по памятным местам

Aug 11, 2014 16:56

Я как-то рассказывал историю про преемственность поколений. "Weg" по-голландски будет "путь" или "дорога", это вам запомнится легко. Так вот, этим путём я прохожу из отеля на конференцию и обратно.

А вот те самые семинары:

Ehrenfest demanded clarity, and if the speaker did not provide it himself, he would be helped by pointed questions or explicit suggestions and reformulations. Visiting speakers would be advised: "Bear in mind that we know little, but we understand quickly." He had no fear of asking "stupid questions," and encouraged others to ask them too. "If I've understood it, then so has everyone else," Ehrenfest would say. He would not let a speaker address himself only to the best informed members of the audience. The colloquium was a place for students to learn, and speakers had to recognize that. On an occasion when Werner Heisenberg was talking, Ehrenfest interrupted to say: "No, no. You have to make it clear to me, not to Pauli". George Uhlenbeck captured the spirit of the colloquium in a sentence: "It was an educational experience (sometimes a bit painful if you were the speaker) to hear Ehrenfest summarize the discussion and often the whole talk, so that finally everybody, the speaker included, understood what it was all about".
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