character quiz

Dec 07, 2015 11:01

OUr school district is HUGE on "character education", so they just sent out this character strengths quiz that we are all going to take in our classes, and the teachers were supposed to take it first and share it with our students. I thought it was amusing, so I decided to share the link with you guys too: Read more... )

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Comments 19

ktlovely December 7 2015, 18:15:03 UTC
This was really interesting! I took the quiz for funsies...I feel like their idea of spirituality was heavily geared toward a typical 'religion' mindset, or having a set of beliefs that you rely on in times of stress or trouble. Self regulation was my worst one! Zest was pretty far down, too. We can drag ass an be unregulated together!


jenthompson December 7 2015, 18:56:19 UTC
lol! I think that's why I like you so much. I have a huge aversion to "zesty" people! ;)

And I agree about the spirituality thing, so thank-you for saying that. I'm almost embarrassed to share my results with my coworkers because I'm afraid they will judge me harshly on that one. They all have spirituality in their top 5, and I'm worried that they are going to think I'm a bad person because I scored so low on that one. But as an agnostic/UU person, my spirituality is almost indistinguishable from my top 5 character traits - especially #1. I have a huge appreciation of the divine and see it in everything in the world around me. I just don't approach spiritual matters in the same way traditionally religious people do.


bauhausfrau December 7 2015, 20:17:23 UTC
jenthompson December 7 2015, 18:59:58 UTC
BTW - what was your top trait? I would guess that honesty and bravery would be high for you!


bauhausfrau December 7 2015, 20:20:33 UTC
jenthompson December 8 2015, 02:39:40 UTC
Oh yeah - I can definitely see the gratitude trait in you! I love that we have so many similar results! :)


christylee December 7 2015, 20:59:58 UTC
LMAO.. here's mine!

Top 5
1 Love of learning
2 Perseverance
3 Judgment
4 Love
5 Humor

Bottom 5
20 Gratitude
21 Prudence
22 Teamwork
23 Social Intelligence
24 Spirituality


jenthompson December 8 2015, 02:33:44 UTC
Yep! I knew there was a reason why I liked you so much! ;)


tavariel December 7 2015, 21:36:45 UTC
Wow, this could totally be me. I especially adore your top trait! What a beautiful phrase that is!

Are you interested in Myers-Briggs at all? After reading this list, I suspect you might be an INFP like me. :)


jenthompson December 8 2015, 02:29:55 UTC
Yep! I'm an INFP too. Although occasionally I get an INTP. I'm pretty even on those.

We totally need o hang out in real life sometime! ;)


padawansguide December 9 2015, 05:24:16 UTC
How fun that you are the same! I'm ENFJ. :-)


llyrafantasyfae December 8 2015, 08:42:09 UTC
This is such an interesting little quiz. My results:
2 creativity
3. Judgement
4. Prudence
5. Kindness
6. Gratitude
6. Appreciation of beauty and excellence
I can't argue with any of those. Some of them are traits I highly value. I had to read the prudence one though, because I'm not a prude!!!! But if that's the definition, then I guess I am.
19 Zest- I half agree with this one. I don't always wake with excitement for life. But I never do anything half heartedly. I'm an all or nothing kind of gal.
20 Humility- hrmmmnm would of thought this would be higher but I was thinking about my costuming on some of them and nope I do want people to know I did such and such.... So maybe I'm not that humble. 😕
21 Social intelligence- socially awkward and social anxiety.... This one makes sense
22 Forgiveness- I'm a horrible grudge holder. Sadly Can't deny this one
23Self regulation- did you say chocolate? yea...... No argument


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