Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays ever! You have become a dear friend since I slicked up that floor and then jacked up one side, thus dumping you unceremoniously into the Lost kingdom crossing from the Caribbean to sail the waters of the South Pacific. I'm awfully glad you are here, dear, and so is a certain Scot, who just breezed by and
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Comments 13
Thank you thank you!! You are a complete and total darling and I adore this! Am beyond words. There are so many lovely bits (and am determined not to miss a one)! But, *points at icon* see my new pretty? A little bird told me you had something to do with that as well. *g* Have you looked at this entry in your journal and noticed them gazing at each other at the top? Did you plan that?
He surfaced from oblivion, lying flat on his back in the street, arms flung out like Christ on the Cross, with the stillness of dawn wrapped around him.
I love this image, the sadness and beauty of it (and it makes me think of the two pics we were discussing a few days ago - drunk and barefoot by the fire the night the Elizabeth returned to the Island, and the one at the barbeque). "Surfaced from oblivion" and "stillness of dawn wrapped around him" are gorgeous. Am delighted that you mentioned the rope belt (as he did), highlighting the image of throwing a rope to someone who is drowning.
but back he was, and she was there, behaving ( ... )
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy that you like this angst filled little ficlet. It gave me fits and starts, and it didn't end up the way I wanted it to, but if you like it, then that is good. As I said to you earlier today, the way Des keeps turning up flat on his back after these "events" really hit home after his comment to Baby Ruth about meeting Father Campbell. Combined with that shot of him in his flat, covered in paint, (which came from a can that almost said FUTURE) and our all-time favorite shot of nekkid Des on the jungle floor - it just begged to be looked at ( ... )
desmond!!! with sawyer!!! wee!!!
hey hey hey babe!!! less than 2 weeks! *happy dance*
Thanks, darlin', I'm so happy to hear that you like the pairing! Wanna know why? (whispers... Cause hendercats and I are starting a little comm very soon which will feature nothing but those two. I hope you will be one of our regular readers when we open up shop!)
Doing a bit of ongoing fandom de-lurking: as a long-time sideline admirer of your fic, may I friend?
Desmond has always held that vague religious quality in my mind, from the bed of "palm fronds" that he woke up on in the jungle (after he turned the key) to the paint spattered position in his flat, to the ultimate vision, as told to Ruth (of all Biblical names)of waking in the street and looking up at Brother Campbell. Then they go and name his rescuer "Naomi". Who knew CC & DL were so religious!
Would be delighted to be friended! Thank you so much for 'coming out' and making such a wonderful comment!
like Christ on the Cross ... the resemblance can be quite unnerving. :-)
Speaking of loves... Your icon? *Squee!* Must alert Deb to is - she'll bust a gut!
He surfaced from oblivion, lying flat on his back in the street, arms flung out like Christ on the Cross, with the stillness of dawn wrapped around him. That's a great beginning, very evocative.
He had fulfilled his destiny, and in doing so, had sacrificed the only thing that he had ever really wanted. Oh, Des...
He was dozing on the floor of a cave, flat on his back with his arms thrown wide, but for the first time he knew exactly how he had gotten there, what had come before and what would come after. He didn't know from flashes forward or back, he knew from here and now. I just really like the phrasings here :-)
Thank you for singling out those passages - I was especially fond of the opening image and of the last as well. Thanks for drawing them out again! *hugs*
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