[090] The One Where Takki Choked on a Frog

Dec 17, 2009 00:01

Date: 2009-12-13
Running Time: 1:01:38
Size: 28.2 MB
Download Links: MU | MF
Hosts: Peyton, Kami and Rhey

Streaming Audio: (Streaming will be down for a little longer, sorry guys!)

O P E N I N G ( 0 : 2 4 )

▪ OMG, Peyton liked something Arashi related! Watch to find the funny!
               ▪ "So something big happened. Peyton watched something Arashi related and actually enjoyed it." ::GASPS ALL AROUND::
               ▪ "Or maybe Aibu Saki's hair was the best part, I'm not sure."
               ▪ Mentaiko, octopus and... Hamada Brittany?! What do these three things have to do with each other?

N E W S ( 7 : 0 3 )

          ▪ Former Johnny's found guilty of drug charge [ 123 ]
               ▪ We digress a bit as we discuss how this is the consequence of Noripi's arrest some time ago (again). As well as how there's going to be a movie.

          ▪ KAT-TUN to appear on SMAPxSMAP [ 1 ]
               ▪ First of all, why are they going on? And what's this ~*~special project~*~?

          ▪ Hey! Hey! Hey!, Dec. 07 [ 12 ▪ 3 ]
               ▪ Arashi's back on Heyx3 for winning the award for getting 1-3 on the Oricon charts!
               ▪ "That feels like I'm being conned or something."
               ▪ Am I the only one who had a reaction of "omg, i totz missed the old Heyx3 sets!"

Takki & Tsubasa/Snow Prince Gasshoudan
          ▪ Takki and Shintarou on Bokura no Ongaku, Dec. 11
               ▪ "I cannot believe you just called a person chibi-shit. Wow, awesome. Please go on, I approve." XD
               ▪ Shintarou's story about how he got into Johnny's was fascinating and as I said it, "irregular."
               ▪ Takki ask Shintarou about how he works and lives with his big brother. Shintarou doesn't really care. lol
               ▪ The most important and best thing we learned in this interview? The monologue for Ai Kakumei? ALL JOHNNY'S FAULT.
               ▪ Performances-wise, Snow Prince Gasshoudan was a little too perfect while Takki... left a lot to be desired. lol

          ▪ Kanjani8 to appear on Domoto Kyoudai, Dec. 20 [ 1 ]
               ▪ Why has it been so long since another Johnny's group been on Domoto Kyoudai? D:
          ▪ Yokoyama on Arigatoutte Ittemita, Dec. 07 [ 1 ]
               ▪ Peyton starts this out praising Koumoto. Then we flail over his adorable kid who even sings along to NEWS' Summer time!
               ▪ "Uh, what did I do to the kid? I broke him."
               ▪ "I would've loved to be flaily about a little kid crying at the sight of Yoko." XD

          ▪ Hidarime Tantei Eye Commercial [ 12 ]
               ▪ The CM doesn't even come close to spoiling anyone who watches it. ~_~;; It's that short.

Hey!Say!JUMP/Johnny's Jr.
          ▪ Daiki, Hikaru, Fujigaya, Kitayama, and Tamamori on Shoku no Genjin! Hatsuharu Battle, Jan. 03 [ 1 ]
               ▪ A New Year show special! ...About a food battle?
               ▪ "That's still winter!" "Don't tell Japan that."

Snow Prince Gasshoudan
          ▪ PV, Making Of [ 12 ]
               ▪ Rhey really really wants the dog in the Snow Prince movie; Peyton advises Rhey to become the Snow Princess. XD
               ▪ We just liked the kids acting like kids and not trying to be all ~*~professional~*~ and whatnot.
               ▪ "Finally! Somebody we can actually say 'omg, this kid is twelve' and actually be right!"
          ▪ Single [ 12 ]
               ▪ I'm just really glad that they didn't bastardize "Claire de Lune" by Debussy." lol
               ▪ Snow Prince is just... nice. Bitter Moon is the surprise track of the single! We quite liked it.
               ▪ "Doggie!"

          ▪ NTV Best Artist 2009 Artist List [ 123 ]
          ▪ Music Station Super Live Artist List [ 12345 ]
               ▪ The biggest thing of any of these two is just the appearance of Hey!Say!JUMP on Music Station! omg, they're getting work!!!
          ▪ Yamato Nadeshiko Commercial [ 12 ]
               ▪ We think Uchi fits his role--he even went out of his way to change his look!
               ▪ Rhey and I are a little (snort) reluctant to see Kame as the main character: starting out with that hairstyle.
               ▪ lol then we digress into whether Rhey and my opinions should count. XDDDD

L E T T E R / Q U E S T I O N ( 4 6 : 4 6 )

▪ This week's question: What is your impression of Kanjani8's Kanfuu Fighting PV?
               ▪ Listener response from aralana. Only one listener response, guys? D:
               ▪ As for the hosts, Peyton and I are in the same boat: the PV just doesn't fit the song.
               ▪ While Rhey thinks more like aralana does! The catchy song makes up for the PV.
          ▪ Next week's question: What is your impression of KAT-TUN's Nakamaru Yuichi?

C L O S I N G ( 5 7 : 2 7 )

▪ Peyton waxes on NEWS' (kind of) Soukon! Tegoshi gets brattier in her eyes. Koyashige is disgustingly close (not that we didn't know that already). And more!

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letterseg: kanjani8, host: kami, host: peyton, host: rhey

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