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Comments 11
And...Jin's gonna be in a drama? ._.;;
So to answer the question this week. This is going to be funny cause it really depends on what kind of fashion sense you follow. :P
Best-dressed list: Kimura Takuya (THE icon), Kamenashi Kazuya (he knows what looks good on him and what's not...except his hairstyle in the Queen of Pirates concert which was a total fail XD)
Worst-dressed list: Masuda Takahisa and Yasuda Shota (don't get me wrong I love them both but those pink pants has to go); Tackey & Tsubasa (the one they showed up in their own wardrobe in the Arashi concert tells you they really don't care about their image XD)
And I have no idea how to put Domoto Tsuyoshi..lol
I have listened earlier on my psp. I'm still halfway through listening right now... :D
btw... about some things,
(1) Inocchi! I think he'd still appear in the drama cause it was posted in the Johnny's Net V6 media already (http://www.johnnys-net.jp/j/artists/v6/media/_mediapop/popup.html#keishichou)
--- cause i post some v6 updates now and then and i did the inocchi news post.
(2) Okada! Hmmm... (http://newshfan.livejournal.com/19721.html) this is the part with the carpentry thingy right?? and another part whihc has other interesting interviews are in v6_unlimited i think :D
heehehehe.. just butting in a bit... hoping for more podcasts to come! XD
... sorry for spamming XDD
Sho's father is a goverment official. Politician. The reason why he studied in Keio University is probably because his father studied there. It was rumored that his family actually objected him from debuting but he proved them wrong by juggling university and work.
So for KAT-TUN, the Osaka set of cons is actually this weekend (May 29-31) and so far nothing has come from Jweb or any other related site about cancellations so I can only assume I'll be going as planned. A possible reason for the non-cancellation (so far) of the KAT-TUN con is that the fans are generally older than high school age. Japan is MUCH more concerned about high schoolers and younger getting flu and that's why there are school closings but not business closings. Also, when schools close, teachers still have to go to work.
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